blob: 32f6fa34e214eb608d86566af0d0e65075bf68a9 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <systemd/sd-bus.h>
#include <sdbusplus/bus.hpp>
#include <chrono>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <thread>
namespace sdbusplus
namespace server
namespace transaction
namespace details
// Transaction Id
extern thread_local uint64_t id;
struct Transaction
Transaction() : time(std::time(nullptr)), thread(std::this_thread::get_id())
int time;
std::thread::id thread;
} // namespace details
struct Transaction
Transaction(sdbusplus::bus_t& bus, sdbusplus::message_t& msg) :
bus(bus), msg(msg)
sdbusplus::bus_t& bus;
sdbusplus::message_t& msg;
} // namespace transaction
} // namespace server
} // namespace sdbusplus
namespace std
/** @ brief Overload of std::hash for sdbusplus::bus_t */
template <>
struct hash<sdbusplus::bus_t>
size_t operator()(sdbusplus::bus_t& b) const;
/** @ brief Overload of std::hash for sdbusplus::message_t */
template <>
struct hash<sdbusplus::message_t>
size_t operator()(sdbusplus::message_t& m) const;
/** @ brief Overload of std::hash for Transaction */
template <>
struct hash<sdbusplus::server::transaction::Transaction>
operator()(sdbusplus::server::transaction::Transaction const& t) const;
/** @ brief Overload of std::hash for details::Transaction */
template <>
struct hash<sdbusplus::server::transaction::details::Transaction>
size_t operator()(
sdbusplus::server::transaction::details::Transaction const& t) const;
} // namespace std
namespace sdbusplus
namespace server
namespace transaction
/** @brief Get transaction id
* @return The value of the transaction id
uint64_t get_id();
/** @brief Set transaction id
* @param[in] value - Desired value for the transaction id
void set_id(uint64_t value);
/** @brief Set transaction from message.
* @param[in] msg - The message to create the transaction from.
void set_id(message_t& msg);
} // namespace transaction
} // namespace server
} // namespace sdbusplus