blob: 7f1c39d28eef6b8132937d82a6f8be0c63a6ec3f [file] [log] [blame]
source /usr/sbin/
function set_mux_default(){
# set all mux route to CPU before power on host
set_gpio_ctrl 120 out 1
set_gpio_ctrl 84 out 1
set_gpio_ctrl 85 out 1
set_gpio_ctrl 86 out 1
# LED control
set_gpio_ctrl 7 out 1
# SPI control
# Send command to CPLD to switch the bios spi interface to host
i2cset -y -f -a 13 0x76 0x10 0x00
# 0 - 63 EVT
# 64 + DVT/PVT
boardver=$(printf '%d' `cat /sys/bus/i2c/drivers/fiicpld/34-0076/CMD00 | awk '{print $6}'`)
# On EVT machines, the secondary SCP EEPROM is used.
# Set BMC_I2C_BACKUP_SEL to secondary.
if [[ $boardver -lt 64 ]]; then
echo "EVT system. Choosing secondary SCP EEPROM."
set_gpio_ctrl 168 out 0
# Power control
# S0_BMC_OK, GPIO 69
set_gpio_ctrl 69 out 1
echo "DVT or PVT system"
# sleep so that FRU and all ipmitool Devices are ready before HOST OS
# gpio 143 for HPM_STBY_RST_N do to DC-SCM spec
set_gpio_ctrl 143 out 1 # on DVT this became HPM_STBY_RST_N (EVT1 came from CPLD)
sleep 5 # for the MUX to get ready
# Power control
# S0_BMC_OK, GPIO 69
set_gpio_ctrl 69 out 1
# Disable CPU 1 CLK when cpu not detected
# echo init_once cpu $CPU1_STATUS > /dev/ttyS0
# echo init_once board $boardver > /dev/ttyS0
CPU1_STATUS_N=$(get_gpio_ctrl 136)
if [[ $CPU1_STATUS_N == 1 ]]; then
#Execute this only on DVT systems
if [[ $boardver -lt 64 ]]; then
echo EVT system $boardver
echo DVT system $boardver
i2cset -y -a -f 37 0x68 0x05 0x03
#These i2c deviecs are already installed on EVT systems
i2cset -y -a -f 16 0x6a 0 1 0xdf i
i2cset -y -a -f 16 0x6a 11 1 0x01 i
i2cset -y -a -f 17 0x67 1 2 0x3f 0x0c i
# Create /run/openbmc for system power files
mkdir "/run/openbmc"
# Restart psusensor service to enusre that the VBAT sensor doesn't say "no reading" until
# it's second query after a hotswap
(sleep 45; systemctl restart xyz.openbmc_project.psusensor.service)&