blob: 6558fd910a6ecb8b62fde0b6028f61dfd1835618 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <tuple>
#include <sdbusplus/message/types.hpp>
#include <sdbusplus/utility/type_traits.hpp>
#include <sdbusplus/utility/tuple_to_array.hpp>
#include <systemd/sd-bus.h>
namespace sdbusplus
namespace message
/** @brief Append data into an sdbus message.
* (This is an empty no-op function that is useful in some cases for
* variadic template reasons.)
inline void append(sd_bus_message* m){};
/** @brief Append data into an sdbus message.
* @param[in] msg - The message to append to.
* @tparam Args - C++ types of arguments to append to message.
* @param[in] args - values to append to message.
* This function will, at compile-time, deduce the DBus types of the passed
* C++ values and call the sd_bus_message_append functions with the
* appropriate type parameters. It may also do conversions, where needed,
* to convert C++ types into C representations (eg. string, vector).
template <typename... Args> void append(sd_bus_message* m, Args&&... args);
namespace details
/** @struct can_append_multiple
* @brief Utility to identify C++ types that may not be grouped into a
* single sd_bus_message_append call and instead need special
* handling.
* @tparam T - Type for identification.
* User-defined types are expected to inherit from std::false_type.
template <typename T> struct can_append_multiple : std::true_type
// std::string needs a c_str() call.
template <> struct can_append_multiple<std::string> : std::false_type
// object_path needs a c_str() call.
template <> struct can_append_multiple<object_path> : std::false_type
// signature needs a c_str() call.
template <> struct can_append_multiple<signature> : std::false_type
// bool needs to be resized to int, per sdbus documentation.
template <> struct can_append_multiple<bool> : std::false_type
// std::vector needs a loop.
template <typename T>
struct can_append_multiple<std::vector<T>> : std::false_type
// std::pair needs to be broken down into components.
template <typename T1, typename T2>
struct can_append_multiple<std::pair<T1, T2>> : std::false_type
// std::map needs a loop.
template <typename T1, typename T2>
struct can_append_multiple<std::map<T1, T2>> : std::false_type
// std::tuple needs to be broken down into components.
template <typename... Args>
struct can_append_multiple<std::tuple<Args...>> : std::false_type
// variant needs to be broken down into components.
template <typename... Args>
struct can_append_multiple<variant<Args...>> : std::false_type
/** @struct append_single
* @brief Utility to append a single C++ element into a sd_bus_message.
* User-defined types are expected to specialize this template in order to
* get their functionality.
* @tparam S - Type of element to append.
template <typename S> struct append_single
// Downcast
template <typename T> using Td = types::details::type_id_downcast_t<T>;
// sd_bus_message_append_basic expects a T* (cast to void*) for most types,
// so t& is appropriate. In the case of char*, it expects the void* is
// the char*. If we use &t, that is a char** and not a char*.
// Use these helper templates 'address_of(t)' in place of '&t' to
// handle both cases.
template <typename T> static auto address_of_helper(T&& t, std::false_type)
return &t;
template <typename T> static auto address_of_helper(T&& t, std::true_type)
return t;
template <typename T> static auto address_of(T&& t)
return address_of_helper(std::forward<T>(t),
/** @brief Do the operation to append element.
* @tparam T - Type of element to append.
* Template parameters T (function) and S (class) are different
* to allow the function to be utilized for many varients of S:
* S&, S&&, const S&, volatile S&, etc. The type_id_downcast is used
* to ensure T and S are equivalent. For 'char*', this also allows
* use for 'char[N]' types.
* @param[in] m - sd_bus_message to append into.
* @param[in] t - The item to append.
template <typename T,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<S, Td<T>>::value>>
static void op(sd_bus_message* m, T&& t)
// For this default implementation, we need to ensure that only
// basic types are used.
static_assert(std::is_fundamental<Td<T>>::value ||
std::is_convertible<Td<T>, const char*>::value,
"Non-basic types are not allowed.");
constexpr auto dbusType = std::get<0>(types::type_id<T>());
sd_bus_message_append_basic(m, dbusType,
template <typename T>
using append_single_t = append_single<types::details::type_id_downcast_t<T>>;
/** @brief Specialization of append_single for std::strings. */
template <> struct append_single<std::string>
template <typename T> static void op(sd_bus_message* m, T&& s)
constexpr auto dbusType = std::get<0>(types::type_id<T>());
sd_bus_message_append_basic(m, dbusType, s.c_str());
/** @brief Specialization of append_single for details::string_wrapper. */
template <typename T> struct append_single<details::string_wrapper<T>>
template <typename S> static void op(sd_bus_message* m, S&& s)
constexpr auto dbusType = std::get<0>(types::type_id<S>());
sd_bus_message_append_basic(m, dbusType, s.str.c_str());
/** @brief Specialization of append_single for bool. */
template <> struct append_single<bool>
template <typename T> static void op(sd_bus_message* m, T&& b)
constexpr auto dbusType = std::get<0>(types::type_id<T>());
int i = b;
sd_bus_message_append_basic(m, dbusType, &i);
/** @brief Specialization of append_single for std::vectors. */
template <typename T> struct append_single<std::vector<T>>
template <typename S> static void op(sd_bus_message* m, S&& s)
constexpr auto dbusType = utility::tuple_to_array(types::type_id<T>());
sd_bus_message_open_container(m, SD_BUS_TYPE_ARRAY,;
for (auto& i : s)
sdbusplus::message::append(m, i);
/** @brief Specialization of append_single for std::pairs. */
template <typename T1, typename T2> struct append_single<std::pair<T1, T2>>
template <typename S> static void op(sd_bus_message* m, S&& s)
constexpr auto dbusType = utility::tuple_to_array(
std::tuple_cat(types::type_id_nonull<T1>(), types::type_id<T2>()));
sd_bus_message_open_container(m, SD_BUS_TYPE_DICT_ENTRY,;
sdbusplus::message::append(m, s.first, s.second);
/** @brief Specialization of append_single for std::maps. */
template <typename T1, typename T2> struct append_single<std::map<T1, T2>>
template <typename S> static void op(sd_bus_message* m, S&& s)
constexpr auto dbusType = utility::tuple_to_array(
types::type_id<typename std::map<T1, T2>::value_type>());
sd_bus_message_open_container(m, SD_BUS_TYPE_ARRAY,;
for (auto& i : s)
sdbusplus::message::append(m, i);
/** @brief Specialization of append_single for std::tuples. */
template <typename... Args> struct append_single<std::tuple<Args...>>
template <typename S, std::size_t... I>
static void _op(sd_bus_message* m, S&& s,
std::integer_sequence<std::size_t, I...>)
sdbusplus::message::append(m, std::get<I>(s)...);
template <typename S> static void op(sd_bus_message* m, S&& s)
constexpr auto dbusType = utility::tuple_to_array(std::tuple_cat(
std::make_tuple('\0') /* null terminator for C-string */));
sd_bus_message_open_container(m, SD_BUS_TYPE_STRUCT,;
_op(m, std::forward<S>(s), std::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Args)>());
/** @brief Specialization of append_single for std::variant. */
template <typename... Args> struct append_single<variant<Args...>>
template <typename S, typename = std::enable_if_t<0 < sizeof...(Args)>>
static void op(sd_bus_message* m, S&& s)
auto apply = [m](auto&& arg) {
constexpr auto dbusType =
sd_bus_message_open_container(m, SD_BUS_TYPE_VARIANT,;
sdbusplus::message::append(m, arg);
std::remove_reference_t<S>::visit(s, apply);
/** @brief Append a tuple of content into the sd_bus_message.
* @tparam Tuple - The tuple type to append.
* @param[in] t - The tuple value to append.
* @tparam I - The indexes of the tuple type Tuple.
* @param[in] [unamed] - unused index_sequence for type deduction of I.
template <typename Tuple, size_t... I>
void append_tuple(sd_bus_message* m, Tuple&& t, std::index_sequence<I...>)
auto dbusTypes =
sd_bus_message_append(m,, std::get<I>(t)...);
/** @brief Append a tuple of 2 or more entries into the sd_bus_message.
* @tparam Tuple - The tuple type to append.
* @param[in] t - The tuple to append.
* A tuple of 2 or more entries can be added as a set with
* sd_bus_message_append.
template <typename Tuple>
std::enable_if_t<2 <= std::tuple_size<Tuple>::value>
append_tuple(sd_bus_message* m, Tuple&& t)
append_tuple(m, std::move(t),
/** @brief Append a tuple of exactly 1 entry into the sd_bus_message.
* @tparam Tuple - The tuple type to append.
* @param[in] t - The tuple to append.
* A tuple of 1 entry can be added with sd_bus_message_append_basic.
* Note: Some 1-entry tuples may need special handling due to
* can_append_multiple::value == false.
template <typename Tuple>
std::enable_if_t<1 == std::tuple_size<Tuple>::value>
append_tuple(sd_bus_message* m, Tuple&& t)
using itemType = decltype(std::get<0>(t));
append_single_t<itemType>::op(m, std::forward<itemType>(std::get<0>(t)));
/** @brief Append a tuple of 0 entries - no-op.
* This a no-op function that is useful due to variadic templates.
template <typename Tuple>
std::enable_if_t<0 == std::tuple_size<Tuple>::value> inline append_tuple(
sd_bus_message* m, Tuple&& t)
/** @brief Group a sequence of C++ types for appending into an sd_bus_message.
* @tparam Tuple - A tuple of previously analyzed types.
* @tparam Arg - The argument to analyze for grouping.
* Specialization for when can_append_multiple<Arg> is true.
template <typename Tuple, typename Arg>
append_grouping(sd_bus_message* m, Tuple&& t, Arg&& arg);
/** @brief Group a sequence of C++ types for appending into an sd_bus_message.
* @tparam Tuple - A tuple of previously analyzed types.
* @tparam Arg - The argument to analyze for grouping.
* Specialization for when can_append_multiple<Arg> is false.
template <typename Tuple, typename Arg>
append_grouping(sd_bus_message* m, Tuple&& t, Arg&& arg);
/** @brief Group a sequence of C++ types for appending into an sd_bus_message.
* @tparam Tuple - A tuple of previously analyzed types.
* @tparam Arg - The argument to analyze for grouping.
* @tparam Rest - The remaining arguments left to analyze.
* Specialization for when can_append_multiple<Arg> is true.
template <typename Tuple, typename Arg, typename... Rest>
append_grouping(sd_bus_message* m, Tuple&& t, Arg&& arg, Rest&&... rest);
/** @brief Group a sequence of C++ types for appending into an sd_bus_message.
* @tparam Tuple - A tuple of previously analyzed types.
* @tparam Arg - The argument to analyze for grouping.
* @tparam Rest - The remaining arguments left to analyze.
* Specialization for when can_append_multiple<Arg> is false.
template <typename Tuple, typename Arg, typename... Rest>
append_grouping(sd_bus_message* m, Tuple&& t, Arg&& arg, Rest&&... rest);
template <typename Tuple, typename Arg>
append_grouping(sd_bus_message* m, Tuple&& t, Arg&& arg)
// Last element of a sequence and can_append_multiple, so add it to
// the tuple and call append_tuple.
template <typename Tuple, typename Arg>
append_grouping(sd_bus_message* m, Tuple&& t, Arg&& arg)
// Last element of a sequence but !can_append_multiple, so call
// append_tuple on the previous elements and separately this single
// element.
append_tuple(m, std::forward<Tuple>(t));
append_tuple(m, std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Arg>(arg)));
template <typename Tuple, typename Arg, typename... Rest>
append_grouping(sd_bus_message* m, Tuple&& t, Arg&& arg, Rest&&... rest)
// Not the last element of a sequence and can_append_multiple, so add it
// to the tuple and keep grouping.
template <typename Tuple, typename Arg, typename... Rest>
append_grouping(sd_bus_message* m, Tuple&& t, Arg&& arg, Rest&&... rest)
// Not the last element of a sequence but !can_append_multiple, so call
// append_tuple on the previous elements and separately this single
// element and then group the remaining elements.
append_tuple(m, std::forward<Tuple>(t));
append_tuple(m, std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Arg>(arg)));
append_grouping(m, std::make_tuple(), std::forward<Rest>(rest)...);
} // namespace details
template <typename... Args> void append(sd_bus_message* m, Args&&... args)
details::append_grouping(m, std::make_tuple(), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
} // namespace message
} // namespace sdbusplus