blob: d301a19fa423c4f3d2a1fc176b0c0b012c9f1beb [file] [log] [blame]
from import OERuntimeTestCase
from oeqa.core.decorator.depends import OETestDepends
import subprocess
import oe.lsb
class VirglTest(OERuntimeTestCase):
def test_kernel_driver(self):
status, output ='dmesg|grep virgl')
self.assertEqual(status, 0, "Checking for virgl driver in dmesg returned non-zero: %d\n%s" % (status, output))
self.assertIn("virgl 3d acceleration enabled", output, "virgl acceleration seems to be disabled:\n%s" %(output))
def test_kmscube(self):
distro = oe.lsb.distro_identifier()
if distro and distro == 'centos-7':
self.skipTest('kmscube is not working when centos 7 is the host OS')
status, output ='kmscube', timeout=30)
self.assertEqual(status, 0, "kmscube exited with non-zero status %d and output:\n%s" %(status, output))
self.assertIn('renderer: "virgl"', output, "kmscube does not seem to use virgl:\n%s" %(output))