blob: bbf04ec2ba6f339a9a5eef9e16185f91604d4628 [file] [log] [blame]
// This is a sample JSON configuration file for BIOS enumeration type
"entries": [
"attribute_name": "HMCManagedState",
"possible_values": ["On", "Off"],
"default_values": ["On"],
// This BIOS attribute has a D-Bus property as backend.
"dbus": {
"object_path": "/xyz/abc/def",
"interface": "xyz.openbmc_project.HMCManaged.State",
"property_name": "State",
"property_type": "string",
// Number of property_values should match to the number of possible values.
// Each is entry in the possible_values is mapped to entry in property_values.
"property_values": [
"attribute_name": "FWBootSide",
"possible_values": ["Perm", "Temp"],
"default_values": ["Perm"],
"dbus": {
"object_path": "/xyz/abc/def",
"interface": "xyz.openbmc.FWBoot.Side",
"property_name": "Side",
"property_type": "bool",
"property_values": [true, false]
"attribute_name": "InbandCodeUpdate",
"possible_values": ["Allowed", "NotAllowed"],
"default_values": ["Allowed"],
"dbus": {
"object_path": "/xyz/abc/def",
"interface": "xyz.openbmc.InBandCodeUpdate",
"property_name": "Policy",
"property_type": "uint8_t",
"property_values": [0, 1]
// This is an example of BIOS Enumeration Read only attribute
"attribute_name": "CodeUpdatePolicy",
"possible_values": ["Concurrent", "Disruptive"],
"default_values": ["Concurrent"]