blob: 4b80328740d8d6de312be0c0e4ced616c751e1f6 [file] [log] [blame]
"global": {
"action": {
"add": "Add",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"clearAll": "Clear all",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"copy": "Copy",
"delete": "Delete",
"disable": "Disable",
"download": "Download",
"edit": "Edit",
"enable": "Enable",
"export": "Export",
"filter": "Filter",
"replace": "Replace",
"save": "Save",
"saveSettings": "Save settings",
"selected": "Selected"
"ariaLabel": {
"showPassword": "Show password as plain text. Note: this will visually expose your password on the screen.",
"tooltip": "Tooltip"
"form": {
"fieldRequired": "Field required",
"invalidFormat": "Invalid format",
"lengthMustBeBetween": "Length must be between %{min} – %{max} characters",
"mustBeAtLeast": "Must be at least %{value}",
"required": "Required",
"selectAnOption": "Select an option",
"valueMustBeBetween": "Value must be between %{min} – %{max}"
"status": {
"copied": "Copied",
"disabled": "Disabled",
"enabled": "Enabled",
"error": "Error",
"notAvailable": "Not available",
"off": "Off",
"on": "On",
"success": "Success",
"warning": "Warning",
"informational": "Informational"
"appHeader": {
"applicationHeader": "Application header",
"bmcSystemManagement": "BMC System Management",
"health": "Health",
"logOut": "Log out",
"power": "Power",
"refresh": "Refresh",
"skipToContent": "Skip to content"
"appNavigation": {
"accessControl": "Access Control",
"configuration": "Configuration",
"control": "Control",
"eventLog": "@:appPageTitle.eventLog",
"firmware": "@:appPageTitle.firmware",
"hardwareStatus": "@:appPageTitle.hardwareStatus",
"health": "Health",
"ldap": "@:appPageTitle.ldap",
"localUserManagement": "@:appPageTitle.localUserManagement",
"managePowerUsage": "@:appPageTitle.managePowerUsage",
"networkSettings": "@:appPageTitle.networkSettings",
"overview": "@:appPageTitle.overview",
"primaryNavigation": "Primary navigation",
"rebootBmc": "@:appPageTitle.rebootBmc",
"sensors": "@:appPageTitle.sensors",
"serverLed": "@:appPageTitle.serverLed",
"serverPowerOperations": "@:appPageTitle.serverPowerOperations",
"snmpSettings": "@:appPageTitle.snmpSettings",
"sslCertificates": "@:appPageTitle.sslCertificates"
"appPageTitle": {
"eventLog": "Event log",
"firmware": "Firmware",
"hardwareStatus": "Hardware status",
"ldap": "LDAP",
"localUserManagement": "Local user management",
"login": "Login",
"managePowerUsage": "Manage power usage",
"networkSettings": "Network settings",
"overview": "Overview",
"rebootBmc": "Reboot BMC",
"sensors": "Sensors",
"serverLed": "Server LED",
"serverPowerOperations": "Server power operations",
"snmpSettings": "SNMP settings",
"sslCertificates": "SSL Certificates",
"unauthorized": "Unauthorized"
"pageLdap": {
"pageDescription": "Configure LDAP settings and manage role groups",
"roleGroups": "Role groups",
"settings": "Settings",
"addRoleGroup": "Add role group",
"ariaLabel": {
"ldapSettings": "LDAP settings"
"form": {
"baseDn": "Base DN",
"bindDn": "Bind DN",
"bindPassword": "Bind password",
"caCertificateValidUntil": "CA Certificate valid until",
"groupIdAttribute": "Group ID attribute",
"ldapAuthentication": "LDAP authentication",
"ldapCertificateValidUntil": "LDAP Certificate valid until",
"manageSslCertificates": "Manage SSL certificates",
"secureLdapHelper": "A CA certificate and an LDAP certificate are required to enable secure LDAP",
"secureLdapUsingSsl": "Secure LDAP using SSL",
"serverUri": "Server URI",
"serverUriTooltip": "Enabling Secure LDAP changes URI scheme to ldaps",
"serviceType": "Service type",
"userIdAttribute": "User ID attribute"
"modal": {
"addNewRoleGroup": "Add new role group",
"deleteRoleGroupBatchConfirmMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete %{count} role group? This action cannot be undone. | Are you sure you want to delete %{count} role groups? This action cannot be undone.",
"deleteRoleGroupConfirmMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete '%{groupName}'? This action cannot be undone.",
"deleteRoleGroup": "Delete role group",
"editRoleGroup": "Edit role group",
"groupName": "Group name",
"groupPrivilege": "Group privilege"
"tableRoleGroups": {
"alertContent": "LDAP authentication must be enabled to modify role groups.",
"groupName": "Group name",
"groupPrivilege": "Group privilege"
"toast": {
"errorAddRoleGroup": "Error adding role group.",
"errorDeleteRoleGroup": "Error deleting role group. | Error deleting role groups.",
"errorSaveActiveDirectorySettings": "Error saving Active Directory settings.",
"errorSaveLdapSettings": "Error saving Open LDAP settings.",
"errorSaveRoleGroup": "Error saving role group.",
"successAddRoleGroup": "Successfully added role group '%{groupName}'.",
"successDeleteRoleGroup": "Successfully deleted role group. | Successfully deleted role groups.",
"successSaveActiveDirectorySettings": "Successfully saved Active Directory settings.",
"successSaveLdapSettings": "Successfully saved Open LDAP settings.",
"successSaveRoleGroup": "Successfully saved role group '%{groupName}'."
"pageLocalUserManagement": {
"accountPolicySettings": "Account policy settings",
"addUser": "Add user",
"deleteUser": "Delete user",
"editUser": "Edit user",
"viewPrivilegeRoleDescriptions": "View privilege role descriptions",
"modal": {
"accountLocked": "Account locked",
"accountStatus": "Account status",
"automaticAfterTimeout": "Automatic after timeout",
"cannotStartWithANumber": "Cannot start with a number",
"clickSaveToUnlockAccount": "Click \"Save\" to unlock account",
"confirmUserPassword": "Confirm user password",
"deleteConfirmMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete user '%{user}'? This action cannot be undone.",
"manual": "Manual",
"maxFailedLoginAttempts": "Max failed login attempts",
"noSpecialCharactersExceptUnderscore": "No special characters except underscore",
"passwordMustBeBetween": "Password must be between %{min} – %{max} characters",
"passwordsDoNotMatch": "Passwords do not match",
"privilege": "Privilege",
"timeoutDurationSeconds": "Timeout duration (seconds)",
"unlock": "Unlock",
"username": "Username",
"userPassword": "User password",
"userUnlockMethod": "User unlock method"
"table": {
"privilege": "Privilege",
"status": "Status",
"username": "Username"
"tableRoles": {
"configureComponentsManagedByThisService": "Configure components managed by this service",
"configureManagerResources": "Configure manager resources",
"configureUsersAndTheirAccounts": "Configure users and their accounts",
"ipmiAccessPoint": "IPMI access point",
"logInToTheServiceAndReadResources": "Log in to the service and read resources",
"redfishAccessPoint": "Redfish access point",
"sshAccessPoint": "SSH access point",
"updatePasswordForCurrentUserAccount": "Update password for current user account",
"webUiAccessPoint": "WebUI access point"
"toast": {
"errorDeleteUsers": "Error deleting %{count} user. | Error deleting %{count} users.",
"errorDisableUsers": "Error disabling %{count} user. | Error disabling %{count} users.",
"errorEnableUsers": "Error enabling %{count} user. | Error enabling %{count} users.",
"errorSaveSettings": "Error saving account settings.",
"successDeleteUsers": "Successfully deleted %{count} user. | Successfully deleted %{count} users.",
"successDisableUsers": "Successfully disabled %{count} user. | Successfully disabled %{count} users.",
"successEnableUsers": "Successfully enabled %{count} user. | Successfully enabled %{count} users.",
"successSaveSettings": "Successfully saved account settings."
"pageLogin": {
"language": "Language",
"logIn": "Log in",
"password": "Password",
"username": "Username",
"alert": {
"message": "Invalid username or password"
"pageOverview": {
"bmcInformation": "BMC information",
"firmwareVersion": "Firmware version",
"highPriorityEvents": "High priority events",
"manufacturer": "Manufacturer",
"model": "Model",
"networkInformation": "Network information",
"powerCap": "Power cap",
"powerConsumption": "Power consumption",
"serialNumber": "Serial number",
"serverInformation": "Server information",
"events": {
"date": "Date",
"description": "Description",
"id": "ID",
"noHighEventsMsg": "There are no high priority events to display at this time.",
"refCode": "Reference code",
"viewAllButton": "View all event logs"
"network": {
"hostname": "Hostname",
"ipAddress": "IP address",
"macAddress": "MAC address"
"quicklinks": {
"bmcTime": "BMC time",
"editNetworkSettings": "Edit network settings",
"serverLed": "Server LED",
"solConsole": "Serial over LAN console"
"pageRebootBmc": {
"rebootBmc": "Reboot BMC",
"rebootInformation": "When you reboot the BMC, your web browser loses contact with the BMC for several minutes. When the BMC is back online, you may need to log in again.",
"modal": {
"confirmMessage": "Are you sure you want to reboot the BMC?",
"confirmTitle": "Confirm BMC reboot"
"toast": {
"errorRebootStart": "Error rebooting BMC.",
"successRebootStart": "Rebooting BMC."
"pageSensors": {
"table": {
"currentValue": "Current value",
"lowerWarning": "Lower warning",
"lowerCritical": "Lower critical",
"name": "Name",
"status": "Status",
"upperWarning": "Upper warning",
"upperCritical": "Upper critical"
"pageServerPowerOperations": {
"currentStatus": "Current status",
"hostOsBootSettings": "Host OS boot settings",
"hostStatus": "Host status",
"immediateReboot": "Immediate – Server reboots without OS shutting down; may cause data corruption",
"immediateShutdown": "Immediate - Server shuts down without OS shutting down; may cause data corruption",
"oneTimeBootWarning": "Pending one time boot. Next boot will be performed with the specified one time boot settings. Subsequent boots will be performed with the default settings.",
"operationInProgress": "There are no options to display while a power operation is in progress. When complete, power operations will be displayed here.",
"operations": "Operations",
"orderlyReboot": "Orderly – OS shuts down, then server reboots",
"orderlyShutdown": "Orderly - OS shuts down, then server shuts down",
"powerOn": "Power on",
"reboot": "Reboot",
"rebootServer": "Reboot server",
"shutDown": "Shut down",
"shutdownServer": "Shutdown server",
"bootSettings": {
"bootSettingsOverride": "Boot settings override",
"enableOneTimeBoot": "Enable one time boot",
"tpmRequiredPolicy": "TPM required policy",
"tpmRequiredPolicyHelper": "Enable to ensure the system only boots when the TPM is functional."
"modal": {
"confirmRebootMessage": "Are you sure you want to reboot?",
"confirmRebootTitle": "Server reboot will cause outage",
"confirmShutdownMessage": "Are you sure you want to shut down?",
"confirmShutdownTitle": "Server shutdown will cause outage"
"toast": {
"errorSaveSettings": "Error saving settings.",
"successSaveSettings": "Successfully saved settings."
"pageSslCertificates": {
"addNewCertificate": "Add new certificate",
"caCertificate": "CA Certificate",
"deleteCertificate": "Delete certificate",
"generateCsr": "Generate CSR",
"httpsCertificate": "HTTPS Certificate",
"ldapCertificate": "LDAP Certificate",
"replaceCertificate": "Replace certificate",
"alert": {
"certificateExpiredMessage": "%{certificate} has expired. Consider replacing it with a new certificate.",
"certificateExpiringMessage": "%{certificate} is expiring soon. Consider replacing it with a new certificate.",
"certificatesExpiredMessage": "Some certificates have expired. Consider replacing them with new certificates.",
"certificatesExpiringMessage": "Some certificates are expiring soon. Consider replacing them with new certificates."
"modal": {
"alternateName": "Alternate name",
"alternateNameHelperText": "Add multiple alternate names separated by space",
"certificateFile": "Certificate file",
"certificateSigningRequest": "Certificate Signing Request (CSR)",
"certificateType": "Certificate type",
"challengePassword": "Challenge password",
"city": "City",
"commonName": "Common name",
"companyName": "Company name",
"companyUnit": "Company unit",
"contactPerson": "Contact person",
"country": "Country",
"deleteConfirmMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete '%{certificate}' issued by %{issuedBy}? This action cannot be undone.",
"duplicateAlternateName": "Duplicate alternate name",
"emailAddress": "Email address",
"generateACertificateSigningRequest": "Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)",
"keyBitLength": "Key bit length",
"keyCurveId": "Key curve ID",
"keyPairAlgorithm": "Key pair algorithm",
"privateKey": "Private key",
"state": "State"
"table": {
"certificate": "Certificate",
"issuedBy": "Issued by",
"issuedTo": "Issued to",
"validFrom": "Valid from",
"validUntil": "Valid until"
"toast": {
"errorAddCertificate": "Error adding certificate.",
"errorDeleteCertificate": "Error deleting certificate.",
"errorReplaceCertificate": "Error replacing certificate.",
"successAddCertificate": "Successfully added %{certificate}.",
"successDeleteCertificate": "Successfully deleted %{certificate}.",
"successReplaceCertificate": "Successfully replaced %{certificate}."
"countries": {
"AS":"American Samoa",
"AG":"Antigua and Barbuda",
"BS":"Bahamas, The",
"BQ":"Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba",
"BA":"Bosnia and Herzegovina ",
"BV":"Bouvet Island",
"IO":"British Indian Ocean Territory",
"BN":"Brunei Darussalam ",
"BF":"Burkina Faso",
"CV":"Cabo Verde",
"KY":"Cayman Islands",
"CF":"Central African Republic",
"CX":"Christmas Island ",
"CC":"Cocos(Keeling) Islands",
"CD":"Congo, The Democratic Republic of the",
"CK":"Cook Islands",
"CR":"Costa Rica",
"CI":"Côte d\"Ivoire",
"DO":"Dominican Republic",
"SV":"El Salvador",
"GQ":"Equatorial Guinea ",
"FK":"Falkland Islands (Malvinas)",
"FO":"Faroe Islands",
"GF":"French Guiana",
"PF":"French Polynesia",
"TF":"French Southern Territories",
"GM":"Gambia, The",
"HM":"Heard Island and McDonald Islands",
"VA":"Holy See",
"HK":"Hong Kong",
"IR":"Iran, Islamic Republic of",
"IM":"Isle of Man",
"KR":"Korea, Republic of",
"KP":"Korea, Democratic People\"s Republic of",
"LA":"Lao People\"s Democratic Republic",
"MK":"Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of",
"MH":"Marshall Islands",
"FM":"Micronesia, Federated States of",
"MD":"Moldova, Republic of",
"NC":"New Caledonia",
"NZ":"New Zealand",
"NF":"Norfolk Island",
"MP":"Northern Mariana Islands",
"PG":"Papua New Guinea",
"PR":"Puerto Rico",
"RU":"Russian Federation",
"BL":"Saint Barthélemy",
"SH":"Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha",
"KN":"Saint Kitts and Nevis ",
"LC":"Saint Lucia",
"MF":"Saint Martin",
"PM":"Saint Pierre and Miquelon",
"VC":"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
"SM":"San Marino ",
"ST":"Sao Tome and Principe",
"SA":"Saudi Arabia",
"SL":"Sierra Leone",
"SX":"Sint Maarten",
"SB":"Solomon Islands",
"ZA":"South Africa ",
"GS":"South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands",
"SS":"South Sudan",
"LK":"Sri Lanka",
"SJ":"Svalbard and Jan Mayen",
"SY":"Syrian Arab Republic",
"TZ":"Tanzania, United Republic of",
"TT":"Trinidad and Tobago",
"TC":"Turks and Caicos Islands",
"AE":"United Arab Emirates",
"GB":"United Kingdom",
"UM":"United States Minor Outlying Islands",
"US":"United States of America",
"VN":"Viet Nam",
"VG":"Virgin Islands, British",
"VI":"Virgin Islands, U.S",
"WF":"Wallis and Futuna",
"EH":"Western Sahara",
"AX": "Åland Islands"