| " Vim syntax file |
| " Language: BitBake bb/bbclasses/inc |
| " Author: Chris Larson <kergoth@handhelds.org> |
| " Ricardo Salveti <rsalveti@rsalveti.net> |
| " Copyright: Copyright (C) 2004 Chris Larson <kergoth@handhelds.org> |
| " Copyright (C) 2008 Ricardo Salveti <rsalveti@rsalveti.net> |
| " |
| " This file is licensed under the MIT license, see COPYING.MIT in |
| " this source distribution for the terms. |
| " |
| " Syntax highlighting for bb, bbclasses and inc files. |
| " |
| " It's an entirely new type, just has specific syntax in shell and python code |
| |
| if &compatible || v:version < 600 || exists("b:loaded_bitbake_plugin") |
| finish |
| endif |
| if exists("b:current_syntax") |
| finish |
| endif |
| |
| syn include @python syntax/python.vim |
| if exists("b:current_syntax") |
| unlet b:current_syntax |
| endif |
| |
| " BitBake syntax |
| |
| " Matching case |
| syn case match |
| |
| " Indicates the error when nothing is matched |
| syn match bbUnmatched "." |
| |
| " Comments |
| syn cluster bbCommentGroup contains=bbTodo,@Spell |
| syn keyword bbTodo COMBAK FIXME TODO XXX contained |
| syn match bbComment "#.*$" contains=@bbCommentGroup |
| |
| " String helpers |
| syn match bbQuote +['"]+ contained |
| syn match bbDelimiter "[(){}=]" contained |
| syn match bbArrayBrackets "[\[\]]" contained |
| |
| " BitBake strings |
| syn match bbContinue "\\$" |
| syn region bbString matchgroup=bbQuote start=+"+ skip=+\\$+ end=+"+ contained contains=bbTodo,bbContinue,bbVarDeref,bbVarPyValue,@Spell |
| syn region bbString matchgroup=bbQuote start=+'+ skip=+\\$+ end=+'+ contained contains=bbTodo,bbContinue,bbVarDeref,bbVarPyValue,@Spell |
| |
| " Vars definition |
| syn match bbExport "^export" nextgroup=bbIdentifier skipwhite |
| syn keyword bbExportFlag export contained nextgroup=bbIdentifier skipwhite |
| syn match bbIdentifier "[a-zA-Z0-9\-_\.\/\+]\+" display contained |
| syn match bbVarDeref "${[a-zA-Z0-9\-_:\.\/\+]\+}" contained |
| syn match bbVarEq "\(:=\|+=\|=+\|\.=\|=\.\|?=\|??=\|=\)" contained nextgroup=bbVarValue |
| syn match bbVarDef "^\(export\s*\)\?\([a-zA-Z0-9\-_\.\/\+][${}a-zA-Z0-9\-_:\.\/\+]*\)\s*\(:=\|+=\|=+\|\.=\|=\.\|?=\|??=\|=\)\@=" contains=bbExportFlag,bbIdentifier,bbOverrideOperator,bbVarDeref nextgroup=bbVarEq |
| syn match bbVarValue ".*$" contained contains=bbString,bbVarDeref,bbVarPyValue |
| syn region bbVarPyValue start=+${@+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}+ contained contains=@python |
| |
| " Vars metadata flags |
| syn match bbVarFlagDef "^\([a-zA-Z0-9\-_\.]\+\)\(\[[a-zA-Z0-9\-_\.+]\+\]\)\@=" contains=bbIdentifier nextgroup=bbVarFlagFlag |
| syn region bbVarFlagFlag matchgroup=bbArrayBrackets start="\[" end="\]\s*\(:=\|=\|.=\|=.|+=\|=+\|?=\)\@=" contained contains=bbIdentifier nextgroup=bbVarEq |
| |
| " Includes and requires |
| syn keyword bbInclude inherit include require contained |
| syn match bbIncludeRest ".*$" contained contains=bbString,bbVarDeref |
| syn match bbIncludeLine "^\(inherit\|include\|require\)\s\+" contains=bbInclude nextgroup=bbIncludeRest |
| |
| " Add taks and similar |
| syn keyword bbStatement addtask deltask addhandler after before EXPORT_FUNCTIONS contained |
| syn match bbStatementRest ".*$" skipwhite contained contains=bbStatement |
| syn match bbStatementLine "^\(addtask\|deltask\|addhandler\|after\|before\|EXPORT_FUNCTIONS\)\s\+" contains=bbStatement nextgroup=bbStatementRest |
| |
| " OE Important Functions |
| syn keyword bbOEFunctions do_fetch do_unpack do_patch do_configure do_compile do_stage do_install do_package contained |
| |
| " Generic Functions |
| syn match bbFunction "\h[0-9A-Za-z_\-\.]*" display contained contains=bbOEFunctions |
| |
| syn keyword bbOverrideOperator append prepend contained |
| |
| " BitBake shell metadata |
| syn include @shell syntax/sh.vim |
| if exists("b:current_syntax") |
| unlet b:current_syntax |
| endif |
| syn keyword bbShFakeRootFlag fakeroot contained |
| syn match bbShFuncDef "^\(fakeroot\s*\)\?\([\.0-9A-Za-z_:${}\-\.]\+\)\(python\)\@<!\(\s*()\s*\)\({\)\@=" contains=bbShFakeRootFlag,bbFunction,bbOverrideOperator,bbVarDeref,bbDelimiter nextgroup=bbShFuncRegion skipwhite |
| syn region bbShFuncRegion matchgroup=bbDelimiter start="{\s*$" end="^}\s*$" contained contains=@shell |
| |
| " Python value inside shell functions |
| syn region shDeref start=+${@+ skip=+\\$+ excludenl end=+}+ contained contains=@python |
| |
| " BitBake python metadata |
| syn keyword bbPyFlag python contained |
| syn match bbPyFuncDef "^\(fakeroot\s*\)\?\(python\)\(\s\+[0-9A-Za-z_:${}\-\.]\+\)\?\(\s*()\s*\)\({\)\@=" contains=bbShFakeRootFlag,bbPyFlag,bbFunction,bbOverrideOperator,bbVarDeref,bbDelimiter nextgroup=bbPyFuncRegion skipwhite |
| syn region bbPyFuncRegion matchgroup=bbDelimiter start="{\s*$" end="^}\s*$" contained contains=@python |
| |
| " BitBake 'def'd python functions |
| syn keyword bbPyDef def contained |
| syn region bbPyDefRegion start='^\(def\s\+\)\([0-9A-Za-z_-]\+\)\(\s*(.*)\s*\):\s*$' end='^\(\s\|$\)\@!' contains=@python |
| |
| " Highlighting Definitions |
| hi def link bbUnmatched Error |
| hi def link bbInclude Include |
| hi def link bbTodo Todo |
| hi def link bbComment Comment |
| hi def link bbQuote String |
| hi def link bbString String |
| hi def link bbDelimiter Keyword |
| hi def link bbArrayBrackets Statement |
| hi def link bbContinue Special |
| hi def link bbExport Type |
| hi def link bbExportFlag Type |
| hi def link bbIdentifier Identifier |
| hi def link bbVarDeref PreProc |
| hi def link bbVarDef Identifier |
| hi def link bbVarValue String |
| hi def link bbShFakeRootFlag Type |
| hi def link bbFunction Function |
| hi def link bbPyFlag Type |
| hi def link bbPyDef Statement |
| hi def link bbStatement Statement |
| hi def link bbStatementRest Identifier |
| hi def link bbOEFunctions Special |
| hi def link bbVarPyValue PreProc |
| hi def link bbOverrideOperator Operator |
| |
| let b:current_syntax = "bb" |