blob: f4e26d52c3f05e764f94266190f014b1f720956e [file] [log] [blame]
SUMMARY = "A fast lightweight Text-to-speech engine"
DESCRIPTION = "Mimic is a fast, lightweight Text-to-speech engine developed by Mycroft A.I. and VocaliD, based on Carnegie Mellon University’s Flite (Festival-Lite) software. Mimic takes in text and reads it out loud to create a high quality voice."
SECTION = "multimedia"
# "Mimic is available under permissive BSD-like licenses"
PD & \
CMU-Tex & \
BSD & \
BSD-2-Clause & \
BSD-3-Clause & \
flite & \
(flite & Sun) & \
BellBird & \
Apache-2.0 \
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=a2c2c7371b58b9cdeae0dc68846fe9f1"
DEPENDS = "curl-native libpcre2"
SRCREV = "adf655da0399530ac1b586590257847eb61be232"
SRC_URI = "git:// \
file://0001-Fix-musl-compatibility.patch \
file://0001-cmu_indic_lang-Make-cst_rx_not_indic-as-extern-decla.patch \
inherit autotools
S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
CPPFLAGS:append = " -Wno-error"