| SUMMARY = "IBM's Software TPM 2.0" |
| DESCRIPTION = "The software TPM 2.0 is targeted toward application development, \ |
| education, and virtualization. \ |
| The intent is that an application can be developed using the software TPM. \ |
| The application should then run using a hardware TPM without changes. \ |
| Advantages of this approach: \ |
| * In contrast to a hardware TPM, it runs on many platforms and it's generally faster. \ |
| * Application software errors are easily reversed by simply removing the TPM state and starting over. \ |
| * Difficult crypto errors are quickly debugged by looking inside the TPM." |
| HOMEPAGE = "http://ibmswtpm.sourceforge.net/ibmswtpm2.html" |
| LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://../LICENSE;md5=1e023f61454ac828b4aa1bc4293f7d5f" |
| SRC_URI = "https://sourceforge.net/projects/ibmswtpm2/files/ibmtpm${PV}.tar.gz \ |
| file://tune-makefile.patch \ |
| SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "3cb642f871a17b23d50b046e5f95f449c2287415fc1e7aeb4bdbb8920dbcb38f" |
| UPSTREAM_CHECK_URI = "https://sourceforge.net/projects/ibmswtpm2/files/" |
| CFLAGS += "-Wno-error=maybe-uninitialized -DALG_CAMELLIA=ALG_NO" |
| install -d ${D}/${bindir} |
| install -m 0755 tpm_server ${D}/${bindir} |