blob: 3feb4df8ba2fc782549aeb9ec281073486c7ed47 [file] [log] [blame]
# The i686 CPU family was introduced with the Intel Pentium Pro in 1995.
# It has as required feature flags: fpu tsc cx8 cmov.
# It is the minimum CPU required by the Debian i386 port.
# Set x86 target arch to i686, so that glibc enables SSE optimised memcpy, etc.
X86ARCH32 ?= "i686"
# Include the previous tune to pull in PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS
require conf/machine/include/
# Extra tune features
TUNEVALID[i686] = "Enable i686 specific processor optimizations"
TUNE_CCARGS .= "${@bb.utils.contains('TUNE_FEATURES', 'i686', ' -march=i686', '', d)}"
# Extra tune selections
AVAILTUNES += "i686"
TUNE_FEATURES:tune-i686 = "${TUNE_FEATURES:tune-x86} i686"
BASE_LIB:tune-i686 = "lib"
TUNE_PKGARCH:tune-i686 = "i686"
PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS:tune-i686 = "${PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS:tune-i586} i686"