| <template> |
| <b-container fluid="xl"> |
| <page-title /> |
| <b-row class="align-items-start"> |
| <b-col sm="8" xl="6" class="d-sm-flex align-items-end mb-4"> |
| <search |
| :placeholder="$t('pagePostCodeLogs.table.searchLogs')" |
| @change-search="onChangeSearchInput" |
| @clear-search="onClearSearchInput" |
| /> |
| <div class="ml-sm-4"> |
| <table-cell-count |
| :filtered-items-count="filteredRows" |
| :total-number-of-cells="allLogs.length" |
| ></table-cell-count> |
| </div> |
| </b-col> |
| <b-col sm="8" md="7" xl="6"> |
| <table-date-filter @change="onChangeDateTimeFilter" /> |
| </b-col> |
| </b-row> |
| <b-row> |
| <b-col xl="12" class="text-right"> |
| <b-button |
| variant="primary" |
| :disabled="allLogs.length === 0" |
| :download="exportFileNameByDate()" |
| :href="href" |
| > |
| <icon-export /> {{ $t('pagePostCodeLogs.button.exportAll') }} |
| </b-button> |
| </b-col> |
| </b-row> |
| <b-row> |
| <b-col> |
| <table-toolbar |
| ref="toolbar" |
| :selected-items-count="selectedRows.length" |
| @clear-selected="clearSelectedRows($refs.table)" |
| > |
| <template #toolbar-buttons> |
| <table-toolbar-export |
| :data="batchExportData" |
| :file-name="exportFileNameByDate()" |
| /> |
| </template> |
| </table-toolbar> |
| <b-table |
| id="table-post-code-logs" |
| ref="table" |
| responsive="md" |
| selectable |
| no-select-on-click |
| sort-icon-left |
| hover |
| no-sort-reset |
| sort-desc |
| show-empty |
| sort-by="id" |
| :fields="fields" |
| :items="filteredLogs" |
| :empty-text="$t('global.table.emptyMessage')" |
| :empty-filtered-text="$t('global.table.emptySearchMessage')" |
| :per-page="perPage" |
| :current-page="currentPage" |
| :filter="searchFilter" |
| :busy="isBusy" |
| @filtered="onFiltered" |
| @row-selected="onRowSelected($event, filteredLogs.length)" |
| > |
| <!-- Checkbox column --> |
| <template #head(checkbox)> |
| <b-form-checkbox |
| v-model="tableHeaderCheckboxModel" |
| data-test-id="postCode-checkbox-selectAll" |
| :indeterminate="tableHeaderCheckboxIndeterminate" |
| @change="onChangeHeaderCheckbox($refs.table)" |
| > |
| <span class="sr-only">{{ $t('global.table.selectAll') }}</span> |
| </b-form-checkbox> |
| </template> |
| <template #cell(checkbox)="row"> |
| <b-form-checkbox |
| v-model="row.rowSelected" |
| :data-test-id="`postCode-checkbox-selectRow-${row.index}`" |
| @change="toggleSelectRow($refs.table, row.index)" |
| > |
| <span class="sr-only">{{ $t('global.table.selectItem') }}</span> |
| </b-form-checkbox> |
| </template> |
| <!-- Date column --> |
| <template #cell(date)="{ value }"> |
| <p class="mb-0">{{ value | formatDate }}</p> |
| <p class="mb-0">{{ value | formatTime }}</p> |
| </template> |
| |
| <!-- Actions column --> |
| <template #cell(actions)="row"> |
| <table-row-action |
| v-for="(action, index) in row.item.actions" |
| :key="index" |
| :value="action.value" |
| :title="action.title" |
| :row-data="row.item" |
| :btn-icon-only="true" |
| :export-name="exportFileNameByDate(action.value)" |
| :download-location="row.item.uri" |
| :download-in-new-tab="true" |
| :show-button="false" |
| > |
| <template #icon> |
| <icon-export v-if="action.value === 'export'" /> |
| <icon-download v-if="action.value === 'download'" /> |
| </template> |
| </table-row-action> |
| </template> |
| </b-table> |
| </b-col> |
| </b-row> |
| |
| <!-- Table pagination --> |
| <b-row> |
| <b-col sm="6"> |
| <b-form-group |
| class="table-pagination-select" |
| :label="$t('global.table.itemsPerPage')" |
| label-for="pagination-items-per-page" |
| > |
| <b-form-select |
| id="pagination-items-per-page" |
| v-model="perPage" |
| :options="itemsPerPageOptions" |
| /> |
| </b-form-group> |
| </b-col> |
| <b-col sm="6"> |
| <b-pagination |
| v-model="currentPage" |
| first-number |
| last-number |
| :per-page="perPage" |
| :total-rows="getTotalRowCount(filteredRows)" |
| aria-controls="table-post-code-logs" |
| /> |
| </b-col> |
| </b-row> |
| </b-container> |
| </template> |
| |
| <script> |
| import IconDownload from '@carbon/icons-vue/es/download/20'; |
| import IconExport from '@carbon/icons-vue/es/document--export/20'; |
| import { omit } from 'lodash'; |
| import PageTitle from '@/components/Global/PageTitle'; |
| import Search from '@/components/Global/Search'; |
| import TableCellCount from '@/components/Global/TableCellCount'; |
| import TableDateFilter from '@/components/Global/TableDateFilter'; |
| import TableRowAction from '@/components/Global/TableRowAction'; |
| import TableToolbar from '@/components/Global/TableToolbar'; |
| import TableToolbarExport from '@/components/Global/TableToolbarExport'; |
| import LoadingBarMixin from '@/components/Mixins/LoadingBarMixin'; |
| import TableFilterMixin from '@/components/Mixins/TableFilterMixin'; |
| import BVPaginationMixin, { |
| currentPage, |
| perPage, |
| itemsPerPageOptions, |
| } from '@/components/Mixins/BVPaginationMixin'; |
| import BVTableSelectableMixin, { |
| selectedRows, |
| tableHeaderCheckboxModel, |
| tableHeaderCheckboxIndeterminate, |
| } from '@/components/Mixins/BVTableSelectableMixin'; |
| import BVToastMixin from '@/components/Mixins/BVToastMixin'; |
| import TableSortMixin from '@/components/Mixins/TableSortMixin'; |
| import TableRowExpandMixin, { |
| expandRowLabel, |
| } from '@/components/Mixins/TableRowExpandMixin'; |
| import SearchFilterMixin, { |
| searchFilter, |
| } from '@/components/Mixins/SearchFilterMixin'; |
| |
| export default { |
| components: { |
| IconExport, |
| IconDownload, |
| PageTitle, |
| Search, |
| TableCellCount, |
| TableRowAction, |
| TableToolbar, |
| TableToolbarExport, |
| TableDateFilter, |
| }, |
| mixins: [ |
| BVPaginationMixin, |
| BVTableSelectableMixin, |
| BVToastMixin, |
| LoadingBarMixin, |
| TableFilterMixin, |
| TableSortMixin, |
| TableRowExpandMixin, |
| SearchFilterMixin, |
| ], |
| beforeRouteLeave(to, from, next) { |
| // Hide loader if the user navigates to another page |
| // before request is fulfilled. |
| this.hideLoader(); |
| next(); |
| }, |
| data() { |
| return { |
| isBusy: true, |
| fields: [ |
| { |
| key: 'checkbox', |
| sortable: false, |
| }, |
| { |
| key: 'date', |
| label: this.$t('pagePostCodeLogs.table.created'), |
| sortable: true, |
| }, |
| { |
| key: 'timeStampOffset', |
| label: this.$t('pagePostCodeLogs.table.timeStampOffset'), |
| }, |
| { |
| key: 'bootCount', |
| label: this.$t('pagePostCodeLogs.table.bootCount'), |
| }, |
| { |
| key: 'postCode', |
| label: this.$t('pagePostCodeLogs.table.postCode'), |
| }, |
| { |
| key: 'actions', |
| label: '', |
| tdClass: 'text-right text-nowrap', |
| }, |
| ], |
| expandRowLabel, |
| activeFilters: [], |
| currentPage: currentPage, |
| filterStartDate: null, |
| filterEndDate: null, |
| itemsPerPageOptions: itemsPerPageOptions, |
| perPage: perPage, |
| searchFilter: searchFilter, |
| searchTotalFilteredRows: 0, |
| selectedRows: selectedRows, |
| tableHeaderCheckboxModel: tableHeaderCheckboxModel, |
| tableHeaderCheckboxIndeterminate: tableHeaderCheckboxIndeterminate, |
| }; |
| }, |
| computed: { |
| href() { |
| return `data:text/json;charset=utf-8,${this.exportAllLogsString()}`; |
| }, |
| filteredRows() { |
| return this.searchFilter |
| ? this.searchTotalFilteredRows |
| : this.filteredLogs.length; |
| }, |
| allLogs() { |
| return this.$store.getters['postCodeLogs/allPostCodes'].map( |
| (postCodes) => { |
| return { |
| ...postCodes, |
| actions: [ |
| { |
| value: 'export', |
| title: this.$t('pagePostCodeLogs.action.exportLogs'), |
| }, |
| { |
| value: 'download', |
| title: this.$t('pagePostCodeLogs.action.downloadDetails'), |
| }, |
| ], |
| }; |
| } |
| ); |
| }, |
| batchExportData() { |
| return this.selectedRows.map((row) => omit(row, 'actions')); |
| }, |
| filteredLogsByDate() { |
| return this.getFilteredTableDataByDate( |
| this.allLogs, |
| this.filterStartDate, |
| this.filterEndDate |
| ); |
| }, |
| filteredLogs() { |
| return this.getFilteredTableData( |
| this.filteredLogsByDate, |
| this.activeFilters |
| ); |
| }, |
| }, |
| created() { |
| this.startLoader(); |
| this.$store.dispatch('postCodeLogs/getPostCodesLogData').finally(() => { |
| this.endLoader(); |
| this.isBusy = false; |
| }); |
| }, |
| methods: { |
| exportAllLogsString() { |
| { |
| return this.$store.getters['postCodeLogs/allPostCodes'].map( |
| (postCodes) => { |
| const allLogsString = JSON.stringify(postCodes); |
| return allLogsString; |
| } |
| ); |
| } |
| }, |
| onFilterChange({ activeFilters }) { |
| this.activeFilters = activeFilters; |
| }, |
| onChangeDateTimeFilter({ fromDate, toDate }) { |
| this.filterStartDate = fromDate; |
| this.filterEndDate = toDate; |
| }, |
| onFiltered(filteredItems) { |
| this.searchTotalFilteredRows = filteredItems.length; |
| }, |
| // Create export file name based on date and action |
| exportFileNameByDate(value) { |
| let date = new Date(); |
| date = |
| date.toISOString().slice(0, 10) + |
| '_' + |
| date.toString().split(':').join('-').split(' ')[4]; |
| let fileName; |
| if (value === 'download') { |
| fileName = this.$t('pagePostCodeLogs.downloadFilePrefix'); |
| } else if (value === 'export') { |
| fileName = this.$t('pagePostCodeLogs.exportFilePrefix'); |
| } else { |
| fileName = this.$t('pagePostCodeLogs.allExportFilePrefix'); |
| } |
| return fileName + date; |
| }, |
| }, |
| }; |
| </script> |