blob: 0b6ca206b9514f9b14818a48bb7500f5d2b2b0e4 [file] [log] [blame]
SUMMARY = "KC705 Pre-built Bitstream"
DESCRIPTION = "A Pre-built bitstream for the KC705, which is capable of booting a Linux system."
SECTION = "bsp"
# The BSP package does not include any license information.
LICENSE = "Proprietary"
LICENSE_FLAGS = "xilinx"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COMMON_LICENSE_DIR}/Proprietary;md5=0557f9d92cf58f2ccdd50f62f8ac0b28"
COMPATIBLE_MACHINE = "kc705-microblazeel"
inherit deploy
inherit xilinx-fetch-restricted
BSP_NAME = "xilinx-kc705"
BSP_FILE = "${BSP_NAME}-v${PV}-final.bsp"
SRC_URI = "${BSP_FILE};downloadfilename=${BSP_FILE}"
SRC_URI[md5sum] = "53e5e0ad87d0388fe5b11fa5fc029288"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "301f994bd836ad78ebfc92af6c16470b53253121ca31762dc1f770a9ff11dc18"
PROVIDES = "virtual/bitstream"
FILES_${PN} += "/boot/download.bit"
# deps needed to extract content from the .bsp file
DEPENDS += "tar-native gzip-native"
do_compile() {
# Extract the bitstream into workdir
tar -xf ${WORKDIR}/${BSP_FILE} ${BSP_NAME}-axi-full-${PV}/pre-built/linux/images/download.bit -C ${S}
# move the bit file to ${S}/ as it is in a subdir in the tar file
for i in $(find -type f -name download.bit); do mv $i ${S}; done
do_install() {
install -D ${S}/download.bit ${D}/boot/download.bit
do_deploy () {
install -D ${S}/download.bit ${DEPLOYDIR}/download.bit
addtask deploy before do_build after do_install