| option('tests', type: 'feature', description: 'Build tests', value: 'enabled') |
| option('oe-sdk', type: 'feature', description: 'Enable OE SDK') |
| option('oem-ibm', type: 'feature', description: 'Enable IBM OEM PLDM') |
| option('requester-api', type: 'feature', description: 'Enable libpldm requester API', value: 'enabled') |
| option('utilities', type: 'feature', description: 'Enable debug utilities', value: 'enabled') |
| option('libpldm-only', type: 'feature', description: 'Only build libpldm', value: 'disabled') |
| option('oem-ibm-dma-maxsize', type: 'integer', description: 'OEM-IBM: max DMA size', value: 16773120) #16MB - 4K |
| option('softoff', type: 'feature', description: 'Build soft power off application', value: 'enabled') |
| option('softoff-timeout-seconds', type: 'integer', description: 'softoff: Time to wait for host to gracefully shutdown', value: 7200) |