blob: ff178863d4e6a69bf9d148da12fc9af396456e65 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include "common/flight_recorder.hpp"
#include "common/transport.hpp"
#include "common/types.hpp"
#include "common/utils.hpp"
#include <libpldm/base.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <phosphor-logging/lg2.hpp>
#include <sdbusplus/timer.hpp>
#include <sdeventplus/event.hpp>
#include <chrono>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
namespace pldm
namespace requester
/** @class RequestRetryTimer
* The abstract base class for implementing the PLDM request retry logic. This
* class handles number of times the PLDM request needs to be retried if the
* response is not received and the time to wait between each retry. It
* provides APIs to start and stop the request flow.
class RequestRetryTimer
RequestRetryTimer() = delete;
RequestRetryTimer(const RequestRetryTimer&) = delete;
RequestRetryTimer(RequestRetryTimer&&) = delete;
RequestRetryTimer& operator=(const RequestRetryTimer&) = delete;
RequestRetryTimer& operator=(RequestRetryTimer&&) = delete;
virtual ~RequestRetryTimer() = default;
/** @brief Constructor
* @param[in] event - reference to PLDM daemon's main event loop
* @param[in] numRetries - number of request retries
* @param[in] timeout - time to wait between each retry in milliseconds
explicit RequestRetryTimer(sdeventplus::Event& event, uint8_t numRetries,
std::chrono::milliseconds timeout) :
numRetries(numRetries), timeout(timeout),
timer(event.get(), std::bind_front(&RequestRetryTimer::callback, this))
/** @brief Starts the request flow and arms the timer for request retries
* @return return PLDM_SUCCESS on success and PLDM_ERROR otherwise
int start()
auto rc = send();
if (rc)
return rc;
if (numRetries)
catch (const std::runtime_error& e)
error("Failed to start the request timer, error - {ERROR}", "ERROR",
return PLDM_ERROR;
/** @brief Stops the timer and no further request retries happen */
void stop()
auto rc = timer.stop();
if (rc)
error("Failed to stop the request timer, response code '{RC}'",
"RC", static_cast<int>(rc));
sdeventplus::Event& event; //!< reference to PLDM daemon's main event loop
uint8_t numRetries; //!< number of request retries
timeout; //!< time to wait between each retry in milliseconds
sdbusplus::Timer timer; //!< manages starting timers and handling timeouts
/** @brief Sends the PLDM request message
* @return return PLDM_SUCCESS on success and PLDM_ERROR otherwise
virtual int send() const = 0;
/** @brief Callback function invoked when the timeout happens */
void callback()
if (numRetries--)
/** @class Request
* The concrete implementation of RequestIntf. This class implements the send()
* to send the PLDM request message over MCTP socket.
* This class encapsulates the PLDM request message, the number of times the
* request needs to retried if the response is not received and the amount of
* time to wait between each retry. It provides APIs to start and stop the
* request flow.
class Request final : public RequestRetryTimer
Request() = delete;
Request(const Request&) = delete;
Request(Request&&) = delete;
Request& operator=(const Request&) = delete;
Request& operator=(Request&&) = delete;
~Request() = default;
/** @brief Constructor
* @param[in] pldm_transport - PLDM transport object
* @param[in] eid - endpoint ID of the remote MCTP endpoint
* @param[in] currrentSendbuffSize - the current send buffer size
* @param[in] event - reference to PLDM daemon's main event loop
* @param[in] requestMsg - PLDM request message
* @param[in] numRetries - number of request retries
* @param[in] timeout - time to wait between each retry in milliseconds
* @param[in] verbose - verbose tracing flag
explicit Request(PldmTransport* pldmTransport, mctp_eid_t eid,
sdeventplus::Event& event, pldm::Request&& requestMsg,
uint8_t numRetries, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout,
bool verbose) :
RequestRetryTimer(event, numRetries, timeout),
pldmTransport(pldmTransport), eid(eid),
requestMsg(std::move(requestMsg)), verbose(verbose)
PldmTransport* pldmTransport; //!< PLDM transport
mctp_eid_t eid; //!< endpoint ID of the remote MCTP endpoint
pldm::Request requestMsg; //!< PLDM request message
bool verbose; //!< verbose tracing flag
/** @brief Sends the PLDM request message on the socket
* @return return PLDM_SUCCESS on success and PLDM_ERROR otherwise
int send() const
if (verbose)
pldm::utils::printBuffer(pldm::utils::Tx, requestMsg);
requestMsg, true);
const struct pldm_msg_hdr* hdr =
(struct pldm_msg_hdr*)(;
if (!hdr->request)
if (pldmTransport == nullptr)
error("Invalid transport: Unable to send PLDM request");
return PLDM_ERROR;
auto rc = pldmTransport->sendMsg(static_cast<pldm_tid_t>(eid),, requestMsg.size());
if (rc < 0)
"Failed to send pldmTransport message, response code '{RC}' and error - {ERROR}",
"RC", static_cast<int>(rc), "ERROR", errno);
return PLDM_ERROR;
} // namespace requester
} // namespace pldm