blob: 4f648a60cff4cc9d25191a934ec0781e6d9f2dc6 [file] [log] [blame]
# This is for perl modules that use the new Build.PL build system
inherit cpan-base perlnative
# Env var which tells perl if it should use host (no) or target (yes) settings
export PERLCONFIGTARGET = "${@is_target(d)}"
export PERL_ARCHLIB = "${STAGING_LIBDIR}${PERL_OWN_DIR}/perl/${@get_perl_version(d)}"
export LD = "${CCLD}"
cpan_build_do_configure () {
if [ "${@is_target(d)}" = "yes" ]; then
# build for target
perl Build.PL --installdirs vendor \
--destdir ${D} \
--install_path arch="${libdir}/perl" \
--install_path script=${bindir} \
--install_path bin=${bindir} \
--install_path bindoc=${mandir}/man1 \
--install_path libdoc=${mandir}/man3 \
cpan_build_do_compile () {
perl Build
cpan_build_do_install () {
perl Build install
EXPORT_FUNCTIONS do_configure do_compile do_install