blob: 6bb2bc71f62e1790c7ab6bec72b4fe2088c22a8b [file] [log] [blame]
#include <net/poettering/Calculator/client.hpp>
#include <sdbusplus/async.hpp>
#include <iostream>
auto startup(sdbusplus::async::context& ctx) -> sdbusplus::async::task<>
constexpr auto service = "net.poettering.Calculator";
constexpr auto path = "/net/poettering/calculator";
auto c = sdbusplus::client::net::poettering::Calculator(ctx)
// Alternatively, sdbusplus::async::client_t<Calculator, ...>() could have
// been used to combine multiple interfaces into a single client-proxy.
// Call the Multiply method.
auto _ = co_await c.multiply(7, 6);
std::cout << "Should be 42: " << _ << std::endl;
// Get the LastResult property.
auto _ = co_await c.lastResult();
std::cout << "Should be 42: " << _ << std::endl;
// Call the Clear method.
co_await c.clear();
// Get the LastResult property.
auto _ = co_await c.lastResult();
std::cout << "Should be 0: " << _ << std::endl;
// Set the LastResult property.
co_await c.lastResult(1234);
// Get the LastResult property.
auto _ = co_await c.lastResult();
std::cout << "Should be 1234: " << _ << std::endl;
int main()
sdbusplus::async::context ctx;
sdbusplus::async::execution::just() |
sdbusplus::async::execution::then([&ctx]() { ctx.request_stop(); }));;
return 0;