blob: b57ea16eba9d22b2b13e58bf571496adbbe4350c [file] [log] [blame]
SUMMARY = "A toolkit to write, run and analyze benchmarks"
The Python pyperf module is a toolkit to write, run and analyze benchmarks. \
Features: \
* Simple API to run reliable benchmarks \
* Automatically calibrate a benchmark for a time budget. \
* Spawn multiple worker processes. \
* Compute the mean and standard deviation. \
* Detect if a benchmark result seems unstable. \
* JSON format to store benchmark results. \
* Support multiple units: seconds, bytes and integer. \
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=78bc2e6e87c8c61272937b879e6dc2f8"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "1257d673d89fdcdbaec8077afeb365e7a94739c1b263572b09403cac25708ad3"
DEPENDS += "${PYTHON_PN}-six-native"
PYPI_PACKAGE = "pyperf"
inherit pypi setuptools3
RDEPENDS_${PN} += "${PYTHON_PN}-misc"