blob: 0cdea885ec7997b2a97ef6f44fb77b1a89b39dde [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <systemd/sd-bus.h>
#include <sdbusplus/bus.hpp>
#include <chrono>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <thread>
namespace sdbusplus
namespace server
namespace transaction
namespace details
// Transaction Id
extern thread_local uint64_t id;
struct Transaction
Transaction() : time(std::time(nullptr)), thread(std::this_thread::get_id())
int time;
std::thread::id thread;
} // namespace details
struct Transaction
Transaction(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, sdbusplus::message::message& msg) :
bus(bus), msg(msg)
sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus;
sdbusplus::message::message& msg;
} // namespace transaction
} // namespace server
} // namespace sdbusplus
namespace std
/** @ brief Overload of std::hash for sdbusplus::bus::bus */
template <>
struct hash<sdbusplus::bus::bus>
auto operator()(sdbusplus::bus::bus& b) const
auto name = b.get_unique_name();
return std::hash<std::string>{}(name);
/** @ brief Overload of std::hash for sdbusplus::message::message */
template <>
struct hash<sdbusplus::message::message>
auto operator()(sdbusplus::message::message& m) const
switch (m.get_type())
// Reply messages will always embed the cookie of the original
// message in a separate location. We want to use this cookie
// to correlate messages as one transaction.
return std::hash<uint64_t>{}(m.get_reply_cookie());
// Method calls will have the cookie in the header when sealed.
// Since we are on the server side that should always be the case.
return std::hash<uint64_t>{}(m.get_cookie());
// Outgoing signals don't have a cookie so we need to use
// something else as an id. Just use a monotonic unique one.
return std::hash<uint64_t>{}(std::chrono::steady_clock::now()
throw std::runtime_error("hash message: Unknown message type");
/** @ brief Overload of std::hash for Transaction */
template <>
struct hash<sdbusplus::server::transaction::Transaction>
auto operator()(sdbusplus::server::transaction::Transaction const& t) const
auto hash1 = std::hash<sdbusplus::bus::bus>{}(t.bus);
auto hash2 = std::hash<sdbusplus::message::message>{}(t.msg);
// boost::hash_combine() algorithm.
return static_cast<size_t>(
hash1 ^ (hash2 + 0x9e3779b9 + (hash1 << 6) + (hash1 >> 2)));
/** @ brief Overload of std::hash for details::Transaction */
template <>
struct hash<sdbusplus::server::transaction::details::Transaction>
auto operator()(
sdbusplus::server::transaction::details::Transaction const& t) const
auto hash1 = std::hash<int>{}(t.time);
auto hash2 = std::hash<std::thread::id>{}(t.thread);
// boost::hash_combine() algorithm.
return static_cast<size_t>(
hash1 ^ (hash2 + 0x9e3779b9 + (hash1 << 6) + (hash1 >> 2)));
} // namespace std
namespace sdbusplus
namespace server
namespace transaction
/** @brief Get transaction id
* @return The value of the transaction id
inline uint64_t get_id()
// If the transaction id has not been initialized, generate one.
if (!details::id)
details::Transaction t;
details::id = std::hash<details::Transaction>{}(t);
return details::id;
/** @brief Set transaction id
* @param[in] value - Desired value for the transaction id
inline void set_id(uint64_t value)
details::id = value;
} // namespace transaction
} // namespace server
} // namespace sdbusplus