blob: 4f9b261f83e9cff1fc4778e019a730c573de95ae [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
import gobject
import dbus
import dbus.service
import dbus.mainloop.glib
import os
import obmc.dbuslib.propertycacher as PropertyCacher
from obmc.dbuslib.bindings import DbusProperties, DbusObjectManager, get_dbus
import obmc.enums
import obmc_system_config as System
import obmc.mapper.utils
import obmc.inventory
import obmc.system
DBUS_NAME = 'org.openbmc.managers.System'
OBJ_NAME = '/org/openbmc/managers/System'
INTF_SENSOR = 'org.openbmc.SensorValue'
INTF_ITEM = 'org.openbmc.InventoryItem'
class SystemManager(DbusProperties, DbusObjectManager):
def __init__(self, bus, obj_name):
super(SystemManager, self).__init__(
self.bus = bus
signal_name="InterfacesAdded", sender_keyword='bus_name')
self.SystemStateHandler, signal_name="GotoSystemState")
self.Set(DBUS_NAME, "current_state", "")
## replace symbolic path in ID_LOOKUP
for category in System.ID_LOOKUP:
for key in System.ID_LOOKUP[category]:
val = System.ID_LOOKUP[category][key]
new_val = val.replace(
"<inventory_root>", obmc.inventory.INVENTORY_ROOT)
System.ID_LOOKUP[category][key] = new_val
print "SystemManager Init Done"
def SystemStateHandler(self, state_name):
print "Running System State: "+state_name
self.Set(DBUS_NAME, "current_state", state_name)
waitlist = System.EXIT_STATE_DEPEND.get(state_name, {}).keys()
if waitlist:
self.waiter = obmc.mapper.utils.Wait(
self.bus, waitlist,
def gotoNextState(self):
s = 0
current_state = self.Get(DBUS_NAME, "current_state")
for i in range(len(System.SYSTEM_STATES)):
if (System.SYSTEM_STATES[i] == current_state):
s = i+1
if (s == len(System.SYSTEM_STATES)):
print "ERROR SystemManager: No more system states"
new_state_name = System.SYSTEM_STATES[s]
print "SystemManager Goto System State: "+new_state_name
@dbus.service.method(DBUS_NAME, in_signature='', out_signature='s')
def getSystemState(self):
return self.Get(DBUS_NAME, "current_state")
def doObjectLookup(self, category, key):
obj_path = ""
intf_name = INTF_ITEM
obj_path = System.ID_LOOKUP[category][key]
parts = obj_path.split('/')
if (parts[3] == 'sensors'):
intf_name = INTF_SENSOR
except Exception as e:
print "ERROR SystemManager: "+str(e)+" not found in lookup"
return [obj_path, intf_name]
@dbus.service.method(DBUS_NAME, in_signature='ss', out_signature='(ss)')
def getObjectFromId(self, category, key):
return self.doObjectLookup(category, key)
@dbus.service.method(DBUS_NAME, in_signature='sy', out_signature='(ss)')
def getObjectFromByteId(self, category, key):
byte = int(key)
return self.doObjectLookup(category, byte)
# Get the FRU area names defined in ID_LOOKUP table given a fru_id.
# If serval areas are defined for a fru_id, the areas are returned
# together as a string with each area name seperated with ','.
# If no fru area defined in ID_LOOKUP, an empty string will be returned.
@dbus.service.method(DBUS_NAME, in_signature='y', out_signature='s')
def getFRUArea(self, fru_id):
ret_str = ''
fru_id = '_' + str(fru_id)
area_list = [
area for area in System.ID_LOOKUP['FRU_STR'].keys()
if area.endswith(fru_id)]
for area in area_list:
ret_str = area + ',' + ret_str
# remove the last ','
return ret_str[:-1]
def NewObjectHandler(self, obj_path, iprops, bus_name=None):
current_state = self.Get(DBUS_NAME, "current_state")
if current_state not in System.EXIT_STATE_DEPEND:
if obj_path in System.EXIT_STATE_DEPEND[current_state]:
print "New object: "+obj_path+" ("+bus_name+")"
@dbus.service.method(DBUS_NAME, in_signature='s', out_signature='sis')
def gpioInit(self, name):
gpio_path = ''
gpio_num = -1
r = ['', gpio_num, '']
if name not in System.GPIO_CONFIG:
# TODO: Error handling
print "ERROR: "+name+" not found in GPIO config table"
gpio_num = -1
gpio = System.GPIO_CONFIG[name]
if 'gpio_num' in System.GPIO_CONFIG[name]:
gpio_num = gpio['gpio_num']
if 'gpio_pin' in System.GPIO_CONFIG[name]:
gpio_num = obmc.system.convertGpio(gpio['gpio_pin'])
print "ERROR: SystemManager - GPIO lookup failed for "+name
if (gpio_num != -1):
r = [obmc.enums.GPIO_DEV, gpio_num, gpio['direction']]
return r
if __name__ == '__main__':
bus = get_dbus()
obj = SystemManager(bus, OBJ_NAME)
mainloop = gobject.MainLoop()
name = dbus.service.BusName(DBUS_NAME, bus)
print "Running SystemManager"
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