blob: 4d41879d0e37809132f72542b39d68ec1498a463 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <sdbusplus/utility/memory.hpp>
#include <string>
namespace sdbusplus
namespace message
namespace details
/** Simple wrapper class for std::string to allow conversion to and from an
* alternative typename. */
struct string_wrapper
std::string str;
string_wrapper() = default;
string_wrapper(const string_wrapper&) = default;
string_wrapper& operator=(const string_wrapper&) = default;
string_wrapper(string_wrapper&&) = default;
string_wrapper& operator=(string_wrapper&&) = default;
~string_wrapper() = default;
string_wrapper(const std::string& str) : str(str)
string_wrapper(std::string&& str) : str(std::move(str))
operator const std::string&() const volatile&
return const_cast<const string_wrapper*>(this)->str;
operator std::string&&() &&
return std::move(str);
bool operator==(const string_wrapper& r) const
return str == r.str;
bool operator!=(const string_wrapper& r) const
return str != r.str;
bool operator<(const string_wrapper& r) const
return str < r.str;
bool operator==(const std::string& r) const
return str == r;
bool operator!=(const std::string& r) const
return str != r;
bool operator<(const std::string& r) const
return str < r;
friend bool operator==(const std::string& l, const string_wrapper& r)
return l == r.str;
friend bool operator!=(const std::string& l, const string_wrapper& r)
return l != r.str;
friend bool operator<(const std::string& l, const string_wrapper& r)
return l < r.str;
/** Simple wrapper class for std::string to allow conversion to and from an
* alternative typename. */
struct string_path_wrapper
std::string str;
string_path_wrapper() = default;
string_path_wrapper(const string_path_wrapper&) = default;
string_path_wrapper& operator=(const string_path_wrapper&) = default;
string_path_wrapper(string_path_wrapper&&) = default;
string_path_wrapper& operator=(string_path_wrapper&&) = default;
~string_path_wrapper() = default;
string_path_wrapper(const std::string& str) : str(str)
string_path_wrapper(std::string&& str) : str(std::move(str))
operator const std::string&() const volatile&
return const_cast<const string_path_wrapper*>(this)->str;
operator std::string&&() &&
return std::move(str);
bool operator==(const string_path_wrapper& r) const
return str == r.str;
bool operator!=(const string_path_wrapper& r) const
return str != r.str;
bool operator<(const string_path_wrapper& r) const
return str < r.str;
bool operator==(const std::string& r) const
return str == r;
bool operator!=(const std::string& r) const
return str != r;
bool operator<(const std::string& r) const
return str < r;
friend bool operator==(const std::string& l, const string_path_wrapper& r)
return l == r.str;
friend bool operator!=(const std::string& l, const string_path_wrapper& r)
return l != r.str;
friend bool operator<(const std::string& l, const string_path_wrapper& r)
return l < r.str;
std::string filename() const
std::string parent = parent_path();
_cleanup_free_ char* out = nullptr;
int r = sd_bus_path_decode(str.c_str(), parent.c_str(), &out);
if (r <= 0)
return "";
std::string ret(out);
return ret;
string_path_wrapper parent_path() const
auto index = str.rfind('/');
if (index == std::string::npos)
return string_path_wrapper("/");
if (index <= 1)
return string_path_wrapper("/");
return str.substr(0, index);
string_path_wrapper operator/(const std::string& extId)
return this->operator/(extId.c_str());
string_path_wrapper operator/(const char* extId)
string_path_wrapper out;
_cleanup_free_ char* encOut = nullptr;
int ret = sd_bus_path_encode(str.c_str(), extId, &encOut);
if (ret < 0)
return out;
out.str = encOut;
return out;
string_path_wrapper& operator/=(const char* extId)
string_path_wrapper out = this->operator/(extId);
this->str = std::move(out.str);
return *this;
string_path_wrapper& operator/=(const std::string& extId)
string_path_wrapper out = this->operator/(extId);
this->str = std::move(out.str);
return *this;
/** Typename for sdbus SIGNATURE types. */
struct signature_type
/** Typename for sdbus UNIX_FD types. */
struct unix_fd_type
int fd;
unix_fd_type() = default;
unix_fd_type(int f) : fd(f)
operator int() const
return fd;
} // namespace details
/** std::string wrapper for OBJECT_PATH. */
using object_path = details::string_path_wrapper;
/** std::string wrapper for SIGNATURE. */
using signature = details::string_wrapper;
using unix_fd = details::unix_fd_type;
} // namespace message
} // namespace sdbusplus
namespace std
/** Overload of std::hash for details::string_wrappers */
template <>
struct hash<sdbusplus::message::details::string_wrapper>
using argument_type = sdbusplus::message::details::string_wrapper;
using result_type = std::size_t;
result_type operator()(argument_type const& s) const
return hash<std::string>()(s.str);
/** Overload of std::hash for details::string_wrappers */
template <>
struct hash<sdbusplus::message::details::string_path_wrapper>
using argument_type = sdbusplus::message::details::string_path_wrapper;
using result_type = std::size_t;
result_type operator()(argument_type const& s) const
return hash<std::string>()(s.str);
} // namespace std