| SUMMARY = "comprehensive password hashing framework supporting over 30 schemes" |
| Passlib is a password hashing library for Python 2 & 3, which provides cross-platform \ |
| implementations of over 30 password hashing algorithms, as well as a framework for \ |
| managing existing password hashes. It’s designed to be useful for a wide range of \ |
| tasks, from verifying a hash found in /etc/shadow, to providing full-strength password \ |
| hashing for multi-user applications." |
| HOMEPAGE = "https://foss.heptapod.net/python-libs/passlib/wikis/home" |
| LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=c8449c5e10474d113ab787ed2753bafe" |
| SRC_URI[md5sum] = "3a229cbd00dfb33e99885b43325e0591" |
| SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "defd50f72b65c5402ab2c573830a6978e5f202ad0d984793c8dde2c4152ebe04" |