blob: 2bd02f4cff4de85ca22a4cd217786544104fd1ad [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include "common/utils.hpp"
#include "libpldmresponder/pdr_utils.hpp"
#include "libpldmresponder/platform.hpp"
#include <string>
using namespace pldm::utils;
namespace pldm
namespace responder
static constexpr uint8_t pSideNum = 1;
static constexpr uint8_t tSideNum = 2;
static constexpr auto Pside = "P";
static constexpr auto Tside = "T";
static constexpr auto redundancyIntf =
/** @class CodeUpdate
* @brief This class performs the necessary operation in pldm for
* inband code update. That includes taking actions on the
* setStateEffecterStates calls from Host and also sending
* notification to phosphor-software-manager app
class CodeUpdate
/** @brief Constructor to create an inband codeupdate object
* @param[in] dBusIntf - D-Bus handler pointer
CodeUpdate(const pldm::utils::DBusHandler* dBusIntf) : dBusIntf(dBusIntf)
currBootSide = Tside;
nextBootSide = Tside;
firmwareUpdateSensorId = PLDM_INVALID_EFFECTER_ID;
imageActivationMatch = nullptr;
/* @brief Method to return the current boot side
std::string fetchCurrentBootSide();
/* @brief Method to return the next boot side
std::string fetchNextBootSide();
/* @brief Method to set the current boot side or
* perform a rename operation on current boot side
* @param[in] currSide - current side to be set to
* @return PLDM_SUCCESS codes
int setCurrentBootSide(const std::string& currSide);
/* @brief Method to set the next boot side
* @param[in] nextSide - next boot side to be set to
* @return PLDM_SUCCESS codes
int setNextBootSide(const std::string& nextSide);
/* @brief Method to set the running and non-running
* images
virtual void setVersions();
/* @brief Method to return the newly upoaded image id in
* /tmp
std::string fetchnewImageId()
return newImageId;
/* @brief Method to set the oem platform handler in CodeUpdate class */
void setOemPlatformHandler(pldm::responder::oem_platform::Handler* handler);
/* @brief Method to check whether code update is
* going on
* @return - bool
bool isCodeUpdateInProgress()
return codeUpdateInProgress;
/* @brief Method to indicate whether code update
* is going on
* @param[in] progress - yes/no
void setCodeUpdateProgress(bool progress)
codeUpdateInProgress = progress;
/** @brief Method to clear contents the LID staging directory that contains
* images such as host firmware and BMC.
* @param[in] dirPath - directory system path that has to be cleared
* @return none
void clearDirPath(const std::string& dirPath);
/* @brief Method to set the RequestApplyTime D-Bus property
* on start update to OnReset
* @return - Completion codes
int setRequestedApplyTime();
/* @brief Method to set the RequestedActivation D-Bus property
* on end update to Active by fetching the newImageID and
* clearning it once RequestedActivation is set or on error
* @param[in] codeUpdate - codeUpdate pointer
* @return - Completion codes
int setRequestedActivation();
/* @brief Method to fetch the sensor id for marker lid
* validation PDR
* @return - sensor id
uint16_t getMarkerLidSensor()
return markerLidSensorId;
/* @brief Method to set the sensor id for marker lid
* validation
* @param[in] sensorId - sensor id for marker lid validation
void setMarkerLidSensor(uint16_t sensorId)
markerLidSensorId = sensorId;
/* @brief Method to set the sensor id for firmware update state
* @param[in] sensorId - sensor id for firmware update state
void setFirmwareUpdateSensor(uint16_t sensorId)
firmwareUpdateSensorId = sensorId;
/* @brief Method to fetch the sensor id for firmware update state
* @return - sensor id
uint16_t getFirmwareUpdateSensor()
return firmwareUpdateSensorId;
/* @brief Method to send a state sensor event to Host from CodeUpdate class
* @param[in] sensorId - sensor id for the event
* @param[in] sensorEventClass - sensor event class wrt DSP0248
* @param[in] sensorOffset - sensor offset
* @param[in] eventState - new event state
* @param[in] prevEventState - previous state
void sendStateSensorEvent(uint16_t sensorId,
enum sensor_event_class_states sensorEventClass,
uint8_t sensorOffset, uint8_t eventState,
uint8_t prevEventState);
/* @brief Method to delete the image from non running side prior to
* an inband code update
void deleteImage();
virtual ~CodeUpdate()
std::string currBootSide; //!< current boot side
std::string nextBootSide; //!< next boot side
std::string runningVersion; //!< currently running image
std::string nonRunningVersion; //!< alternate image
std::string newImageId; //!< new image id
bool codeUpdateInProgress =
false; //!< indicates whether codeupdate is going on
const pldm::utils::DBusHandler* dBusIntf; //!< D-Bus handler
captureNextBootSideChange; //!< vector to catch the D-Bus property
//!< change for next boot side
fwUpdateMatcher; //!< pointer to capture the interface added signal for
//!< new image
oemPlatformHandler; //!< oem platform handler
uint16_t markerLidSensorId;
uint16_t firmwareUpdateSensorId;
/** @brief D-Bus property changed signal match for image activation */
std::unique_ptr<sdbusplus::bus::match::match> imageActivationMatch;
/* @brief Method to take action when the subscribed D-Bus property is
* changed
* @param[in] chProperties - list of properties which have changed
* @return - none
processPriorityChangeNotification(const DbusChangedProps& chProperties);
/* @brief Method to fetch current or next boot side
* @param[in] entityInstance - entity instance for the sensor
* @param[in] codeUpdate - pointer to the CodeUpdate object
* @return - boot side
uint8_t fetchBootSide(uint16_t entityInstance, CodeUpdate* codeUpdate);
/* @brief Method to set current or next boot side
* @param[in] entityInstance - entity instance for the effecter
* @param[in] currState - state to be set
* @param[in] stateField - state field set as sent by Host
* @return - PLDM_SUCCESS codes
int setBootSide(uint16_t entityInstance, uint8_t currState,
const std::vector<set_effecter_state_field>& stateField,
CodeUpdate* codeUpdate);
/* @brief Method to process LIDs during inband update, such as verifying and
* removing the header to get them ready to be written to flash
* @param[in] filePath - Path to the LID file
* @return - PLDM_SUCCESS codes
int processCodeUpdateLid(const std::string& filePath);
/** @brief Method to assemble the code update tarball and trigger the
* phosphor software manager to create a version interface
* @return - PLDM_SUCCESS codes
int assembleCodeUpdateImage();
} // namespace responder
} // namespace pldm