blob: 45a311a5d2de2490740882ff3691ed2ee1502697 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include "libpldm/pldm.h"
#include "common/instance_id.hpp"
#include "common/types.hpp"
#include "event_manager.hpp"
#include "platform_manager.hpp"
#include "requester/handler.hpp"
#include "requester/mctp_endpoint_discovery.hpp"
#include "sensor_manager.hpp"
#include "terminus_manager.hpp"
namespace pldm
namespace platform_mc
using PollHandler = std::function<exec::task<int>(pldm_tid_t tid)>;
using PollHandlers = std::vector<PollHandler>;
* @brief Manager
* This class handles all the aspect of the PLDM Platform Monitoring and Control
* specification for the MCTP devices
class Manager : public pldm::MctpDiscoveryHandlerIntf
Manager() = delete;
Manager(const Manager&) = delete;
Manager(Manager&&) = delete;
Manager& operator=(const Manager&) = delete;
Manager& operator=(Manager&&) = delete;
~Manager() = default;
explicit Manager(sdeventplus::Event& event, RequesterHandler& handler,
pldm::InstanceIdDb& instanceIdDb) :
terminusManager(event, handler, instanceIdDb, termini, this,
platformManager(terminusManager, termini, this),
sensorManager(event, terminusManager, termini, this),
eventManager(terminusManager, termini)
/** @brief Helper function to do the actions before discovering terminus
* @return coroutine return_value - PLDM completion code
exec::task<int> beforeDiscoverTerminus();
/** @brief Helper function to do the actions after discovering terminus
* @return coroutine return_value - PLDM completion code
exec::task<int> afterDiscoverTerminus();
/** @brief Helper function to invoke registered handlers for
* the added MCTP endpoints
* @param[in] mctpInfos - list information of the MCTP endpoints
void handleMctpEndpoints(const MctpInfos& mctpInfos)
/** @brief Helper function to invoke registered handlers for
* the removed MCTP endpoints
* @param[in] mctpInfos - list information of the MCTP endpoints
void handleRemovedMctpEndpoints(const MctpInfos& mctpInfos)
/** @brief Helper function to invoke registered handlers for
* updating the availability status of the MCTP endpoint
* @param[in] mctpInfo - information of the target endpoint
* @param[in] availability - new availability status
void updateMctpEndpointAvailability(const MctpInfo& mctpInfo,
Availability availability)
/* Get TID of initialized terminus */
auto tid = terminusManager.toTid(mctpInfo);
if (tid)
if (availability)
updateAvailableState(tid.value(), availability);
terminusManager.updateMctpEndpointAvailability(mctpInfo, availability);
/** @brief Helper function to start sensor polling of the terminus TID
void startSensorPolling(pldm_tid_t tid)
/** @brief Helper function to set available state for pldm request (sensor
* polling and event polling) of the terminus TID. The `false` state
* will trigger stop flow in coroutine of sensor polling/event
* polling task to stop.
void updateAvailableState(pldm_tid_t tid, Availability state)
if (termini.contains(tid))
sensorManager.updateAvailableState(tid, state);
eventManager.updateAvailableState(tid, state);
/** @brief Helper function to stop sensor polling of the terminus TID
void stopSensorPolling(pldm_tid_t tid)
/** @brief Sensor event handler function
* @param[in] request - Event message
* @param[in] payloadLength - Event message payload size
* @param[in] tid - Terminus ID
* @param[in] eventDataOffset - Event data offset
* @return PLDM error code: PLDM_SUCCESS when there is no error in handling
* the event
int handleSensorEvent(const pldm_msg* request, size_t payloadLength,
uint8_t /* formatVersion */, uint8_t tid,
size_t eventDataOffset)
auto eventData = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(request->payload) +
auto eventDataSize = payloadLength - eventDataOffset;
eventManager.handlePlatformEvent(tid, PLDM_PLATFORM_EVENT_ID_NULL,
/** @brief CPER event handler function
* @param[in] request - Event message
* @param[in] payloadLength - Event message payload size
* @param[in] tid - Terminus ID
* @param[in] eventDataOffset - Event data offset
* @return PLDM error code: PLDM_SUCCESS when there is no error in handling
* the event
int handleCperEvent(const pldm_msg* request, size_t payloadLength,
uint8_t /* formatVersion */, uint8_t tid,
size_t eventDataOffset)
auto eventData =
const_cast<const uint8_t*>(request->payload) + eventDataOffset;
auto eventDataSize = payloadLength - eventDataOffset;
eventManager.handlePlatformEvent(tid, PLDM_PLATFORM_EVENT_ID_NULL,
/** @brief PLDM POLL event handler function
* @param[in] request - Event message
* @param[in] payloadLength - Event message payload size
* @param[in] tid - Terminus ID
* @param[in] eventDataOffset - Event data offset
* @return PLDM error code: PLDM_SUCCESS when there is no error in handling
* the event
int handlePldmMessagePollEvent(
const pldm_msg* request, size_t payloadLength,
uint8_t /* formatVersion */, uint8_t tid, size_t eventDataOffset)
auto eventData = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(request->payload) +
auto eventDataSize = payloadLength - eventDataOffset;
eventManager.handlePlatformEvent(tid, PLDM_PLATFORM_EVENT_ID_NULL,
/** @brief The function to trigger the event polling
* @param[in] tid - Terminus ID
* @param[in] pollEventId - The source eventID from pldmMessagePollEvent
* @param[in] pollDataTransferHandle - The dataTransferHandle from
* pldmMessagePollEvent event
* @return coroutine return_value - PLDM completion code
exec::task<int> pollForPlatformEvent(pldm_tid_t tid, uint16_t pollEventId,
uint32_t pollDataTransferHandle);
/** @brief Handle Polled CPER event
* @param[in] tid - tid where the event is from
* @param[in] eventId - event Id
* @param[in] eventData - event data
* @param[in] eventDataSize - size of event data
* @return PLDM completion code
int handlePolledCperEvent(pldm_tid_t tid, uint16_t eventId,
const uint8_t* eventData, size_t eventDataSize)
return eventManager.handlePlatformEvent(tid, eventId, PLDM_CPER_EVENT,
eventData, eventDataSize);
/** @brief The helper function to allow register the handler function for
* the polled event by PollForPlatformEventMessage
* @param[in] eventClass - Event class
* @param[in] handlerFunc - Event handler
void registerPolledEventHandler(uint8_t eventClass,
pldm::platform_mc::HandlerFuncs handlers)
eventManager.registerPolledEventHandler(eventClass, handlers);
/** @brief Register OEM flow to poll the PLDM Event use
* PollForPlatformEventMessage command
* @param[in] handler - Poll event handlerr
void registerOEMPollMethod(PollHandler handler)
/** @brief OEM task to do OEM event polling
* @param[in] tid - Destination TID
* @return coroutine return_value - PLDM completion code
exec::task<int> oemPollForPlatformEvent(pldm_tid_t tid);
/** @brief Get Active EIDs.
* @param[in] addr - MCTP address of terminus
* @param[in] terminiNames - MCTP terminus name
std::optional<mctp_eid_t> getActiveEidByName(
const std::string& terminusName)
return terminusManager.getActiveEidByName(terminusName);
/** @brief List of discovered termini */
TerminiMapper termini{};
/** @brief Terminus interface for calling the hook functions */
TerminusManager terminusManager;
/** @brief Platform interface for calling the hook functions */
PlatformManager platformManager;
/** @brief Store platform manager handler */
SensorManager sensorManager;
/** @brief Store event manager handler */
EventManager eventManager;
/** @brief map of PLDM event type to EventHandlers */
PollHandlers pollHandlers;
} // namespace platform_mc
} // namespace pldm