blob: cd0694d6b05233cf9165cd5af281221e97ee10ff [file] [log] [blame]
/include/ "zynq-7000.dtsi"
/include/ "zynq-7000-qspi-dummy.dtsi"
/ {
model = "Zynq A9 QEMU";
compatible = "qemu,xilinx-zynq-a9", "xlnx,zynq-7000";
aliases {
ethernet0 = &gem0;
serial0 = &uart1;
memory {
device_type = "memory";
reg = <0x0 0x40000000>;
chosen {
bootargs = "earlyprintk";
stdout-path = "serial0:115200n8";
&amba {
/* Setup a fixed 25 MHz clock (100Mbps) to trick the ethernet driver */
fixednetclk: clock {
#clock-cells = <0>;
compatible = "fixed-clock";
clock-frequency = <25000000>;
&gem0 {
status = "okay";
clocks = <&clkc 30>, <&clkc 30>, <&fixednetclk>, <&fixednetclk>, <&clkc 30>;
phy-mode = "rgmii-id";
phy-handle = <&ethernet_phy>;
ethernet_phy: ethernet-phy@23 {
device_type = "ethernet-phy";
reg = <23>;
&sdhci0 {
status = "okay";
&uart1 {
status = "okay";
&qspi {
status = "okay";
is-dual = <1>;
primary_flash: ps7-qspi@0 {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <1>;
compatible = "st,m25p80";
reg = <0x0>;
spi-max-frequency = <50000000>;
partition@0x00000000 {
label = "boot";
reg = <0x00000000 0x00500000>;
partition@0x00500000 {
label = "bootenv";
reg = <0x00500000 0x00020000>;
partition@0x00520000 {
label = "config";
reg = <0x00520000 0x00020000>;
partition@0x00540000 {
label = "image";
reg = <0x00540000 0x00a80000>;
partition@0x00fc0000 {
label = "spare";
reg = <0x00fc0000 0x00000000>;