| SUMMARY = "Xdamage: X Damage extension library" |
| DESCRIPTION = "'Damage' is a term that describes changes make to pixel \ |
| contents of windows and pixmaps. Damage accumulates as drawing occurs \ |
| in the drawable. Each drawing operation 'damages' one or more \ |
| rectangular areas within the drawable. The rectangles are guaranteed to \ |
| include the set of pixels modified by each operation, but may include \ |
| significantly more than just those pixels. The DAMAGE extension allows \ |
| applications to either receive the raw rectangles as a stream of events, \ |
| or to have them partially processed within the X server to reduce the \ |
| amount of data transmitted as well as reduce the processing latency once \ |
| the repaint operation has started." |
| require xorg-lib-common.inc |
| LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=9fe101f30dd24134cf43146863241868" |
| DEPENDS += "virtual/libx11 xorgproto libxfixes" |
| SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "52733c1f5262fca35f64e7d5060c6fcd81a880ba8e1e65c9621cf0727afb5d11" |
| BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk" |