blob: 379941ecb911c3c1f72a3e2d87d97e4eb16743cf [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021-2022 NVIDIA Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 with LLVM Exceptions
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "../stdexec/__detail/__meta.hpp"
#include "../stdexec/coroutine.hpp"
#include "../stdexec/execution.hpp"
#include "any_sender_of.hpp"
#include "at_coroutine_exit.hpp"
#include "inline_scheduler.hpp"
#include "scope.hpp"
#include <any>
#include <cassert>
#include <exception>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
namespace exec
namespace __task
using namespace stdexec;
using __any_scheduler = //
any_receiver_ref< //
set_stopped_t()> //
template <class _Ty>
concept __stop_token_provider = //
requires(const _Ty& t) { //
template <class _Ty>
concept __indirect_stop_token_provider = //
requires(const _Ty& t) {
} -> __stop_token_provider;
template <class _Ty>
concept __indirect_scheduler_provider = //
requires(const _Ty& t) {
} -> __scheduler_provider;
template <class _ParentPromise>
void __check_parent_promise_has_scheduler() noexcept
"exec::task<T> cannot be co_await-ed in a coroutine that "
"does not have an associated scheduler.");
struct __forward_stop_request
in_place_stop_source& __stop_source_;
void operator()() noexcept
template <class _ParentPromise>
struct __default_awaiter_context;
// This is the context that is associated with basic_task's promise type
// by default. It handles forwarding of stop requests from parent to child.
enum class __scheduler_affinity
template <__scheduler_affinity _SchedulerAffinity =
class __default_task_context_impl
template <class _ParentPromise>
friend struct __default_awaiter_context;
static constexpr bool __with_scheduler = _SchedulerAffinity ==
__if_c<__with_scheduler, __any_scheduler, __ignore> //
in_place_stop_token __stop_token_;
friend const __any_scheduler&
const __default_task_context_impl& __self) noexcept
return __self.__scheduler_;
friend auto tag_invoke(get_stop_token_t,
const __default_task_context_impl& __self) noexcept
-> in_place_stop_token
return __self.__stop_token_;
__default_task_context_impl() = default;
template <scheduler _Scheduler>
explicit __default_task_context_impl(_Scheduler&& __scheduler) :
bool stop_requested() const noexcept
return __stop_token_.stop_requested();
template <scheduler _Scheduler>
void set_scheduler(_Scheduler&& __sched)
__scheduler_ = (_Scheduler&&)__sched;
template <class _ThisPromise>
using promise_context_t = __default_task_context_impl;
template <class _ThisPromise, class _ParentPromise = void>
using awaiter_context_t = __default_awaiter_context<_ParentPromise>;
template <class _Ty>
using default_task_context =
template <class _Ty>
using __raw_task_context =
// This is the context associated with basic_task's awaiter. By default
// it does nothing.
template <class _ParentPromise>
struct __default_awaiter_context
template <__scheduler_affinity _Affinity>
explicit __default_awaiter_context(
__default_task_context_impl<_Affinity>& __self,
_ParentPromise& __parent) noexcept
if constexpr (_Affinity == __scheduler_affinity::__sticky)
__self.__scheduler_ = get_scheduler(get_env(__parent));
// This is the context to be associated with basic_task's awaiter when
// the parent coroutine's promise type is known, is a __stop_token_provider,
// and its stop token type is neither in_place_stop_token nor unstoppable.
template <__indirect_stop_token_provider _ParentPromise>
struct __default_awaiter_context<_ParentPromise>
using __stop_token_t = stop_token_of_t<env_of_t<_ParentPromise>>;
using __stop_callback_t =
typename __stop_token_t::template callback_type<__forward_stop_request>;
template <__scheduler_affinity _Affinity>
explicit __default_awaiter_context(
__default_task_context_impl<_Affinity>& __self,
_ParentPromise& __parent) noexcept
// Register a callback that will request stop on this basic_task's
// stop_source when stop is requested on the parent coroutine's stop
// token.
if constexpr (_Affinity == __scheduler_affinity::__sticky)
__self.__scheduler_ = get_scheduler(get_env(__parent));
std::is_nothrow_constructible_v<__stop_callback_t, __stop_token_t,
__self.__stop_token_ = __stop_source_.get_token();
in_place_stop_source __stop_source_{};
__stop_callback_t __stop_callback_;
// If the parent coroutine's type has a stop token of type in_place_stop_token,
// we don't need to register a stop callback.
template <__indirect_stop_token_provider _ParentPromise>
requires std::same_as<in_place_stop_token,
struct __default_awaiter_context<_ParentPromise>
template <__scheduler_affinity _Affinity>
explicit __default_awaiter_context(
__default_task_context_impl<_Affinity>& __self,
_ParentPromise& __parent) noexcept
if constexpr (_Affinity == __scheduler_affinity::__sticky)
__self.__scheduler_ = get_scheduler(get_env(__parent));
__self.__stop_token_ = get_stop_token(get_env(__parent));
// If the parent coroutine's stop token is unstoppable, there's no point
// forwarding stop tokens or stop requests at all.
template <__indirect_stop_token_provider _ParentPromise>
requires unstoppable_token<stop_token_of_t<env_of_t<_ParentPromise>>>
struct __default_awaiter_context<_ParentPromise>
template <__scheduler_affinity _Affinity>
explicit __default_awaiter_context(
__default_task_context_impl<_Affinity>& __self,
_ParentPromise& __parent) noexcept
if constexpr (_Affinity == __scheduler_affinity::__sticky)
__self.__scheduler_ = get_scheduler(get_env(__parent));
// Finally, if we don't know the parent coroutine's promise type, assume the
// worst and save a type-erased stop callback.
template <>
struct __default_awaiter_context<void>
template <__scheduler_affinity _Affinity, class _ParentPromise>
explicit __default_awaiter_context(
__default_task_context_impl<_Affinity>& __self,
_ParentPromise& __parent) noexcept
if constexpr (_Affinity == __scheduler_affinity::__sticky)
__self.__scheduler_ = get_scheduler(get_env(__parent));
template <__scheduler_affinity _Affinity,
__indirect_stop_token_provider _ParentPromise>
explicit __default_awaiter_context(
__default_task_context_impl<_Affinity>& __self,
_ParentPromise& __parent)
if constexpr (_Affinity == __scheduler_affinity::__sticky)
__self.__scheduler_ = get_scheduler(get_env(__parent));
// Register a callback that will request stop on this basic_task's
// stop_source when stop is requested on the parent coroutine's stop
// token.
using __stop_token_t = stop_token_of_t<env_of_t<_ParentPromise>>;
using __stop_callback_t =
typename __stop_token_t::template callback_type<
if constexpr (std::same_as<__stop_token_t, in_place_stop_token>)
__self.__stop_token_ = get_stop_token(get_env(__parent));
else if (auto __token = get_stop_token(get_env(__parent));
std::move(__token), __forward_stop_request{__stop_source_});
__self.__stop_token_ = __stop_source_.get_token();
in_place_stop_source __stop_source_{};
std::any __stop_callback_{};
template <class _Promise, class _ParentPromise = void>
using awaiter_context_t = //
typename __decay_t<env_of_t<_Promise>> //
::template awaiter_context_t<_Promise, _ParentPromise>;
// In a base class so it can be specialized when _Ty is void:
template <class _Ty>
struct __promise_base
void return_value(_Ty value) noexcept
__data_.template emplace<1>(std::move(value));
std::variant<std::monostate, _Ty, std::exception_ptr> __data_{};
template <>
struct __promise_base<void>
struct __void
void return_void() noexcept
__data_.template emplace<1>(__void{});
std::variant<std::monostate, __void, std::exception_ptr> __data_{};
enum class disposition : unsigned
struct __reschedule_coroutine_on
template <class _Scheduler>
struct __wrap
_Scheduler __sched_;
template <scheduler _Scheduler>
__wrap<_Scheduler> operator()(_Scheduler __sched) const noexcept
return {(_Scheduler&&)__sched};
// basic_task
template <class _Ty, class _Context = default_task_context<_Ty>>
class basic_task
struct __promise;
using __t = basic_task;
using __id = basic_task;
using promise_type = __promise;
basic_task(basic_task&& __that) noexcept :
__coro_(std::exchange(__that.__coro_, {}))
if (__coro_)
struct __final_awaitable
static constexpr bool await_ready() noexcept
return false;
static __coro::coroutine_handle<>
await_suspend(__coro::coroutine_handle<__promise> __h) noexcept
return __h.promise().continuation().handle();
static void await_resume() noexcept {}
struct __promise : __promise_base<_Ty>, with_awaitable_senders<__promise>
basic_task get_return_object() noexcept
return basic_task(
__coro::suspend_always initial_suspend() noexcept
return {};
__final_awaitable final_suspend() noexcept
return {};
__task::disposition disposition() const noexcept
return static_cast<__task::disposition>(this->__data_.index());
void unhandled_exception() noexcept
this->__data_.template emplace<2>(std::current_exception());
template <sender _Awaitable>
requires __scheduler_provider<_Context>
decltype(auto) await_transform(_Awaitable&& __awaitable) noexcept
// TODO: If we have a complete-where-it-starts query then we can
// optimize this to avoid the reschedule
return as_awaitable(
transfer((_Awaitable&&)__awaitable, get_scheduler(__context_)),
template <class _Scheduler>
requires __scheduler_provider<_Context>
decltype(auto) await_transform(
__reschedule_coroutine_on::__wrap<_Scheduler> __box) noexcept
if (!std::exchange(__rescheduled_, true))
// Create a cleanup action that transitions back onto the
// current scheduler:
auto __sched = get_scheduler(__context_);
auto __cleanup_task = at_coroutine_exit(schedule,
// Insert the cleanup action into the head of the continuation
// chain by making direct calls to the cleanup task's awaiter
// member functions. See type _cleanup_task in
// at_coroutine_exit.hpp:
return as_awaitable(schedule(__box.__sched_), *this);
template <class _Awaitable>
decltype(auto) await_transform(_Awaitable&& __awaitable) noexcept
return with_awaitable_senders<__promise>::await_transform(
using __context_t =
typename _Context::template promise_context_t<__promise>;
friend const __context_t& tag_invoke(get_env_t,
const __promise& __self) noexcept
return __self.__context_;
__context_t __context_;
bool __rescheduled_{false};
template <class _ParentPromise = void>
struct __task_awaitable
__coro::coroutine_handle<__promise> __coro_;
std::optional<awaiter_context_t<__promise, _ParentPromise>>
if (__coro_)
static constexpr bool await_ready() noexcept
return false;
template <class _ParentPromise2>
__coro::coroutine_handle<> await_suspend(
__coro::coroutine_handle<_ParentPromise2> __parent) noexcept
static_assert(__one_of<_ParentPromise, _ParentPromise2, void>);
if constexpr (requires {
__coro_.promise().stop_requested() ? 0 : 1;
if (__coro_.promise().stop_requested())
return __parent.promise().unhandled_stopped();
return __coro_;
_Ty await_resume()
scope_guard __on_exit{
[this]() noexcept { std::exchange(__coro_, {}).destroy(); }};
if (__coro_.promise().__data_.index() == 2)
if constexpr (!std::is_void_v<_Ty>)
return std::get<1>(std::move(__coro_.promise().__data_));
// Make this task awaitable within a particular context:
template <class _ParentPromise>
requires constructible_from<
awaiter_context_t<__promise, _ParentPromise>, __promise&,
friend __task_awaitable<_ParentPromise> tag_invoke(as_awaitable_t,
basic_task&& __self,
_ParentPromise&) noexcept
return __task_awaitable<_ParentPromise>{
std::exchange(__self.__coro_, {})};
// Make this task generally awaitable:
friend __task_awaitable<> operator co_await(basic_task && __self) noexcept
requires __mvalid<awaiter_context_t, __promise>
return __task_awaitable<>{std::exchange(__self.__coro_, {})};
// From the list of types [_Ty], remove any types that are void, and send
// the resulting list to __qf<set_value_t>, which uses the list of types
// as arguments of a function type. In other words, set_value_t() if _Ty
// is void, and set_value_t(_Ty) otherwise.
using __set_value_sig_t = __minvoke<__remove<void, __qf<set_value_t>>, _Ty>;
// Specify basic_task's completion signatures
// This is only necessary when basic_task is not generally awaitable
// owing to constraints imposed by its _Context parameter.
using __task_traits_t = //
set_error_t(std::exception_ptr), set_stopped_t()>;
friend auto tag_invoke(get_completion_signatures_t, const basic_task&, auto)
-> __task_traits_t
return {};
explicit basic_task(__coro::coroutine_handle<promise_type> __coro) noexcept
__coro::coroutine_handle<promise_type> __coro_;
} // namespace __task
using task_disposition = __task::disposition;
template <class _Ty>
using default_task_context = __task::default_task_context<_Ty>;
template <class _Promise, class _ParentPromise = void>
using awaiter_context_t = __task::awaiter_context_t<_Promise, _ParentPromise>;
template <class _Ty, class _Context = default_task_context<_Ty>>
using basic_task = __task::basic_task<_Ty, _Context>;
template <class _Ty>
using task = basic_task<_Ty, default_task_context<_Ty>>;
inline constexpr __task::__reschedule_coroutine_on reschedule_coroutine_on{};
} // namespace exec