blob: 0297e797810d159de9b91ccaff11d320ddf7d992 [file] [log] [blame]
from .namedelement import NamedElement
from .renderer import Renderer
import yaml
class Property(NamedElement, Renderer):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.typeName = kwargs.pop('type', None)
self.cppTypeName = self.parse_cpp_type(self.typeName)
self.defaultValue = kwargs.pop('default', None)
super(Property, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def is_enum(self):
if not self.cppTypeName:
return False
if self.cppTypeName.startswith("enum<"):
return True
return False
""" Return a conversion of the cppTypeName valid as a function parameter.
Currently only 'enum' requires conversion.
def cppTypeParam(self, interface, server=True):
if self.is_enum():
# strip off 'enum<' and '>'
r = self.cppTypeName.split('>')[0].split('<')[1]
# self. means local type.
if r.startswith("self."):
return r.split('self.')[1]
r = r.split('.')
r.insert(-2, "server" if server else "client")
r = "::".join(r)
return r
return self.cppTypeName
""" Return a conversion of the cppTypeName valid as it is read out of a
message. Currently only 'enum' requires conversion.
def cppTypeMessage(self, interface):
if self.is_enum():
return "std::string"
return self.cppTypeName
def parse_cpp_type(self, typeName):
if not typeName:
return None
""" typeNames are _almost_ valid YAML. Insert a , before each [
and then wrap it in a [ ] and it becomes valid YAML. (assuming
the user gave us a valid typename)
parse = yaml.safe_load("[" + ",[".join(typeName.split("[")) + "]")
return self.__parse_cpp_type__(parse)
""" Take a list of dbus types and perform validity checking, such as:
[ variant [ dict [ int32, int32 ], double ] ]
This function then converts the type-list into a C++ type string.
def __parse_cpp_type__(self, typeArray):
propertyMap = {
'byte': {'cppName': 'uint8_t', 'params': 0},
'boolean': {'cppName': 'bool', 'params': 0},
'int16': {'cppName': 'int16_t', 'params': 0},
'uint16': {'cppName': 'uint16_t', 'params': 0},
'int32': {'cppName': 'int32_t', 'params': 0},
'uint32': {'cppName': 'uint32_t', 'params': 0},
'int64': {'cppName': 'int64_t', 'params': 0},
'uint64': {'cppName': 'uint64_t', 'params': 0},
'double': {'cppName': 'double', 'params': 0},
'string': {'cppName': 'std::string', 'params': 0},
'path': {'cppName': 'std::string', 'params': 0},
'signature': {'cppName': 'std::string', 'params': 0},
'array': {'cppName': 'std::vector', 'params': 1},
'struct': {'cppName': 'std::tuple', 'params': -1},
'variant': {'cppName': 'sdbusplus::variant', 'params': -1},
'dict': {'cppName': 'std::map', 'params': 2},
'enum': {'cppName': 'enum', 'params': 1, 'noparse': True}}
first = typeArray.pop(0)
entry = propertyMap[first]
result = entry['cppName']
# Handle 0-entry parameter lists.
if (entry['params'] == 0):
if (len(typeArray) != 0):
raise RuntimeError("Invalid typeArray %s" % typeArray)
return result
# Get remainder of the parameter list, which should be the last
# element.
rest = typeArray.pop(0)
if (len(typeArray) != 0):
raise RuntimeError("Invalid typeArray %s" % typeArray)
# Confirm parameter count matches.
if (entry['params'] != -1) and (entry['params'] != len(rest)):
raise RuntimeError("Invalid entry count for %s : %s" %
(first, rest))
# Parse each parameter entry, if appropriate, and create C++ template
# syntax.
result += '<'
if entry.get('noparse'):
result += ", ".join(rest)
result += ", ".join(map(lambda e: self.__parse_cpp_type__([e]),
result += '>'
return result
def markdown(self, loader):
return self.render(loader, "", property=self,