blob: be55d4ff8f26e4efef56bf9d2dae3905770c1d69 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef PLATFORM_H
#define PLATFORM_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "base.h"
#include "pdr.h"
/* Maximum size for request */
/* Response lengths are inclusive of completion code */
/* Minimum response length */
/* Minimum length for PLDM PlatformEventMessage request */
/* Minumum length of senson event data */
/* Minimum length of data for pldmPDRRepositoryChgEvent */
enum pldm_effecter_data_size {
enum pldm_range_field_format {
enum set_request { PLDM_NO_CHANGE = 0x00, PLDM_REQUEST_SET = 0x01 };
enum effecter_state { PLDM_INVALID_VALUE = 0xFF };
enum sensor_operational_state {
ENABLED = 0x00,
DISABLED = 0x01,
FAILED = 0x04,
INTEST = 0x07
enum present_state {
UNKNOWN = 0x0,
NORMAL = 0x01,
WARNING = 0x02,
CRITICAL = 0x03,
FATAL = 0x04,
enum pldm_sensor_event_message_enable {
enum pldm_effecter_oper_state {
enum pldm_platform_commands {
PLDM_GET_PDR = 0x51,
/** @brief PLDM PDR types
enum pldm_pdr_types {
/** @brief PLDM effecter initialization schemes
enum pldm_effecter_init {
/** @brief PLDM Platform M&C completion codes
enum pldm_platform_completion_codes {
/** @brief PLDM Event types
enum pldm_event_types {
/** @brief PLDM sensorEventClass states
enum sensor_event_class_states {
/** @brief PLDM sensor supported states
enum pldm_sensor_operational_state {
/** @brief PLDM pldmPDRRepositoryChgEvent class eventData format
enum pldm_pdr_repository_chg_event_data_format {
/** @brief PLDM pldmPDRRepositoryChgEvent class changeRecord format
* eventDataOperation
enum pldm_pdr_repository_chg_event_change_record_event_data_operation {
/** @brief PLDM NumericSensorStatePresentReading data type
enum pldm_sensor_readings_data_type {
/** @brief PLDM PlatformEventMessage response status
enum pldm_platform_event_status {
/** @struct pldm_pdr_hdr
* Structure representing PLDM common PDR header
struct pldm_pdr_hdr {
uint32_t record_handle;
uint8_t version;
uint8_t type;
uint16_t record_change_num;
uint16_t length;
} __attribute__((packed));
/** @struct pldm_pdr_entity_association
* Structure representing PLDM Entity Association PDR
struct pldm_pdr_entity_association {
uint16_t container_id;
uint8_t association_type;
pldm_entity container;
uint8_t num_children;
pldm_entity children[1];
} __attribute__((packed));
/** @struct pldm_pdr_fru_record_set
* Structure representing PLDM FRU record set PDR
struct pldm_pdr_fru_record_set {
uint16_t terminus_handle;
uint16_t fru_rsi;
uint16_t entity_type;
uint16_t entity_instance_num;
uint16_t container_id;
} __attribute__((packed));
/** @struct pldm_state_sensor_pdr
* Structure representing PLDM state sensor PDR
struct pldm_state_sensor_pdr {
struct pldm_pdr_hdr hdr;
uint16_t terminus_handle;
uint16_t sensor_id;
uint16_t entity_type;
uint16_t entity_instance;
uint16_t container_id;
uint8_t sensor_init;
bool8_t sensor_auxiliary_names_pdr;
uint8_t composite_sensor_count;
uint8_t possible_states[1];
} __attribute__((packed));
/** @struct state_sensor_possible_states
* Structure representing state enums for state sensor
struct state_sensor_possible_states {
uint16_t state_set_id;
uint8_t possible_states_size;
bitfield8_t states[1];
} __attribute__((packed));
/** @struct pldm_state_effecter_pdr
* Structure representing PLDM state effecter PDR
struct pldm_state_effecter_pdr {
struct pldm_pdr_hdr hdr;
uint16_t terminus_handle;
uint16_t effecter_id;
uint16_t entity_type;
uint16_t entity_instance;
uint16_t container_id;
uint16_t effecter_semantic_id;
uint8_t effecter_init;
bool8_t has_description_pdr;
uint8_t composite_effecter_count;
uint8_t possible_states[1];
} __attribute__((packed));
/** @brief Encode PLDM state sensor PDR
* @param[in/out] sensor Structure to encode. All members of
* sensor, except those mentioned in the @note below, should be initialized by
* the caller.
* @param[in] allocation_size Size of sensor allocation in bytes
* @param[in] possible_states Possible sensor states
* @param[in] possible_states_size Size of possible sensor states in bytes
* @param[out] actual_size Size of sensor PDR. Set to 0 on error.
* @return int pldm_completion_codes
* @note The sensor parameter will be encoded in place.
* @note Caller is responsible for allocation of the sensor parameter. Caller
* must allocate enough space for the base structure and the
* sensor->possible_states array, otherwise the function will fail.
* @note sensor->hdr.length, .type, and .version will be set appropriately.
int encode_state_sensor_pdr(
struct pldm_state_sensor_pdr *sensor, size_t allocation_size,
const struct state_sensor_possible_states *possible_states,
size_t possible_states_size, size_t *actual_size);
/** @union union_effecter_data_size
* The bit width and format of reading and threshold values that the effecter
* returns.
* Refer to: DSP0248_1.2.0: 28.11 Table 87
typedef union {
uint8_t value_u8;
int8_t value_s8;
uint16_t value_u16;
int16_t value_s16;
uint32_t value_u32;
int32_t value_s32;
} union_effecter_data_size;
/** @union union_range_field_format
* Indicates the format used for the nominalValue, normalMax, and normalMin
* fields.
* Refer to: DSP0248_1.2.0: 28.11 Table 87
typedef union {
uint8_t value_u8;
int8_t value_s8;
uint16_t value_u16;
int16_t value_s16;
uint32_t value_u32;
int32_t value_s32;
real32_t value_f32;
} union_range_field_format;
/** @struct pldm_numeric_effecter_value_pdr
* Structure representing PLDM numeric effecter value PDR
struct pldm_numeric_effecter_value_pdr {
struct pldm_pdr_hdr hdr;
uint16_t terminus_handle;
uint16_t effecter_id;
uint16_t entity_type;
uint16_t entity_instance;
uint16_t container_id;
uint16_t effecter_semantic_id;
uint8_t effecter_init;
bool8_t effecter_auxiliary_names;
uint8_t base_unit;
int8_t unit_modifier;
uint8_t rate_unit;
uint8_t base_oem_unit_handle;
uint8_t aux_unit;
int8_t aux_unit_modifier;
uint8_t aux_rate_unit;
uint8_t aux_oem_unit_handle;
bool8_t is_linear;
uint8_t effecter_data_size;
real32_t resolution;
real32_t offset;
uint16_t accuracy;
uint8_t plus_tolerance;
uint8_t minus_tolerance;
real32_t state_transition_interval;
real32_t transition_interval;
union_effecter_data_size max_set_table;
union_effecter_data_size min_set_table;
uint8_t range_field_format;
bitfield8_t range_field_support;
union_range_field_format nominal_value;
union_range_field_format normal_max;
union_range_field_format normal_min;
union_range_field_format rated_max;
union_range_field_format rated_min;
} __attribute__((packed));
/** @struct state_effecter_possible_states
* Structure representing state enums for state effecter
struct state_effecter_possible_states {
uint16_t state_set_id;
uint8_t possible_states_size;
bitfield8_t states[1];
} __attribute__((packed));
/** @brief Encode PLDM state effecter PDR
* @param[in/out] effecter Structure to encode. All members of
* effecter, except those mentioned in
* the @note below, should be initialized
* by the caller.
* @param[in] allocation_size Size of effecter allocation in bytes
* @param[in] possible_states Possible effecter states
* @param[in] possible_states_size Size of possible effecter states in
* bytes
* @param[out] actual_size Size of effecter PDR. Set to 0 on
* error.
* @return int pldm_completion_codes
* @note The effecter parameter will be encoded in place.
* @note Caller is responsible for allocation of the effecter parameter. Caller
* must allocate enough space for the base structure and the
* effecter->possible_states array, otherwise the function will fail.
* @note effecter->hdr.length, .type, and .version will be set appropriately.
int encode_state_effecter_pdr(
struct pldm_state_effecter_pdr *effecter, size_t allocation_size,
const struct state_effecter_possible_states *possible_states,
size_t possible_states_size, size_t *actual_size);
/** @struct set_effecter_state_field
* Structure representing a stateField in SetStateEffecterStates command */
typedef struct state_field_for_state_effecter_set {
uint8_t set_request; //!< Whether to change the state
uint8_t effecter_state; //!< Expected state of the effecter
} __attribute__((packed)) set_effecter_state_field;
/** @struct get_sensor_readings_field
* Structure representing a stateField in GetStateSensorReadings command */
typedef struct state_field_for_get_state_sensor_readings {
uint8_t sensor_op_state; //!< The state of the sensor itself
uint8_t present_state; //!< Return a state value
uint8_t previous_state; //!< The state that the presentState was entered
//! from. This must be different from the
//! present state
uint8_t event_state; //!< Return a state value from a PLDM State Set
//! that is associated with the sensor
} __attribute__((packed)) get_sensor_state_field;
/** @struct PLDM_SetStateEffecterStates_Request
* Structure representing PLDM set state effecter states request.
struct pldm_set_state_effecter_states_req {
uint16_t effecter_id;
uint8_t comp_effecter_count;
set_effecter_state_field field[8];
} __attribute__((packed));
/** @struct pldm_get_pdr_resp
* structure representing GetPDR response packet
* transfer CRC is not part of the structure and will be
* added at the end of last packet in multipart transfer
struct pldm_get_pdr_resp {
uint8_t completion_code;
uint32_t next_record_handle;
uint32_t next_data_transfer_handle;
uint8_t transfer_flag;
uint16_t response_count;
uint8_t record_data[1];
} __attribute__((packed));
/** @struct pldm_get_pdr_req
* structure representing GetPDR request packet
struct pldm_get_pdr_req {
uint32_t record_handle;
uint32_t data_transfer_handle;
uint8_t transfer_op_flag;
uint16_t request_count;
uint16_t record_change_number;
} __attribute__((packed));
/** @struct pldm_set_numeric_effecter_value_req
* structure representing SetNumericEffecterValue request packet
struct pldm_set_numeric_effecter_value_req {
uint16_t effecter_id;
uint8_t effecter_data_size;
uint8_t effecter_value[1];
} __attribute__((packed));
/** @struct pldm_get_state_sensor_readings_req
* Structure representing PLDM get state sensor readings request.
struct pldm_get_state_sensor_readings_req {
uint16_t sensor_id;
bitfield8_t sensor_rearm;
uint8_t reserved;
} __attribute__((packed));
/** @struct pldm_get_state_sensor_readings_resp
* Structure representing PLDM get state sensor readings response.
struct pldm_get_state_sensor_readings_resp {
uint8_t completion_code;
uint8_t comp_sensor_count;
get_sensor_state_field field[1];
} __attribute__((packed));
/** @struct pldm_sensor_event
* structure representing sensorEventClass
struct pldm_sensor_event_data {
uint16_t sensor_id;
uint8_t sensor_event_class_type;
uint8_t event_class[1];
} __attribute__((packed));
/** @struct pldm_state_sensor_state
* structure representing sensorEventClass for stateSensorState
struct pldm_sensor_event_state_sensor_state {
uint8_t sensor_offset;
uint8_t event_state;
uint8_t previous_event_state;
} __attribute__((packed));
/** @struct pldm_sensor_event_numeric_sensor_state
* structure representing sensorEventClass for stateSensorState
struct pldm_sensor_event_numeric_sensor_state {
uint8_t event_state;
uint8_t previous_event_state;
uint8_t sensor_data_size;
uint8_t present_reading[1];
} __attribute__((packed));
/** @struct pldm_sensor_event_sensor_op_state
* structure representing sensorEventClass for SensorOpState
struct pldm_sensor_event_sensor_op_state {
uint8_t present_op_state;
uint8_t previous_op_state;
} __attribute__((packed));
/** @struct pldm_platform_event_message_req
* structure representing PlatformEventMessage command request data
struct pldm_platform_event_message_req {
uint8_t format_version;
uint8_t tid;
uint8_t event_class;
uint8_t event_data[1];
} __attribute__((packed));
/** @struct pldm_platform_event_message_response
* structure representing PlatformEventMessage command response data
struct pldm_platform_event_message_resp {
uint8_t completion_code;
uint8_t platform_event_status;
} __attribute__((packed));
/** @struct pldm_pdr_repository_chg_event_data
* structure representing pldmPDRRepositoryChgEvent class eventData
struct pldm_pdr_repository_chg_event_data {
uint8_t event_data_format;
uint8_t number_of_change_records;
uint8_t change_records[1];
} __attribute__((packed));
/** @struct pldm_pdr_repository_chg_event_change_record_data
* structure representing pldmPDRRepositoryChgEvent class eventData's change
* record data
struct pldm_pdr_repository_change_record_data {
uint8_t event_data_operation;
uint8_t number_of_change_entries;
uint32_t change_entry[1];
} __attribute__((packed));
/** @struct pldm_get_numeric_effecter_value_req
* structure representing GetNumericEffecterValue request packet
struct pldm_get_numeric_effecter_value_req {
uint16_t effecter_id;
} __attribute__((packed));
/** @struct pldm_get_numeric_effecter_value_resp
* structure representing GetNumericEffecterValue response packet
struct pldm_get_numeric_effecter_value_resp {
uint8_t completion_code;
uint8_t effecter_data_size;
uint8_t effecter_oper_state;
uint8_t pending_and_present_values[1];
} __attribute__((packed));
/** @struct pldm_get_sensor_reading_req
* Structure representing PLDM get sensor reading request
struct pldm_get_sensor_reading_req {
uint16_t sensor_id;
bool8_t rearm_event_state;
} __attribute__((packed));
/** @struct pldm_get_sensor_reading_resp
* Structure representing PLDM get sensor reading response
struct pldm_get_sensor_reading_resp {
uint8_t completion_code;
uint8_t sensor_data_size;
uint8_t sensor_operational_state;
uint8_t sensor_event_message_enable;
uint8_t present_state;
uint8_t previous_state;
uint8_t event_state;
uint8_t present_reading[1];
} __attribute__((packed));
/* Responder */
/* SetNumericEffecterValue */
/** @brief Decode SetNumericEffecterValue request data
* @param[in] msg - Request message
* @param[in] payload_length - Length of request message payload
* @param[out] effecter_id - used to identify and access the effecter
* @param[out] effecter_data_size - The bit width and format of the setting
* value for the effecter.
* value:{uint8,sint8,uint16,sint16,uint32,sint32}
* @param[out] effecter_value - The setting value of numeric effecter being
* requested.
* @return pldm_completion_codes
int decode_set_numeric_effecter_value_req(const struct pldm_msg *msg,
size_t payload_length,
uint16_t *effecter_id,
uint8_t *effecter_data_size,
uint8_t *effecter_value);
/** @brief Create a PLDM response message for SetNumericEffecterValue
* @param[in] instance_id - Message's instance id
* @param[in] completion_code - PLDM completion code
* @param[out] msg - Message will be written to this
* @param[in] payload_length - Length of request message payload
* @return pldm_completion_codes
* @note Caller is responsible for memory alloc and dealloc of param
* 'msg.body.payload'
int encode_set_numeric_effecter_value_resp(uint8_t instance_id,
uint8_t completion_code,
struct pldm_msg *msg,
size_t payload_length);
/* SetStateEffecterStates */
/** @brief Create a PLDM response message for SetStateEffecterStates
* @param[in] instance_id - Message's instance id
* @param[in] completion_code - PLDM completion code
* @param[out] msg - Message will be written to this
* @return pldm_completion_codes
* @note Caller is responsible for memory alloc and dealloc of param
* 'msg.body.payload'
int encode_set_state_effecter_states_resp(uint8_t instance_id,
uint8_t completion_code,
struct pldm_msg *msg);
/** @brief Decode SetStateEffecterStates request data
* @param[in] msg - Request message
* @param[in] payload_length - Length of request message payload
* @param[out] effecter_id - used to identify and access the effecter
* @param[out] comp_effecter_count - number of individual sets of effecter
* information. Upto eight sets of state effecter info can be accessed
* for a given effecter.
* @param[out] field - each unit is an instance of the stateFileld structure
* that is used to set the requested state for a particular effecter
* within the state effecter. This field holds the starting address of
* the stateField values. The user is responsible to allocate the
* memory prior to calling this command. Since the state field count is
* not known in advance, the user should allocate the maximum size
* always, which is 8 in number.
* @return pldm_completion_codes
int decode_set_state_effecter_states_req(const struct pldm_msg *msg,
size_t payload_length,
uint16_t *effecter_id,
uint8_t *comp_effecter_count,
set_effecter_state_field *field);
/* GetPDR */
/** @brief Create a PLDM response message for GetPDR
* @param[in] instance_id - Message's instance id
* @param[in] completion_code - PLDM completion code
* @param[in] next_record_hndl - The recordHandle for the PDR that is next in
* the PDR Repository
* @param[in] next_data_transfer_hndl - A handle that identifies the next
* portion of the PDR data to be transferred, if any
* @param[in] transfer_flag - Indicates the portion of PDR data being
* transferred
* @param[in] resp_cnt - The number of recordData bytes returned in this
* response
* @param[in] record_data - PDR data bytes of length resp_cnt
* @param[in] transfer_crc - A CRC-8 for the overall PDR. This is present only
* in the last part of a PDR being transferred
* @param[out] msg - Message will be written to this
* @return pldm_completion_codes
* @note Caller is responsible for memory alloc and dealloc of param
* 'msg.payload'
int encode_get_pdr_resp(uint8_t instance_id, uint8_t completion_code,
uint32_t next_record_hndl,
uint32_t next_data_transfer_hndl, uint8_t transfer_flag,
uint16_t resp_cnt, const uint8_t *record_data,
uint8_t transfer_crc, struct pldm_msg *msg);
/** @brief Decode GetPDR request data
* @param[in] msg - Request message
* @param[in] payload_length - Length of request message payload
* @param[out] record_hndl - The recordHandle value for the PDR to be retrieved
* @param[out] data_transfer_hndl - Handle used to identify a particular
* multipart PDR data transfer operation
* @param[out] transfer_op_flag - Flag to indicate the first or subsequent
* portion of transfer
* @param[out] request_cnt - The maximum number of record bytes requested
* @param[out] record_chg_num - Used to determine whether the PDR has changed
* while PDR transfer is going on
* @return pldm_completion_codes
int decode_get_pdr_req(const struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length,
uint32_t *record_hndl, uint32_t *data_transfer_hndl,
uint8_t *transfer_op_flag, uint16_t *request_cnt,
uint16_t *record_chg_num);
/* GetStateSensorReadings */
/** @brief Decode GetStateSensorReadings request data
* @param[in] msg - Request message
* @param[in] payload_length - Length of request message payload
* @param[out] sensor_id - used to identify and access the simple or composite
* sensor
* @param[out] sensor_rearm - Each bit location in this field corresponds to a
* particular sensor within the state sensor, where bit [0] corresponds
* to the first state sensor (sensor offset 0) and bit [7] corresponds
* to the eighth sensor (sensor offset 7), sequentially.
* @param[out] reserved - value: 0x00
* @return pldm_completion_codes
int decode_get_state_sensor_readings_req(const struct pldm_msg *msg,
size_t payload_length,
uint16_t *sensor_id,
bitfield8_t *sensor_rearm,
uint8_t *reserved);
/** @brief Encode GetStateSensorReadings response data
* @param[in] instance_id - Message's instance id
* @param[in] completion_code - PLDM completion code
* @param[out] comp_sensor_count - The number of individual sets of sensor
* information that this command accesses
* @param[out] field - Each stateField is an instance of a stateField structure
* that is used to return the present operational state setting and the
* present state and event state for a particular set of sensor
* information contained within the state sensor
* @param[out] msg - Message will be written to this
* @return pldm_completion_codes
int encode_get_state_sensor_readings_resp(uint8_t instance_id,
uint8_t completion_code,
uint8_t comp_sensor_count,
get_sensor_state_field *field,
struct pldm_msg *msg);
/* GetNumericEffecterValue */
/** @brief Decode GetNumericEffecterValue request data
* @param[in] msg - Request message
* @param[in] payload_length - Length of request message payload
* @param[out] effecter_id - used to identify and access the effecter
* @return pldm_completion_codes
int decode_get_numeric_effecter_value_req(const struct pldm_msg *msg,
size_t payload_length,
uint16_t *effecter_id);
/** @brief Create a PLDM response message for GetNumericEffecterValue
* @param[in] instance_id - Message's instance id
* @param[in] completion_code - PLDM completion code
* @param[in] effecter_data_size - The bit width and format of the setting
* value for the effecter.
* value:{uint8,sint8,uint16,sint16,uint32,sint32}
* @param[in] effecter_oper_state - The state of the effecter itself
* @param[in] pending_value - The pending numeric value setting of the
* effecter. The effecterDataSize field indicates the number of
* bits used for this field
* @param[in] present_value - The present numeric value setting of the
* effecter. The effecterDataSize indicates the number of bits
* used for this field
* @param[out] msg - Message will be written to this
* @param[in] payload_length - Length of request message payload
* @return pldm_completion_codes
* @note Caller is responsible for memory alloc and dealloc of param
* 'msg.payload'
int encode_get_numeric_effecter_value_resp(
uint8_t instance_id, uint8_t completion_code, uint8_t effecter_data_size,
uint8_t effecter_oper_state, uint8_t *pending_value, uint8_t *present_value,
struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length);
/* GetSensorReading */
/** @brief Decode GetSensorReading request data
* @param[in] msg - Request message
* @param[in] payload_length - Length of request message payload
* @param[out] sensor_id - A handle that is used to identify and access
* the sensor
* @param[out] rearm_event_state - true = manually re-arm EventState after
* responding to this request, false = no manual re-arm
* @return pldm_completion_codes
int decode_get_sensor_reading_req(const struct pldm_msg *msg,
size_t payload_length, uint16_t *sensor_id,
bool8_t *rearm_event_state);
/** @brief Encode GetSensorReading response data
* @param[in] instance_id - Message's instance id
* @param[in] completion_code - PLDM completion code
* @param[out] sensor_data_size - The bit width and format of reading and
* threshold values
* @param[out] sensor_operational_state - The state of the sensor itself
* @param[out] sensor_event_message_enable - value: { noEventGeneration,
* eventsDisabled, eventsEnabled, opEventsOnlyEnabled,
* stateEventsOnlyEnabled }
* @param[out] present_state - The most recently assessed state value monitored
* by the sensor
* @param[out] previous_state - The state that the presentState was entered
* from
* @param[out] event_state - Indicates which threshold crossing assertion
* events have been detected
* @param[out] present_reading - The present value indicated by the sensor
* @param[out] msg - Message will be written to this
* @param[in] payload_length - Length of request message payload
* @return pldm_completion_codes
int encode_get_sensor_reading_resp(
uint8_t instance_id, uint8_t completion_code, uint8_t sensor_data_size,
uint8_t sensor_operational_state, uint8_t sensor_event_message_enable,
uint8_t present_state, uint8_t previous_state, uint8_t event_state,
uint8_t *present_reading, struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length);
/* Requester */
/* GetPDR */
/** @brief Create a PLDM request message for GetPDR
* @param[in] instance_id - Message's instance id
* @param[in] record_hndl - The recordHandle value for the PDR to be retrieved
* @param[in] data_transfer_hndl - Handle used to identify a particular
* multipart PDR data transfer operation
* @param[in] transfer_op_flag - Flag to indicate the first or subsequent
* portion of transfer
* @param[in] request_cnt - The maximum number of record bytes requested
* @param[in] record_chg_num - Used to determine whether the PDR has changed
* while PDR transfer is going on
* @param[out] msg - Message will be written to this
* @param[in] payload_length - Length of request message payload
* @return pldm_completion_codes
* @note Caller is responsible for memory alloc and dealloc of param
* 'msg.payload'
int encode_get_pdr_req(uint8_t instance_id, uint32_t record_hndl,
uint32_t data_transfer_hndl, uint8_t transfer_op_flag,
uint16_t request_cnt, uint16_t record_chg_num,
struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length);
/** @brief Decode GetPDR response data
* Note:
* * If the return value is not PLDM_SUCCESS, it represents a
* transport layer error.
* * If the completion_code value is not PLDM_SUCCESS, it represents a
* protocol layer error and all the out-parameters are invalid.
* @param[in] msg - Request message
* @param[in] payload_length - Length of request message payload
* @param[out] completion_code - PLDM completion code
* @param[out] next_record_hndl - The recordHandle for the PDR that is next in
* the PDR Repository
* @param[out] next_data_transfer_hndl - A handle that identifies the next
* portion of the PDR data to be transferred, if any
* @param[out] transfer_flag - Indicates the portion of PDR data being
* transferred
* @param[out] resp_cnt - The number of recordData bytes returned in this
* response
* @param[out] record_data - PDR data bytes of length resp_cnt, or NULL to
* skip the copy and place the actual length in resp_cnt.
* @param[in] record_data_length - Length of record_data
* @param[out] transfer_crc - A CRC-8 for the overall PDR. This is present only
* in the last part of a PDR being transferred
* @return pldm_completion_codes
int decode_get_pdr_resp(const struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length,
uint8_t *completion_code, uint32_t *next_record_hndl,
uint32_t *next_data_transfer_hndl,
uint8_t *transfer_flag, uint16_t *resp_cnt,
uint8_t *record_data, size_t record_data_length,
uint8_t *transfer_crc);
/* SetStateEffecterStates */
/** @brief Create a PLDM request message for SetStateEffecterStates
* @param[in] instance_id - Message's instance id
* @param[in] effecter_id - used to identify and access the effecter
* @param[in] comp_effecter_count - number of individual sets of effecter
* information. Upto eight sets of state effecter info can be accessed
* for a given effecter.
* @param[in] field - each unit is an instance of the stateField structure
* that is used to set the requested state for a particular effecter
* within the state effecter. This field holds the starting address of
* the stateField values. The user is responsible to allocate the
* memory prior to calling this command. The user has to allocate the
* field parameter as sizeof(set_effecter_state_field) *
* comp_effecter_count
* @param[out] msg - Message will be written to this
* @return pldm_completion_codes
* @note Caller is responsible for memory alloc and dealloc of param
* 'msg.payload'
int encode_set_state_effecter_states_req(uint8_t instance_id,
uint16_t effecter_id,
uint8_t comp_effecter_count,
set_effecter_state_field *field,
struct pldm_msg *msg);
/** @brief Decode SetStateEffecterStates response data
* Note:
* * If the return value is not PLDM_SUCCESS, it represents a
* transport layer error.
* * If the completion_code value is not PLDM_SUCCESS, it represents a
* protocol layer error and all the out-parameters are invalid.
* @param[in] msg - Request message
* @param[in] payload_length - Length of response message payload
* @param[out] completion_code - PLDM completion code
* @return pldm_completion_codes
int decode_set_state_effecter_states_resp(const struct pldm_msg *msg,
size_t payload_length,
uint8_t *completion_code);
/* SetNumericEffecterValue */
/** @brief Create a PLDM request message for SetNumericEffecterValue
* @param[in] instance_id - Message's instance id
* @param[in] effecter_id - used to identify and access the effecter
* @param[in] effecter_data_size - The bit width and format of the setting
* value for the effecter.
* value:{uint8,sint8,uint16,sint16,uint32,sint32}
* @param[in] effecter_value - The setting value of numeric effecter being
* requested.
* @param[in] payload_length - Length of request message payload
* @param[out] msg - Message will be written to this
* @return pldm_completion_codes
* @note Caller is responsible for memory alloc and dealloc of param
* 'msg.payload'
int encode_set_numeric_effecter_value_req(
uint8_t instance_id, uint16_t effecter_id, uint8_t effecter_data_size,
uint8_t *effecter_value, struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length);
/** @brief Decode SetNumericEffecterValue response data
* @param[in] msg - Request message
* @param[in] payload_length - Length of response message payload
* @param[out] completion_code - PLDM completion code
* @return pldm_completion_codes
int decode_set_numeric_effecter_value_resp(const struct pldm_msg *msg,
size_t payload_length,
uint8_t *completion_code);
/** @brief Create a PLDM request message for GetStateSensorReadings
* @param[in] instance_id - Message's instance id
* @param[in] sensor_id - used to identify and access the simple or composite
* sensor
* @param[in] sensorRearm - Each bit location in this field corresponds to a
* particular sensor within the state sensor, where bit [0] corresponds
* to the first state sensor (sensor offset 0) and bit [7] corresponds
* to the eighth sensor (sensor offset 7), sequentially
* @param[in] reserved - value: 0x00
* @param[out] msg - Message will be written to this
* @return pldm_completion_codes
* @note Caller is responsible for memory alloc and dealloc of param
* 'msg.payload'
int encode_get_state_sensor_readings_req(uint8_t instance_id,
uint16_t sensor_id,
bitfield8_t sensor_rearm,
uint8_t reserved,
struct pldm_msg *msg);
/** @brief Decode GetStateSensorReadings response data
* @param[in] msg - Request message
* @param[in] payload_length - Length of response message payload
* @param[out] completion_code - PLDM completion code
* @param[in,out] comp_sensor_count - The number of individual sets of sensor
* information that this command accesses
* @param[out] field - Each stateField is an instance of a stateField structure
* that is used to return the present operational state setting and the
* present state and event state for a particular set of sensor
* information contained within the state sensor
* @return pldm_completion_codes
int decode_get_state_sensor_readings_resp(const struct pldm_msg *msg,
size_t payload_length,
uint8_t *completion_code,
uint8_t *comp_sensor_count,
get_sensor_state_field *field);
/* PlatformEventMessage */
/** @brief Decode PlatformEventMessage request data
* @param[in] msg - Request message
* @param[in] payload_length - Length of response message payload
* @param[out] format_version - Version of the event format
* @param[out] tid - Terminus ID for the terminus that originated the event
* message
* @param[out] event_class - The class of event being sent
* @param[out] event_data_offset - Offset where the event data should be read
* from pldm msg
* @return pldm_completion_codes
int decode_platform_event_message_req(const struct pldm_msg *msg,
size_t payload_length,
uint8_t *format_version, uint8_t *tid,
uint8_t *event_class,
size_t *event_data_offset);
/** @brief Encode PlatformEventMessage response data
* @param[in] instance_id - Message's instance id
* @param[in] completion_code - PLDM completion code
* @param[in] platform_event_status - Response status of the event message
* command
* @param[out] msg - Message will be written to this
* @return pldm_completion_codes
* @note Caller is responsible for memory alloc and dealloc of param
* 'msg.payload'
int encode_platform_event_message_resp(uint8_t instance_id,
uint8_t completion_code,
uint8_t platform_event_status,
struct pldm_msg *msg);
/** @brief Encode PlatformEventMessage request data
* @param[in] instance_id - Message's instance id
* @param[in] format_version - Version of the event format
* @param[in] tid - Terminus ID for the terminus that originated the event
* message
* @param[in] event_class - The class of event being sent
* @param[in] event_data - the event data should be read from pldm msg
* @param[in] event_data_length - Length of the event data
* @param[out] msg - Request message
* @return pldm_completion_codes
* @note Caller is responsible for memory alloc and dealloc of param
* 'msg.payload'
int encode_platform_event_message_req(
uint8_t instance_id, uint8_t format_version, uint8_t tid,
uint8_t event_class, const uint8_t *event_data, size_t event_data_length,
struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length);
/** @brief Decode PlatformEventMessage response data
* @param[in] msg - Request message
* @param[in] payload_length - Length of Response message payload
* @param[out] completion_code - PLDM completion code
* @param[out] platform_event_status - Response status of the event message
* command
* @return pldm_completion_codes
int decode_platform_event_message_resp(const struct pldm_msg *msg,
size_t payload_length,
uint8_t *completion_code,
uint8_t *platform_event_status);
/** @brief Decode sensorEventData response data
* @param[in] event_data - event data from the response message
* @param[in] event_data_length - length of the event data
* @param[out] sensor_id - sensorID value of the sensor
* @param[out] sensor_event_class_type - Type of sensor event class
* @param[out] event_class_data_offset - Offset where the event class data
* should be read from event data
* @return pldm_completion_codes
* @note Caller is responsible for memory alloc and dealloc of param
* 'event_data'
int decode_sensor_event_data(const uint8_t *event_data,
size_t event_data_length, uint16_t *sensor_id,
uint8_t *sensor_event_class_type,
size_t *event_class_data_offset);
/** @brief Decode sensorOpState response data
* @param[in] sensor_data - sensor_data for sensorEventClass = sensorOpState
* @param[in] sensor_data_length - Length of sensor_data
* @param[out] present_op_state - The sensorOperationalState value from the
* state change that triggered the event message
* @param[out] previous_op_state - The sensorOperationalState value for the
* state from which the present state was entered
* @return pldm_completion_codes
* @note Caller is responsible for memory alloc and dealloc of param
* 'sensor_data'
int decode_sensor_op_data(const uint8_t *sensor_data, size_t sensor_data_length,
uint8_t *present_op_state,
uint8_t *previous_op_state);
/** @brief Decode stateSensorState response data
* @param[in] sensor_data - sensor_data for sensorEventClass = stateSensorState
* @param[in] sensor_data_length - Length of sensor_data
* @param[out] sensor_offset - Identifies which state sensor within a composite
* state sensor the event is being returned for
* @param[out] event_state - The event state value from the state change that
* triggered the event message
* @param[out] previous_event_state - The event state value for the state from
* which the present event state was entered
* @return pldm_completion_codes
* @note Caller is responsible for memory alloc and dealloc of param
* 'sensor_data'
int decode_state_sensor_data(const uint8_t *sensor_data,
size_t sensor_data_length, uint8_t *sensor_offset,
uint8_t *event_state,
uint8_t *previous_event_state);
/** @brief Decode numericSensorState response data
* @param[in] sensor_data - sensor_data for sensorEventClass =
* numericSensorState
* @param[in] sensor_data_length - Length of sensor_data
* @param[out] event_state - The eventState value from the state change that
* triggered the event message
* @param[out] previous_event_state - The eventState value for the state from
* which the present state was entered
* @param[out] sensor_data_size - The bit width and format of reading and
* threshold values that the sensor returns
* @param[out] present_reading - The present value indicated by the sensor
* @return pldm_completion_codes
* @note Caller is responsible for memory alloc and dealloc of param
* 'sensor_data'
int decode_numeric_sensor_data(const uint8_t *sensor_data,
size_t sensor_data_length, uint8_t *event_state,
uint8_t *previous_event_state,
uint8_t *sensor_data_size,
uint32_t *present_reading);
/* GetNumericEffecterValue */
/** @brief Create a PLDM request message for GetNumericEffecterValue
* @param[in] instance_id - Message's instance id
* @param[in] effecter_id - used to identify and access the effecter
* @param[out] msg - Message will be written to this
* @return pldm_completion_codes
* @note Caller is responsible for memory alloc and dealloc of param
* 'msg.payload'
int encode_get_numeric_effecter_value_req(uint8_t instance_id,
uint16_t effecter_id,
struct pldm_msg *msg);
/** @brief Create a PLDM response message for GetNumericEffecterValue
* @param[in] msg - Request message
* @param[in] payload_length - Length of request message payload
* @param[out] completion_code - PLDM completion code
* @param[out] effecter_data_size - The bit width and format of the setting
* value for the effecter.
* value:{uint8,sint8,uint16,sint16,uint32,sint32}
* @param[out] effecter_oper_state - The state of the effecter itself
* @param[out] pending_value - The pending numeric value setting of the
* effecter. The effecterDataSize field indicates the number of
* bits used for this field
* @param[out] present_value - The present numeric value setting of the
* effecter. The effecterDataSize indicates the number of bits
* used for this field
* @return pldm_completion_codes
int decode_get_numeric_effecter_value_resp(
const struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length, uint8_t *completion_code,
uint8_t *effecter_data_size, uint8_t *effecter_oper_state,
uint8_t *pending_value, uint8_t *present_value);
/** @brief Decode pldmPDRRepositoryChgEvent response data
* @param[in] event_data - eventData for pldmPDRRepositoryChgEvent
* @param[in] event_data_size - Length of event_data
* @param[out] event_data_format - This field indicates if the changedRecords
* are of PDR Types or PDR Record Handles
* @param[out] number_of_change_records - The number of changeRecords following
* this field
* @param[out] change_record_data_offset - Identifies where changeRecord data
* is located within event_data
* @return pldm_completion_codes
* @note Caller is responsible for memory alloc and dealloc of param
* 'event_data'
int decode_pldm_pdr_repository_chg_event_data(
const uint8_t *event_data, size_t event_data_size,
uint8_t *event_data_format, uint8_t *number_of_change_records,
size_t *change_record_data_offset);
/** @brief Encode PLDM PDR Repository Change eventData
* @param[in] event_data_format - Format of this event data (e.g.
* @param[in] number_of_change_records - Number of changeRecords in this
* eventData
* @param[in] event_data_operations - Array of eventDataOperations
* (e.g. RECORDS_ADDED) for each changeRecord in this eventData. This array
* should contain number_of_change_records elements.
* @param[in] numbers_of_change_entries - Array of numbers of changeEntrys
* for each changeRecord in this eventData. This array should contain
* number_of_change_records elements.
* @param[in] change_entries - 2-dimensional array of arrays of changeEntrys,
* one array per changeRecord in this eventData. The toplevel array should
* contain number_of_change_records elements. Each subarray [i] should
* contain numbers_of_change_entries[i] elements.
* @param[in] event_data - The eventData will be encoded into this. This entire
* structure must be max_change_records_size long. It must be large enough
* to accomodate the data to be encoded. The caller is responsible for
* allocating and deallocating it, including the variable-size
* 'event_data.change_records' field. If this parameter is NULL,
* PLDM_SUCCESS will be returned and actual_change_records_size will be set
* to reflect the required size of the structure.
* @param[out] actual_change_records_size - The actual number of meaningful
* encoded bytes in event_data. The caller can over-allocate memory and use
* this output to determine the real size of the structure.
* @param[in] max_change_records_size - The size of event_data in bytes. If the
* encoded message would be larger than this value, an error is returned.
* @return pldm_completion_codes
* @note Caller is responsible for memory alloc and dealloc of param
* 'event_data.change_records'
int encode_pldm_pdr_repository_chg_event_data(
uint8_t event_data_format, uint8_t number_of_change_records,
const uint8_t *event_data_operations,
const uint8_t *numbers_of_change_entries,
const uint32_t *const *change_entries,
struct pldm_pdr_repository_chg_event_data *event_data,
size_t *actual_change_records_size, size_t max_change_records_size);
/** @brief Encode event data for a PLDM Sensor Event
* @param[out] event_data The object to store the encoded event in
* @param[in] event_data_size Size of the allocation for event_data
* @param[in] sensor_id Sensor ID
* @param[in] sensor_event_class Sensor event class
* @param[in] sensor_offset Offset
* @param[in] event_state Event state
* @param[in] previous_event_state Previous event state
* @param[out] actual_event_data_size The real size in bytes of the event_data
* @return int pldm_completion_codes PLDM_SUCCESS/PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH
* @note If event_data is NULL, then *actual_event_data_size will be set to
* reflect the size of the event data, and PLDM_SUCCESS will be returned.
* @note The caller is responsible for allocating and deallocating the
* event_data
int encode_sensor_event_data(struct pldm_sensor_event_data *event_data,
size_t event_data_size, uint16_t sensor_id,
enum sensor_event_class_states sensor_event_class,
uint8_t sensor_offset, uint8_t event_state,
uint8_t previous_event_state,
size_t *actual_event_data_size);
/** @brief Decode PldmPDRRepositoryChangeRecord response data
* @param[in] change_record_data - changeRecordData for
* pldmPDRRepositoryChgEvent
* @param[in] change_record_data_size - Length of change_record_data
* @param[out] event_data_operation - This field indicates the changeEntries
* operation types
* @param[out] number_of_change_entries - The number of changeEntries following
* this field
* @param[out] change_entry_data_offset - Identifies where changeEntries data
* is located within change_record_data
* @return pldm_completion_codes
* @note Caller is responsible for memory alloc and dealloc of param
* 'change_record_data'
int decode_pldm_pdr_repository_change_record_data(
const uint8_t *change_record_data, size_t change_record_data_size,
uint8_t *event_data_operation, uint8_t *number_of_change_entries,
size_t *change_entry_data_offset);
/* GetSensorReading */
/** @brief Encode GetSensorReading request data
* @param[in] instance_id - Message's instance id
* @param[in] sensor_id - A handle that is used to identify and access the
* sensor
* @param[in] rearm_event_state - true = manually re-arm EventState after
* responding to this request, false = no manual re-arm
* @param[out] msg - Message will be written to this
* @return pldm_completion_codes
* @note Caller is responsible for memory alloc and dealloc of param
* 'msg.payload'
int encode_get_sensor_reading_req(uint8_t instance_id, uint16_t sensor_id,
bool8_t rearm_event_state,
struct pldm_msg *msg);
/** @brief Decode GetSensorReading response data
* @param[in] msg - Request message
* @param[in] payload_length - Length of response message payload
* @param[out] completion_code - PLDM completion code
* @param[out] sensor_data_size - The bit width and format of reading and
* threshold values
* @param[out] sensor_operational_state - The state of the sensor itself
* @param[out] sensor_event_message_enable - value: { noEventGeneration,
* eventsDisabled, eventsEnabled, opEventsOnlyEnabled,
* stateEventsOnlyEnabled }
* @param[out] present_state - The most recently assessed state value monitored
* by the sensor
* @param[out] previous_state - The state that the presentState was entered
* from
* @param[out] event_state - Indicates which threshold crossing assertion
* events have been detected
* @param[out] present_reading - The present value indicated by the sensor
* @return pldm_completion_codes
int decode_get_sensor_reading_resp(
const struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length, uint8_t *completion_code,
uint8_t *sensor_data_size, uint8_t *sensor_operational_state,
uint8_t *sensor_event_message_enable, uint8_t *present_state,
uint8_t *previous_state, uint8_t *event_state, uint8_t *present_reading);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* PLATFORM_H */