blob: 897519465513f7c2eed9738d97e59da7848d087f [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <sdbusplus/async/execution.hpp>
#include <sdbusplus/exception.hpp>
#include <deque>
#include <mutex>
namespace sdbusplus::async
namespace scope_ns
template <execution::sender Sender>
struct scope_receiver;
struct scope_sender;
struct scope_completion;
} // namespace scope_ns
/** A collection of tasks.
* It is sometimes useful to run a group of tasks, possibly even detached
* from an execution context, but the only option in std::execution is
* start_detached, which does not have any mechanism to deal with errors
* from those tasks and can potentially leak tasks. Alternatively, you
* can save the result of `execution::connect`, but you need to maintain a
* lifetime of it until the connected-task completes.
* The scope maintains the lifetime of the tasks it `spawns` so that the
* operational-state created by `connect` is preserved (and deleted) as
* appropriate.
struct scope
scope() = delete;
explicit scope(execution::run_loop& loop) : loop(loop) {}
// The scope destructor can throw if it was destructed while there are
// outstanding tasks.
~scope() noexcept(false);
/** Spawn a Sender to run on the scope.
* @param[in] sender - The sender to run.
template <execution::sender_of<execution::set_value_t()> Sender>
void spawn(Sender&& sender);
/** Get a Sender that awaits for all tasks to complete. */
scope_ns::scope_sender empty() noexcept;
template <execution::sender>
friend struct scope_ns::scope_receiver;
friend scope_ns::scope_completion;
void started_task() noexcept;
void ended_task(std::exception_ptr&&) noexcept;
std::mutex lock{};
bool started = false;
size_t pending_count = 0;
std::deque<std::exception_ptr> pending_exceptions = {};
scope_ns::scope_completion* pending = nullptr;
execution::run_loop& loop;
namespace scope_ns
/** The Sender-completion Reciever. */
template <execution::sender Sender>
struct scope_receiver
template <typename OpState>
explicit scope_receiver(OpState* os, scope* s) : op_state(os), s(s)
friend void tag_invoke(execution::set_value_t, scope_receiver&& self,
auto&&...) noexcept
friend void tag_invoke(execution::set_error_t, scope_receiver&& self,
std::exception_ptr&& e) noexcept
friend void tag_invoke(execution::set_stopped_t,
scope_receiver&& self) noexcept
friend decltype(auto) tag_invoke(execution::get_env_t,
const scope_receiver& self) noexcept
return self;
friend decltype(auto) tag_invoke(execution::get_scheduler_t,
const scope_receiver& self) noexcept
return self.get_scheduler();
void complete(std::exception_ptr&& = {}) noexcept;
void* op_state;
scope* s = nullptr;
decltype(auto) get_scheduler() const
return s->loop.get_scheduler();
/** The holder of the connect operational-state. */
template <execution::sender Sender>
struct scope_operation_state
using state_t = execution::connect_result_t<Sender, scope_receiver<Sender>>;
std::optional<state_t> op_state;
template <execution::sender Sender>
void scope_receiver<Sender>::complete(std::exception_ptr&& e) noexcept
// The Sender is complete, so we need to clean up the saved operational
// state.
// Save the scope (since we're going to delete `this`).
auto owning_scope = s;
// We also need to save the exception, which is likely owned by `this`.
std::exception_ptr ex{std::move(e)};
// Delete the operational state, which triggers deleting this.
delete static_cast<scope_ns::scope_operation_state<Sender>*>(op_state);
// Inform the scope that a task has completed.
// Virtual class to handle the scope completions.
struct scope_completion
scope_completion() = delete;
scope_completion(scope_completion&&) = delete;
explicit scope_completion(scope& s) : s(s){};
virtual ~scope_completion() = default;
friend scope;
friend void tag_invoke(execution::start_t, scope_completion& self) noexcept
virtual void complete(std::exception_ptr&&) noexcept = 0;
void arm() noexcept;
scope& s;
// Implementation (templated based on Reciever) of scope_completion.
template <execution::receiver Reciever>
struct scope_operation : scope_completion
scope_operation(scope& s, Reciever r) :
scope_completion(s), receiver(std::move(r))
void complete(std::exception_ptr&& e) noexcept override final
if (e)
execution::set_error(std::move(receiver), std::move(e));
Reciever receiver;
// Scope completion Sender implementation.
struct scope_sender
scope_sender() = delete;
explicit scope_sender(scope& m) noexcept : m(m){};
friend auto tag_invoke(execution::get_completion_signatures_t,
const scope_sender&, auto)
-> execution::completion_signatures<execution::set_value_t(),
template <execution::receiver R>
friend auto tag_invoke(execution::connect_t, scope_sender&& self, R r)
-> scope_operation<R>
return {self.m, std::move(r)};
scope& m;
// Most (non-movable) receivers cannot be emplaced without this template magic.
// Ex. `spawn(std::execution::just())` doesnt' work without this.
template <typename Fn>
struct in_place_construct
Fn fn;
using result_t = decltype(std::declval<Fn>()());
operator result_t()
return ((Fn&&)fn)();
explicit in_place_construct(Fn&& fn) : fn(std::move(fn)){};
} // namespace scope_ns
template <execution::sender_of<execution::set_value_t()> Sender>
void scope::spawn(Sender&& sender)
// Create a holder of the operational state. Keep it in a unique_ptr
// so it is cleaned up if there are any exceptions in this function.
auto s = std::make_unique<
// Associate the state and scope with the receiver and connect to the
// Sender.
s->op_state.emplace(scope_ns::in_place_construct{[&] {
return execution::connect(
scope_ns::scope_receiver<std::decay_t<Sender>>{s.get(), this});
// Start is noexcept, so it is safe to release the pointer which is now
// contained in the receiver.
} // namespace sdbusplus::async