blob: 61af79d7ab383a541b727f1aff13bc2e303f29c9 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <libpldm/bios.h>
#include <libpldm/bios_table.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <filesystem>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace pldm
namespace responder
namespace bios
using Table = std::vector<uint8_t>;
using Response = std::vector<uint8_t>;
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
/** @class BIOSTable
* @brief Provides APIs for storing and loading BIOS tables
* Typical usage is as follows:
* if (table.isEmpty()) { // no persisted table
* // construct BIOSTable 't'
* // prepare Response 'r'
* // send response to GetBIOSTable
*; // persisted
* }
* else { // persisted table exists
* // create Response 'r' which has response fields (except
* // the table itself) to a GetBIOSTable command
* table.load(r); // actual table will be pushed back to the vector
* }
class BIOSTable
/** @brief Ctor - set file path to persist BIOS table
* @param[in] filePath - file where BIOS table should be persisted
BIOSTable(const char* filePath);
/** @brief Checks if there's a persisted BIOS table
* @return bool - true if table exists, false otherwise
bool isEmpty() const noexcept;
/** @brief Persist a BIOS table(string/attribute/attribute value)
* @param[in] table - BIOS table
void store(const Table& table);
/** @brief Load BIOS table from persistent store to memory
* @param[in,out] response - PLDM response message to GetBIOSTable
* (excluding table), table will be pushed back to this.
void load(Response& response) const;
// file storing PLDM BIOS table
fs::path filePath;
/** @class BIOSStringTableInterface
* @brief Provide interfaces to the BIOS string table operations
class BIOSStringTableInterface
virtual ~BIOSStringTableInterface() = default;
/** @brief Find the string name from the BIOS string table for a string
* handle
* @param[in] handle - string handle
* @return name of the corresponding BIOS string
virtual std::string findString(uint16_t handle) const = 0;
/** @brief Find the string handle from the BIOS string table by the given
* name
* @param[in] name - name of the BIOS string
* @return handle of the string
virtual uint16_t findHandle(const std::string& name) const = 0;
/** @class BIOSStringTable
* @brief Collection of BIOS string table operations.
class BIOSStringTable : public BIOSStringTableInterface
/** @brief Constructs BIOSStringTable
* @param[in] stringTable - The stringTable in RAM
BIOSStringTable(const Table& stringTable);
/** @brief Constructs BIOSStringTable
* @param[in] biosTable - The BIOSTable
BIOSStringTable(const BIOSTable& biosTable);
/** @brief Find the string name from the BIOS string table for a string
* handle
* @param[in] handle - string handle
* @return name of the corresponding BIOS string
* @throw std::invalid_argument if the string can not be found.
std::string findString(uint16_t handle) const override;
/** @brief Find the string handle from the BIOS string table by the given
* name
* @param[in] name - name of the BIOS string
* @return handle of the string
* @throw std::invalid_argument if the string can not be found
uint16_t findHandle(const std::string& name) const override;
Table stringTable;
namespace table
/** @brief Append Pad and Checksum
* @param[in,out] table - table to be appended with pad and checksum
void appendPadAndChecksum(Table& table);
namespace string
/** @brief Get the string handle for the entry
* @param[in] entry - Pointer to a bios string table entry
* @return Handle to identify a string in the bios string table
uint16_t decodeHandle(const pldm_bios_string_table_entry* entry);
/** @brief Get the string from the entry
* @param[in] entry - Pointer to a bios string table entry
* @return The String
std::string decodeString(const pldm_bios_string_table_entry* entry);
/** @brief construct entry of string table at the end of the given
* table
* @param[in,out] table - The given table
* @param[in] str - string itself
* @return pointer to the constructed entry
const pldm_bios_string_table_entry* constructEntry(Table& table,
const std::string& str);
} // namespace string
namespace attribute
/** @struct TableHeader
* @brief Header of attribute table
struct TableHeader
uint16_t attrHandle;
uint8_t attrType;
uint16_t stringHandle;
/** @brief Decode header of attribute table entry
* @param[in] entry - Pointer to an attribute table entry
* @return Attribute table header
TableHeader decodeHeader(const pldm_bios_attr_table_entry* entry);
/** @brief Find attribute entry by handle
* @param[in] table - attribute table
* @param[in] handle - attribute handle
* @return Pointer to the attribute table entry
const pldm_bios_attr_table_entry* findByHandle(const Table& table,
uint16_t handle);
/** @brief Find attribute entry by string handle
* @param[in] table - attribute table
* @param[in] handle - string handle
* @return Pointer to the attribute table entry
const pldm_bios_attr_table_entry* findByStringHandle(const Table& table,
uint16_t handle);
/** @struct StringField
* @brief String field of attribute table
struct StringField
uint8_t stringType;
uint16_t minLength;
uint16_t maxLength;
uint16_t defLength;
std::string defString;
/** @brief decode string entry of attribute table
* @param[in] entry - Pointer to an attribute table entry
* @return String field of the entry
StringField decodeStringEntry(const pldm_bios_attr_table_entry* entry);
/** @brief construct string entry of attribute table at the end of the given
* table
* @param[in,out] table - The given table
* @param[in] info - string info
* @return pointer to the constructed entry
const pldm_bios_attr_table_entry* constructStringEntry(
Table& table, pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_string_info* info);
/** @struct IntegerField
* @brief Integer field of attribute table
struct IntegerField
uint64_t lowerBound;
uint64_t upperBound;
uint32_t scalarIncrement;
uint64_t defaultValue;
/** @brief construct integer entry of attribute table at the end of the
* given table
* @param[in,out] table - The given table
* @param[in] info - integer info
* @return pointer to the constructed entry
const pldm_bios_attr_table_entry* constructIntegerEntry(
Table& table, pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_integer_info* info);
/** @brief decode integer entry of attribute table
* @param[in] entry - Pointer to an attribute table entry
* @return Integer field of the entry
IntegerField decodeIntegerEntry(const pldm_bios_attr_table_entry* entry);
/** @struct EnumField
* @brief Enum field of attribute table
struct EnumField
std::vector<uint16_t> possibleValueStringHandle;
std::vector<uint8_t> defaultValueIndex;
/** @brief decode enum entry of attribute table
* @param[in] entry - Pointer to an attribute table entry
* @return Enum field of the entry
EnumField decodeEnumEntry(const pldm_bios_attr_table_entry* entry);
/** @brief construct enum entry of attribute table at the end of the
* given table
* @param[in,out] table - The given table
* @param[in] info - enum info
* @return pointer to the constructed entry
const pldm_bios_attr_table_entry* constructEnumEntry(
Table& table, pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_enum_info* info);
} // namespace attribute
namespace attribute_value
/** @struct TableHeader
* @brief Header of attribute value table
struct TableHeader
uint16_t attrHandle;
uint8_t attrType;
/** @brief Decode header of attribute value table
* @param[in] entry - Pointer to an attribute value table entry
* @return Attribute value table header
TableHeader decodeHeader(const pldm_bios_attr_val_table_entry* entry);
/** @brief Decode string entry of attribute value table
* @param[in] entry - Pointer to an attribute value table entry
* @return The decoded string
std::string decodeStringEntry(const pldm_bios_attr_val_table_entry* entry);
/** @brief Decode integer entry of attribute value table
* @param[in] entry - Pointer to an attribute value table entry
* @return The decoded integer
uint64_t decodeIntegerEntry(const pldm_bios_attr_val_table_entry* entry);
/** @brief Decode enum entry of attribute value table
* @param[in] entry - Pointer to an attribute value table entry
* @return Current value string handle indices
std::vector<uint8_t> decodeEnumEntry(
const pldm_bios_attr_val_table_entry* entry);
/** @brief Construct string entry of attribute value table at the end of the
* given table
* @param[in] table - The given table
* @param[in] attrHandle - attribute handle
* @param[in] attrType - attribute type
* @param[in] str - The string
* @return Pointer to the constructed entry
const pldm_bios_attr_val_table_entry* constructStringEntry(
Table& table, uint16_t attrHandle, uint8_t attrType,
const std::string& str);
/** @brief Construct integer entry of attribute value table at the end of
* the given table
* @param[in] table - The given table
* @param[in] attrHandle - attribute handle
* @param[in] attrType - attribute type
* @param[in] value - The integer
* @return Pointer to the constructed entry
const pldm_bios_attr_val_table_entry* constructIntegerEntry(
Table& table, uint16_t attrHandle, uint8_t attrType, uint64_t value);
/** @brief Construct enum entry of attribute value table at the end of
* the given table
* @param[in] table - The given table
* @param[in] attrHandle - attribute handle
* @param[in] attrType - attribute type
* @param[in] handleIndices - handle indices
* @return Pointer to the constructed entry
const pldm_bios_attr_val_table_entry* constructEnumEntry(
Table& table, uint16_t attrHandle, uint8_t attrType,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& handleIndices);
/** @brief construct a table with an new entry
* @param[in] table - the table need to be updated
* @param[in] entry - the new attribute value entry
* @param[in] size - size of the new entry
* @return newly constructed table, std::nullopt if failed
std::optional<Table> updateTable(const Table& table, const void* entry,
size_t size);
} // namespace attribute_value
} // namespace table
} // namespace bios
} // namespace responder
} // namespace pldm