blob: 14c5bf2694ea2cf1412aeeaaf2ac3d529b67f270 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021-2022 NVIDIA Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 with LLVM Exceptions
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "__concepts.hpp"
#include "__config.hpp"
#include "__type_traits.hpp"
#include <cassert>
#include <exception>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
namespace stdexec
template <class...>
struct __undefined;
struct __
struct __ignore
__ignore() = default;
STDEXEC_ATTRIBUTE((always_inline)) //
constexpr __ignore(auto&&...) noexcept {}
struct __none_such
struct __immovable
__immovable() = default;
struct __move_only
__move_only() = default;
__move_only(__move_only&&) noexcept = default;
__move_only& operator=(__move_only&&) noexcept = default;
__move_only(const __move_only&) = delete;
__move_only& operator=(const __move_only&) = delete;
template <class _Tp>
using __t = typename _Tp::__t;
template <bool _Bp>
using __mbool = std::bool_constant<_Bp>;
template <class _Ty>
struct __mtype
using __t = _Ty;
template <auto _Value>
using __mtypeof = decltype(_Value);
template <class...>
struct __types;
template <class _Tp>
using __midentity = _Tp;
template <std::size_t _Np>
using __msize_t = char[_Np + 1];
template <auto _Np>
struct __mconstant_;
template <auto _Np>
using __mconstant = __mconstant_<_Np>*;
template <class _Tp, class _Up>
using __mfirst = _Tp;
template <class _Tp, class _Up>
using __msecond = _Up;
template <class _Tp>
extern const __undefined<_Tp> __v;
template <class _Tp>
requires __typename<__mtypeof<_Tp::value>>
inline constexpr auto __v<_Tp> = _Tp::value;
template <class _Tp, class _Up>
inline constexpr bool __v<std::is_same<_Tp, _Up>> = false;
template <class _Tp>
inline constexpr bool __v<std::is_same<_Tp, _Tp>> = true;
template <class _Tp, _Tp _Ip>
inline constexpr _Tp __v<std::integral_constant<_Tp, _Ip>> = _Ip;
template <auto _Np>
inline constexpr __mtypeof<_Np> __v<__mconstant<_Np>> = _Np;
template <std::size_t _Ip>
inline constexpr std::size_t __v<char[_Ip]> = _Ip - 1;
template <std::size_t... _Is>
using __indices = std::index_sequence<_Is...>*;
template <std::size_t _Np>
using __make_indices = std::make_index_sequence<_Np>*;
template <class... _Ts>
using __indices_for = __make_indices<sizeof...(_Ts)>;
template <class _Char>
concept __mchar = __same_as<_Char, char>;
template <std::size_t _Len>
class __mstring
template <std::size_t... _Is>
constexpr __mstring(const char (&__str)[_Len], __indices<_Is...>) noexcept :
constexpr __mstring(const char (&__str)[_Len]) noexcept :
__mstring{__str, __make_indices<_Len>{}}
template <__mchar... _Char>
requires(sizeof...(_Char) == _Len)
constexpr __mstring(_Char... __chars) noexcept : __what_{__chars...}
static constexpr std::size_t __length() noexcept
return _Len;
template <std::size_t... _Is>
constexpr bool __equal(__mstring __other, __indices<_Is...>) const noexcept
return ((__what_[_Is] == __other.__what_[_Is]) && ...);
constexpr bool operator==(__mstring __other) const noexcept
return __equal(__other, __make_indices<_Len>());
const char __what_[_Len];
#if STDEXEC_NVHPC() && (__EDG_VERSION__ < 604)
// Use a non-standard extension for older nvc++ releases
template <__mchar _Char, _Char... _Str>
constexpr __mstring<sizeof...(_Str)> operator""__csz() noexcept
return {_Str...};
#elif STDEXEC_NVHPC() && (__EDG_VERSION__ < 605)
// This is to work around an unfiled (by me) EDG bug that fixed in build 605
template <__mstring _Str>
constexpr const __mtypeof<_Str> operator""__csz() noexcept
return _Str;
// Use a standard user-defined string literal template
template <__mstring _Str>
constexpr __mtypeof<_Str> operator""__csz() noexcept
return _Str;
using __msuccess = int;
template <class _What, class... _With>
struct _WARNING_
template <class _What, class... _With>
struct _ERROR_
_ERROR_ operator,(__msuccess) const noexcept;
template <__mstring _What>
struct _WHAT_
template <class _What, class... _With>
using __mexception = _ERROR_<_What, _With...>;
template <class>
extern __msuccess __ok_v;
template <class _What, class... _With>
extern _ERROR_<_What, _With...> __ok_v<__mexception<_What, _With...>>;
template <class _Ty>
using __ok_t = decltype(__ok_v<_Ty>);
template <class... _Ts>
using __disp = decltype((__msuccess(), ..., __ok_t<_Ts>()));
template <class _Arg>
concept __ok = __same_as<__ok_t<_Arg>, __msuccess>;
template <class _Arg>
concept __merror = !__ok<_Arg>;
template <class... _Args>
concept _Ok = (__ok<_Args> && ...);
template <bool _AllOK>
struct __i;
// Most compilers memoize alias template specializations, but
// nvc++ does not. So we memoize the type computations by
// indirecting through a class template specialization.
template <template <class...> class _Fn, class... _Args>
using __meval__ = typename __i<_Ok<_Args...>>::template __g<_Fn, _Args...>;
template <template <class...> class _Fn, class... _Args>
struct __meval_
template <template <class...> class _Fn, class... _Args>
requires __typename<__meval__<_Fn, _Args...>>
struct __meval_<_Fn, _Args...>
using __t = __meval__<_Fn, _Args...>;
template <template <class...> class _Fn, class... _Args>
using __meval = __t<__meval_<_Fn, _Args...>>;
template <class _Fn, class... _Args>
using __minvoke__ = typename __i<_Ok<_Fn>>::template __h<_Fn, _Args...>;
template <class _Fn, class... _Args>
struct __minvoke_
template <class _Fn, class... _Args>
requires __typename<__minvoke__<_Fn, _Args...>>
struct __minvoke_<_Fn, _Args...>
using __t = __minvoke__<_Fn, _Args...>;
template <class _Fn, class... _Args>
using __minvoke = __t<__minvoke_<_Fn, _Args...>>;
template <template <class...> class _Fn, class... _Args>
using __meval = typename __i<_Ok<_Args...>>::template __g<_Fn, _Args...>;
template <class _Fn, class... _Args>
using __minvoke = typename __i<_Ok<_Fn>>::template __h<_Fn, _Args...>;
template <bool _AllOK>
struct __i
template <template <class...> class _Fn, class... _Args>
using __g = _Fn<_Args...>;
template <class _Fn, class... _Args>
using __h = __meval<_Fn::template __f, _Args...>;
template <>
struct __i<false>
template <template <class...> class, class... _Args>
using __g = __disp<_Args...>;
template <class _Fn, class...>
using __h = _Fn;
template <template <class...> class _Fn>
struct __q
template <class... _Args>
using __f = __meval<_Fn, _Args...>;
template <template <class...> class _Fn, class... _Front>
struct __mbind_front_q
template <class... _Args>
using __f = __meval<_Fn, _Front..., _Args...>;
template <class _Fn, class... _Front>
using __mbind_front = __mbind_front_q<_Fn::template __f, _Front...>;
template <template <class...> class _Fn, class... _Back>
struct __mbind_back_q
template <class... _Args>
using __f = __meval<_Fn, _Args..., _Back...>;
template <class _Fn, class... _Back>
using __mbind_back = __mbind_back_q<_Fn::template __f, _Back...>;
template <template <class...> class _Tp, class... _Args>
concept __mvalid = requires { typename __meval<_Tp, _Args...>; };
template <class _Fn, class... _Args>
concept __minvocable = __mvalid<_Fn::template __f, _Args...>;
template <template <class...> class _Tp, class... _Args>
concept __msucceeds = __mvalid<_Tp, _Args...> && __ok<__meval<_Tp, _Args...>>;
template <class _Fn, class... _Args>
concept __minvocable_succeeds = __minvocable<_Fn, _Args...> &&
__ok<__minvoke<_Fn, _Args...>>;
template <class _Fn, class... _Args>
struct __force_minvoke_
using __t = __minvoke<_Fn, _Args...>;
template <class _Fn, class... _Args>
using __force_minvoke = __t<__force_minvoke_<_Fn, _Args...>>;
template <class _Fn, class... _Args>
struct __mdefer_
template <class _Fn, class... _Args>
requires __minvocable<_Fn, _Args...>
struct __mdefer_<_Fn, _Args...>
using __t = __minvoke<_Fn, _Args...>;
template <class _Fn, class... _Args>
struct __mdefer : __mdefer_<_Fn, _Args...>
template <class _Fn, class... _Args>
using __mmemoize = __t<__mdefer<_Fn, _Args...>>;
template <template <class...> class _Fn, class... _Args>
using __mmemoize_q = __mmemoize<__q<_Fn>, _Args...>;
struct __if_
template <bool>
struct __
template <class _True, class...>
using __f = _True;
template <class _Pred, class _True, class... _False>
using __f = __minvoke<__<static_cast<bool>(__v<_Pred>)>, _True, _False...>;
template <>
struct __if_::__<false>
template <class, class _False>
using __f = _False;
template <class _Pred, class _True = void, class... _False>
requires(sizeof...(_False) <= 1)
using __if = __minvoke<__if_, _Pred, _True, _False...>;
template <bool _Pred, class _True = void, class... _False>
requires(sizeof...(_False) <= 1)
using __if_c = __minvoke<__if_::__<_Pred>, _True, _False...>;
template <class _Pred, class _True, class... _False>
using __minvoke_if = __minvoke<__if<_Pred, _True, _False...>>;
template <bool _Pred, class _True, class... _False>
using __minvoke_if_c = __minvoke<__if_c<_Pred, _True, _False...>>;
template <class _Tp>
struct __mconst
template <class...>
using __f = _Tp;
inline constexpr __mstring __mbad_substitution =
"The specified meta-function could not be evaluated with the types provided."__csz;
template <__mstring _Diagnostic = __mbad_substitution>
template <class... _Args>
struct _WITH_TYPES_;
template <template <class...> class _Fun>
template <class... _Args>
using __f = __mexception<_BAD_SUBSTITUTION_<>, _WITH_META_FUNCTION_T_,
template <class _Fun>
template <class... _Args>
using __f = __mexception<_BAD_SUBSTITUTION_<>, _WITH_META_FUNCTION_,
template <template <class...> class _Try, class _Catch>
struct __mtry_catch_q
template <class... _Args>
using __f = __minvoke<__if_c<__mvalid<_Try, _Args...>, __q<_Try>, _Catch>,
template <class _Try, class _Catch>
struct __mtry_catch
template <class... _Args>
using __f =
__minvoke<__if_c<__minvocable<_Try, _Args...>, _Try, _Catch>, _Args...>;
template <class _Fn, class _Default>
using __with_default = __mtry_catch<_Fn, __mconst<_Default>>;
template <template <class...> class _Fn, class _Default>
using __with_default_q = __mtry_catch_q<_Fn, __mconst<_Default>>;
template <class _Fn, class _Default, class... _Args>
using __minvoke_or = __minvoke<__with_default<_Fn, _Default>, _Args...>;
template <template <class...> class _Fn, class _Default, class... _Args>
using __meval_or = __minvoke<__with_default_q<_Fn, _Default>, _Args...>;
template <template <class...> class _Fn>
struct __mtry_eval_
template <class... _Args>
using __f = __meval<_Fn, _Args...>;
template <template <class...> class _Fn, class... _Args>
using __mtry_eval =
__minvoke<__mtry_catch<__mtry_eval_<_Fn>, _WITH_META_FUNCTION_T_<_Fn>>,
template <class _Fn, class... _Args>
using __mtry_invoke =
__minvoke<__mtry_catch<_Fn, _WITH_META_FUNCTION_<_Fn>>, _Args...>;
template <class _Ty, class... _Default>
using __msuccess_or_t = __if_c<__ok<_Ty>, _Ty, _Default...>;
template <class _Fn, class _Continuation = __q<__types>>
struct __transform
template <class... _Args>
using __f = __minvoke<_Continuation, __minvoke<_Fn, _Args>...>;
template <bool>
struct __mfold_right_
template <class _Fn, class _State, class _Head, class... _Tail>
using __f = __minvoke<__mfold_right_<sizeof...(_Tail) == 0>, _Fn,
__minvoke<_Fn, _State, _Head>, _Tail...>;
template <>
struct __mfold_right_<true>
{ // empty pack
template <class _Fn, class _State, class...>
using __f = _State;
template <class _Init, class _Fn>
struct __mfold_right
template <class... _Args>
using __f =
__minvoke<__mfold_right_<sizeof...(_Args) == 0>, _Fn, _Init, _Args...>;
template <class _Continuation, class... _As>
struct __mconcat_
template <class _Continuation, class... _As>
requires(sizeof...(_As) == 0) && __minvocable<_Continuation, _As...>
struct __mconcat_<_Continuation, _As...>
using __t = __minvoke<_Continuation, _As...>;
template <class _Continuation, template <class...> class _Ap, class... _As>
requires __minvocable<_Continuation, _As...>
struct __mconcat_<_Continuation, _Ap<_As...>>
using __t = __minvoke<_Continuation, _As...>;
template < //
class _Continuation, //
template <class...> class _Ap,
class... _As, //
template <class...> class _Bp, class... _Bs>
requires __minvocable<_Continuation, _As..., _Bs...>
struct __mconcat_<_Continuation, _Ap<_As...>, _Bp<_Bs...>>
using __t = __minvoke<_Continuation, _As..., _Bs...>;
template < //
class _Continuation, //
template <class...> class _Ap,
class... _As, //
template <class...> class _Bp,
class... _Bs, //
template <class...> class _Cp, class... _Cs>
requires __minvocable<_Continuation, _As..., _Bs..., _Cs...>
struct __mconcat_<_Continuation, _Ap<_As...>, _Bp<_Bs...>, _Cp<_Cs...>>
using __t = __minvoke<_Continuation, _As..., _Bs..., _Cs...>;
template < //
class _Continuation, //
template <class...> class _Ap,
class... _As, //
template <class...> class _Bp,
class... _Bs, //
template <class...> class _Cp,
class... _Cs, //
template <class...> class _Dp,
class... _Ds, //
class... _Tail>
struct __mconcat_<_Continuation, _Ap<_As...>, _Bp<_Bs...>, _Cp<_Cs...>,
_Dp<_Ds...>, _Tail...> :
__mconcat_<_Continuation, __types<_As..., _Bs..., _Cs..., _Ds...>, _Tail...>
template <class _Continuation = __q<__types>>
struct __mconcat
template <class... _Args>
using __f = __t<__mconcat_<_Continuation, _Args...>>;
template <class _Fn>
struct __curry
template <class... _Ts>
using __f = __minvoke<_Fn, _Ts...>;
template <class _Fn, class _Tp>
struct __uncurry_;
template <__merror _Fn, class _Tp>
struct __uncurry_<_Fn, _Tp>
using __t = _Fn;
template <class _Fn, template <class...> class _Ap, class... _As>
requires __minvocable<_Fn, _As...>
struct __uncurry_<_Fn, _Ap<_As...>>
using __t = __minvoke<_Fn, _As...>;
template <class _Fn>
struct __uncurry
template <class _Tp>
using __f = __t<__uncurry_<_Fn, _Tp>>;
template <class _Fn, class _List>
using __mapply = __minvoke<__uncurry<_Fn>, _List>;
struct __msize
template <class... _Ts>
using __f = __msize_t<sizeof...(_Ts)>;
template <class _Ty>
struct __mcount
template <class... _Ts>
using __f = __msize_t<(__same_as<_Ts, _Ty> + ... + 0)>;
template <class _Fn>
struct __mcount_if
template <class... _Ts>
using __f = __msize_t<(bool(__v<__minvoke<_Fn, _Ts>>) + ... + 0)>;
template <class _Tp>
struct __contains
template <class... _Args>
using __f = __mbool<(__same_as<_Tp, _Args> || ...)>;
template <class _Continuation = __q<__types>>
struct __push_back
template <class _List, class _Item>
using __f = __mapply<__mbind_back<_Continuation, _Item>, _List>;
template <class _Continuation = __q<__types>>
struct __push_back_unique
template <class _List, class _Item>
using __f = //
__mapply<__if<__mapply<__contains<_Item>, _List>, _Continuation,
__mbind_back<_Continuation, _Item>>,
template <class _Continuation = __q<__types>>
struct __munique
template <class... _Ts>
using __f = __mapply<
__minvoke<__mfold_right<__types<>, __push_back_unique<>>, _Ts...>>;
template <class...>
struct __mcompose
template <class _First>
struct __mcompose<_First> : _First
template <class _Second, class _First>
struct __mcompose<_Second, _First>
template <class... _Args>
using __f = __minvoke<_Second, __minvoke<_First, _Args...>>;
template <class _Last, class _Penultimate, class... _Rest>
struct __mcompose<_Last, _Penultimate, _Rest...>
template <class... _Args>
using __f =
__minvoke<__mcompose<_Penultimate, _Rest...>, _Args...>>;
template <class _Old, class _New, class _Continuation = __q<__types>>
struct __replace
template <class... _Args>
using __f = __minvoke<_Continuation,
__if_c<__same_as<_Args, _Old>, _New, _Args>...>;
template <class _Old, class _Continuation = __q<__types>>
struct __remove
template <class... _Args>
using __f = //
__if_c<__same_as<_Args, _Old>, __types<>, __types<_Args>>...>;
template <class _Pred, class _Continuation = __q<__types>>
struct __remove_if
template <class... _Args>
using __f = //
__if<__minvoke<_Pred, _Args>, __types<>, __types<_Args>>...>;
template <class _Return>
struct __qf
template <class... _Args>
using __f = _Return(_Args...);
template <class _Ty, class...>
using __mfront_ = _Ty;
template <class... _As>
using __mfront = __meval<__mfront_, _As...>;
template <class... _As>
requires(sizeof...(_As) == 1)
using __msingle = __mfront<_As...>;
template <class _Default, class... _As>
requires(sizeof...(_As) <= 1)
using __msingle_or_ = __mfront<_As..., _Default>;
template <class _Default>
using __msingle_or = __mbind_front_q<__msingle_or_, _Default>;
template <class _Continuation = __q<__types>>
struct __pop_front
template <class, class... _Ts>
using __f = __minvoke<_Continuation, _Ts...>;
// For hiding a template type parameter from ADL
template <class _Ty>
struct _Xp
using __t = struct _Up
using __t = _Ty;
template <class _Ty>
using __x = __t<_Xp<_Ty>>;
template <class _Ty>
concept __has_id = requires { typename _Ty::__id; };
template <class _Ty>
struct _Yp
using __t = _Ty;
// Uncomment the line below to find any code that likely misuses the
// ADL isolation mechanism. In particular, '__id<T>' when T is a
// reference is a likely misuse. The static_assert below will trigger
// when the type passed to the __id alias template is a reference to
// a type that is setup to use ADL isolation.
// static_assert(!__has_id<std::remove_cvref_t<_Ty>>);
template <bool = true>
struct __id_
template <class _Ty>
using __f = typename _Ty::__id;
template <>
struct __id_<false>
template <class _Ty>
using __f = _Yp<_Ty>;
template <class _Ty>
using __id = __minvoke<__id_<__has_id<_Ty>>, _Ty>;
template <class _From, class _To = __decay_t<_From>>
using __cvref_t = __copy_cvref_t<_From, __t<_To>>;
template <class _From, class _To = __decay_t<_From>>
using __cvref_id = __copy_cvref_t<_From, __id<_To>>;
// nvc++ doesn't cache the results of alias template specializations.
// To avoid repeated computation of the same function return type,
// cache the result ourselves in a class template specialization.
template <class _Fun, class... _As>
using __call_result_ = decltype(__declval<_Fun>()(__declval<_As>()...));
template <class _Fun, class... _As>
using __call_result_t = __t<__mdefer<__q<__call_result_>, _Fun, _As...>>;
template <class _Fun, class... _As>
using __call_result_t = decltype(__declval<_Fun>()(__declval<_As>()...));
template <const auto& _Fun, class... _As>
using __result_of = __call_result_t<decltype(_Fun), _As...>;
#if STDEXEC_CLANG() && (__clang_major__ < 13)
template <class _Ty>
constexpr auto __hide_ = [] { return (__mtype<_Ty>(*)())0; };
template <class _Ty>
extern decltype([] { return (__mtype<_Ty>(*)())0; }) __hide_;
template <class _Ty>
using __hide = decltype(__hide_<_Ty>);
template <class _Id>
using __unhide = __t<__call_result_t<__call_result_t<_Id>>>;
// For working around clang's lack of support for CWG#2369:
struct __qcall_result
template <class _Fun, class... _As>
using __f = __call_result_t<_Fun, _As...>;
template <bool _Enable, class _Fun, class... _As>
using __call_result_if_t =
__minvoke<__if<__mbool<_Enable>, __qcall_result, __>, _Fun, _As...>;
// For emplacing non-movable types into optionals:
template <class _Fn>
requires std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<_Fn>
struct __conv
_Fn __fn_;
using __t = __call_result_t<_Fn>;
operator __t() && noexcept(__nothrow_callable<_Fn>)
return ((_Fn&&)__fn_)();
__t operator()() && noexcept(__nothrow_callable<_Fn>)
return ((_Fn&&)__fn_)();
template <class _Fn>
__conv(_Fn) -> __conv<_Fn>;
// Implemented as a class instead of a free function
// because of a bizarre nvc++ compiler bug:
struct __cref_fn
template <class _Ty>
const _Ty& operator()(const _Ty&);
template <class _Ty>
using __cref_t = decltype(__cref_fn{}(__declval<_Ty>()));
template <class, class, class, class>
struct __mzip_with2_;
template < //
class _Fn, //
class _Continuation, //
template <class...> class _Cp,
class... _Cs, //
template <class...> class _Dp, class... _Ds>
requires requires {
typename __minvoke<_Continuation, __minvoke<_Fn, _Cs, _Ds>...>;
struct __mzip_with2_<_Fn, _Continuation, _Cp<_Cs...>, _Dp<_Ds...>>
using __t = __minvoke<_Continuation, __minvoke<_Fn, _Cs, _Ds>...>;
template <class _Fn, class _Continuation = __q<__types>>
struct __mzip_with2
template <class _Cp, class _Dp>
using __f = __t<__mzip_with2_<_Fn, _Continuation, _Cp, _Dp>>;
#if STDEXEC_GCC() && (__GNUC__ < 12)
template <class>
extern int __mconvert_indices;
template <std::size_t... _Indices>
extern __types<__msize_t<_Indices>...>
template <std::size_t _Np>
using __mmake_index_sequence =
template <std::size_t... _Indices>
template <std::size_t _Np>
using __mmake_index_sequence = decltype(stdexec::__mconvert_indices(
template <class... _Ts>
using __mindex_sequence_for = __mmake_index_sequence<sizeof...(_Ts)>;
template <bool>
struct __mfind_if_
template <class _Fn, class _Continuation, class _Head, class... _Tail>
using __f = //
__minvoke<__if_c<__v<__minvoke<_Fn, _Head>>,
__mbind_front<_Continuation, _Head>,
__mbind_front<__mfind_if_<(sizeof...(_Tail) != 0)>,
_Fn, _Continuation>>,
template <>
struct __mfind_if_<false>
template <class _Fn, class _Continuation>
using __f = __minvoke<_Continuation>;
template <class _Fn, class _Continuation = __q<__types>>
struct __mfind_if
template <class... _Args>
using __f = __minvoke<__mfind_if_<(sizeof...(_Args) != 0)>, _Fn,
_Continuation, _Args...>;
template <class _Fn>
struct __mfind_if_i
template <class... _Args>
using __f = __msize_t<(sizeof...(_Args) -
__v<__minvoke<__mfind_if<_Fn, __msize>, _Args...>>)>;
template <class... _Booleans>
using __mand_ = __mbool<(__v<_Booleans> && ...)>;
template <class... _Booleans>
using __mand = __meval<__mand_, _Booleans...>;
template <class... _Booleans>
using __mor_ = __mbool<(__v<_Booleans> || ...)>;
template <class... _Booleans>
using __mor = __meval<__mor_, _Booleans...>;
template <class _Boolean>
using __mnot_ = __mbool<!__v<_Boolean>>;
template <class _Boolean>
using __mnot = __meval<__mnot_, _Boolean>;
template <class _Fn>
struct __mall_of
template <class... _Args>
using __f = __mand<__minvoke<_Fn, _Args>...>;
template <class _Fn>
struct __mnone_of
template <class... _Args>
using __f = __mand<__mnot<__minvoke<_Fn, _Args>>...>;
template <class _Fn>
struct __many_of
template <class... _Args>
using __f = __mor<__minvoke<_Fn, _Args>...>;
#if STDEXEC_HAS_BUILTIN(__type_pack_element)
template <std::size_t _Np, class... _Ts>
struct __m_at_
using __t = __type_pack_element<_Np, _Ts...>;
template <std::size_t _Np, class... _Ts>
using __m_at_c = __t<__m_at_<_Np, _Ts...>>;
template <std::size_t>
using __void_ptr = void*;
template <class _Ty>
using __mtype_ptr = __mtype<_Ty>*;
template <class _Ty>
struct __m_at_;
template <std::size_t... _Is>
struct __m_at_<std::index_sequence<_Is...>>
template <class _Up, class... _Us>
static _Up __f_(__void_ptr<_Is>..., _Up*, _Us*...);
template <class... _Ts>
using __f = __t<decltype(__m_at_::__f_(__mtype_ptr<_Ts>()...))>;
template <std::size_t _Np, class... _Ts>
using __m_at_c = __minvoke<__m_at_<std::make_index_sequence<_Np>>, _Ts...>;
template <class _Np, class... _Ts>
using __m_at = __m_at_c<__v<_Np>, _Ts...>;
template <class... _Ts>
using __mback = __m_at_c<sizeof...(_Ts) - 1, _Ts...>;
template <class _Continuation = __q<__types>>
struct __mpop_back
template <class>
struct __impl;
template <std::size_t... _Idx>
struct __impl<__indices<_Idx...>>
template <class... _Ts>
using __f = __minvoke<_Continuation, __m_at_c<_Idx, _Ts...>...>;
template <class... _Ts>
requires(sizeof...(_Ts) != 0)
using __f = __minvoke<__impl<__make_indices<sizeof...(_Ts) - 1>>, _Ts...>;
template <std::size_t _Np>
struct __placeholder
__placeholder() = default;
constexpr __placeholder(void*) noexcept {}
friend constexpr std::size_t
__get_placeholder_offset(__placeholder) noexcept
return _Np;
using __0 = __placeholder<0>;
using __1 = __placeholder<1>;
using __2 = __placeholder<2>;
using __3 = __placeholder<3>;
template <class _Ty, class _Noexcept = __mbool<true>>
struct __mconstruct
template <class... _As>
auto operator()(_As&&... __as) const
noexcept(__v<_Noexcept>&& noexcept(_Ty((_As&&)__as...)))
-> decltype(_Ty((_As&&)__as...))
return _Ty((_As&&)__as...);
template <template <class...> class _Cp, class _Noexcept = __mbool<true>>
using __mconstructor_for = __mcompose<__q<__mconstruct>, __q<_Cp>>;
template <std::size_t>
struct __ignore_t
__ignore_t() = default;
constexpr __ignore_t(auto&&...) noexcept {}
template <std::size_t>
using __ignore_t = __ignore;
template <class... _Ignore>
struct __nth_pack_element_impl
template <class _Ty, class... _Us>
STDEXEC_ATTRIBUTE((always_inline)) //
constexpr _Ty&& operator()(_Ignore..., _Ty&& __t, _Us&&...) const noexcept
return (decltype(__t)&&)__t;
template <std::size_t _Np>
struct __nth_pack_element_t
template <std::size_t... _Is>
STDEXEC_ATTRIBUTE((always_inline)) //
static constexpr auto __impl(__indices<_Is...>) noexcept
return __nth_pack_element_impl<__ignore_t<_Is>...>();
template <class... _Ts>
STDEXEC_ATTRIBUTE((always_inline)) //
constexpr decltype(auto) operator()(_Ts&&... __ts) const noexcept
static_assert(_Np < sizeof...(_Ts));
return __impl(__make_indices<_Np>())((_Ts&&)__ts...);
template <std::size_t _Np>
inline constexpr __nth_pack_element_t<_Np> __nth_pack_element{};
template <auto... _Vs>
struct __mliterals
template <std::size_t _Np>
STDEXEC_ATTRIBUTE((always_inline)) //
static constexpr auto __nth() noexcept
return stdexec::__nth_pack_element<_Np>(_Vs...);
template <std::size_t _Np>
struct __nth_member
template <class _Ty>
STDEXEC_ATTRIBUTE((always_inline)) //
constexpr decltype(auto) operator()(_Ty&& __ty) const noexcept
return ((_Ty&&)__ty).*(__ty.__mbrs_.template __nth<_Np>());
template <class _Ty, std::size_t _Offset = 0>
struct __mdispatch_
template <class... _Ts>
_Ty operator()(_Ts&&...) const noexcept(noexcept(_Ty{}))
return _Ty{};
template <std::size_t _Np, std::size_t _Offset>
struct __mdispatch_<__placeholder<_Np>, _Offset>
template <class... _Ts>
decltype(auto) operator()(_Ts&&... __ts) const noexcept
return stdexec::__nth_pack_element<_Np + _Offset>((_Ts&&)__ts...);
template <std::size_t _Np, std::size_t _Offset>
struct __mdispatch_<__placeholder<_Np>&, _Offset>
template <class... _Ts>
decltype(auto) operator()(_Ts&&... __ts) const noexcept
return stdexec::__nth_pack_element<_Np + _Offset>(__ts...);
template <std::size_t _Np, std::size_t _Offset>
struct __mdispatch_<__placeholder<_Np>&&, _Offset>
template <class... _Ts>
decltype(auto) operator()(_Ts&&... __ts) const noexcept
return std::move(stdexec::__nth_pack_element<_Np + _Offset>(__ts...));
template <std::size_t _Np, std::size_t _Offset>
struct __mdispatch_<const __placeholder<_Np>&, _Offset>
template <class... _Ts>
decltype(auto) operator()(_Ts&&... __ts) const noexcept
return std::as_const(
stdexec::__nth_pack_element<_Np + _Offset>(__ts...));
template <class _Ret, class... _Args, std::size_t _Offset>
struct __mdispatch_<_Ret (*)(_Args...), _Offset>
template <class... _Ts>
requires(__callable<__mdispatch_<_Args, _Offset>, _Ts...> && ...) &&
__callable<_Ret, __call_result_t<__mdispatch_<_Args, _Offset>,
auto operator()(_Ts&&... __ts) const noexcept(
_Ret, __call_result_t<__mdispatch_<_Args, _Offset>, _Ts...>...>)
-> __call_result_t<
_Ret, __call_result_t<__mdispatch_<_Args, _Offset>, _Ts...>...>
return _Ret{}(__mdispatch_<_Args, _Offset>{}((_Ts&&)__ts...)...);
template <class _Ret, class... _Args, std::size_t _Offset>
struct __mdispatch_<_Ret (*)(_Args..., ...), _Offset>
static_assert(_Offset == 0, "nested pack expressions are not supported");
using _Pattern = __mback<_Args...>;
static constexpr std::size_t __offset =
struct __impl
template <std::size_t... _Idx, class... _Ts>
requires(__callable<__mdispatch_<_Args>, _Ts...> && ...) &&
(__callable<__mdispatch_<_Pattern, _Idx + 1>, _Ts...> &&
...) &&
__callable< //
_Ret, __call_result_t<__mdispatch_<_Args>, _Ts...>...,
__call_result_t<__mdispatch_<_Pattern, _Idx + 1>,
auto operator()(__indices<_Idx...>, _Ts&&... __ts) const noexcept(
__nothrow_callable< //
_Ret, //
__call_result_t<__mdispatch_<_Args>, _Ts...>..., //
__call_result_t<__mdispatch_<_Pattern, _Idx + 1>, _Ts...>...>)
-> __call_result_t< //
_Ret, __call_result_t<__mdispatch_<_Args>, _Ts...>...,
__call_result_t<__mdispatch_<_Pattern, _Idx + 1>, _Ts...>...>
return _Ret()( //
__mdispatch_<_Args>()((_Ts&&)__ts...)..., //
__mdispatch_<_Pattern, _Idx + 1>()((_Ts&&)__ts...)...);
template <class... _Ts>
requires(__offset < sizeof...(_Ts)) &&
__make_indices<sizeof...(_Ts) - __offset - 1>,
auto operator()(_Ts&&... __ts) const noexcept(
__impl, __make_indices<sizeof...(_Ts) - __offset - 1>, _Ts...>)
-> __msecond<
__if_c<(__offset < sizeof...(_Ts))>,
__impl, __make_indices<sizeof...(_Ts) - __offset - 1>, _Ts...>>
return __impl()(__make_indices<sizeof...(_Ts) - __offset - 1>(),
template <class... _Ts>
requires(sizeof...(_Ts) == __offset) &&
__mdispatch_<__minvoke<__mpop_back<__qf<_Ret>>, _Args...>*>,
auto operator()(_Ts&&... __ts) const
__mdispatch_<__minvoke<__mpop_back<__qf<_Ret>>, _Args...>*>,
-> __msecond<
__if_c<(sizeof...(_Ts) == __offset)>,
__mdispatch_<__minvoke<__mpop_back<__qf<_Ret>>, _Args...>*>,
return __mdispatch_<__minvoke<__mpop_back<__qf<_Ret>>, _Args...>*>()(
template <class _Ty>
struct __mdispatch
template <class _Ret, class... _Args>
struct __mdispatch<_Ret(_Args...)> : __mdispatch_<_Ret (*)(_Args...)>
template <class _Ret, class... _Args>
struct __mdispatch<_Ret(_Args..., ...)> : __mdispatch_<_Ret (*)(_Args..., ...)>
template <class _Ty, class... _Ts>
concept __dispatchable = __callable<__mdispatch<_Ty>, _Ts...>;
template <class _Ty, class... _Ts>
concept __nothrow_dispatchable = __nothrow_callable<__mdispatch<_Ty>, _Ts...>;
template <class _Ty, class... _Ts>
using __dispatch_result_t = __call_result_t<__mdispatch<_Ty>, _Ts...>;
template <class _Signature, class... _Args>
using __try_dispatch_ = __mbool<__dispatchable<_Signature, _Args...>>;
template <class _Signatures, class _Continuation = __q<__mfront>>
struct __which
template <template <class...> class _Cp, class... _Signatures,
class _Continuation>
struct __which<_Cp<_Signatures...>, _Continuation>
template <class... _Args>
using __f = //
__minvoke<__mfind_if<__mbind_back_q<__try_dispatch_, _Args...>,
template <class _Signatures, class _DefaultFn, class... _Args>
using __make_dispatcher = //
__minvoke<__mtry_catch<__mcompose<__q<__mdispatch>, __which<_Signatures>>,
} // namespace stdexec