blob: a1b969d0bb1916065198d925eb9e3c8146010c88 [file] [log] [blame]
=== Building an image ===
git clone --recursive
cd op-build
. op-build-env
op-build palmetto_defconfig && op-build
Building on *64-bit* Ubuntu/Debian systems
1. Install Ubuntu 14.04 or Debian 7.5 64-bit.
2. Install the packages necessary for the build:
> sudo apt-get install cscope ctags libz-dev libexpat-dev \
python language-pack-en texinfo \
build-essential g++ git bison flex unzip \
libxml-simple-perl libxml-sax-perl libxml2-dev libxml2-utils xsltproc
3. Continue with the clone, environment setup, and build as noted above.
Building on *64-bit* Fedora systems
1. Install Fedora 20 64-bit.
2. Install the packages necessary for the build:
> sudo dnf install vim gcc-c++ flex bison git ctags cscope expat-devel patch \
zlib-devel zlib-static make unzip tar bzip2 python wget cpio \
bc xz findutils perl-XML-Simple perl-Thread-Queue perl-Env \
perl-XML-LibXML perl-Digest-SHA1 perl-bignum libxml2-devel \
libxslt hostname
3. Continue with the clone, environment setup, and build as noted above.