| QEMU_TARGETS = "aarch64 arm microblaze microblazeel" |
| require recipes-devtools/qemu/qemu.inc |
| SUMMARY = "Xilinx's fork of a fast open source processor emulator" |
| HOMEPAGE = "https://github.com/xilinx/qemu/" |
| file://COPYING;md5=441c28d2cf86e15a37fa47e15a72fbac \ |
| file://COPYING.LIB;endline=24;md5=c04def7ae38850e7d3ef548588159913 \ |
| FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:" |
| REPO ?= "git://github.com/Xilinx/qemu.git;protocol=https" |
| BRANCHARG = "${@['nobranch=1', 'branch=${BRANCH}'][d.getVar('BRANCH', True) != '']}" |
| PACKAGECONFIG_remove = "kvm" |
| PACKAGECONFIG_append = " gcrypt" |
| DISABLE_STATIC_pn-${PN} = "" |
| # append a suffix dir, to allow multiple versions of QEMU to be installed |
| EXTRA_OECONF_append = " \ |
| --bindir=${bindir}/qemu-xilinx \ |
| --libexecdir=${libexecdir}/qemu-xilinx \ |
| # rewrite usage of 'libgcrypt-config' with 'pkg-config libgcrypt' |
| sed -r -i 's/libgcrypt-config(\s*--)/pkg-config libgcrypt\1/g' ${S}/configure |
| # Prevent QA warnings about installed ${localstatedir}/run |
| if [ -d ${D}${localstatedir}/run ]; then rmdir ${D}${localstatedir}/run; fi |