| SUMMARY = "OpenDNSSEC is a policy-based zone signer that automates the process of keeping track of DNSSEC keys and the signing of zones" |
| LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=b041dbe2da80d4efd951393fbba90937" |
| DEPENDS = "libxml2 openssl ldns libmicrohttpd jansson libyaml " |
| SRC_URI = "git://github.com/opendnssec/opendnssec;branch=develop \ |
| file://libxml2_conf.patch \ |
| file://libdns_conf_fix.patch \ |
| file://fix_fprint.patch \ |
| SRCREV = "5876bccb38428790e2e9afc806ca68b029879874" |
| inherit autotools pkgconfig perlnative |
| EXTRA_OECONF = " --with-libxml2=${STAGING_DIR_HOST}/usr --with-ldns=${STAGING_DIR_HOST}/usr \ |
| --with-ssl=${STAGING_DIR_HOST}/usr " |
| PACKAGECONFIG ?= "sqlite3" |
| PACKAGECONFIG[cunit] = "--with-cunit=${STAGING_DIR_HOST}/usr, --without-cunit," |
| PACKAGECONFIG[sqlite3] = "--with-sqlite3=${STAGING_DIR_HOST}/usr, ,sqlite3, sqlite3" |
| PACKAGECONFIG[mysql] = "--with-mysql=yes, , mariadb, mariadb" |
| PACKAGECONFIG[readline] = "--with-readline, --without-readline, readline" |
| PACKAGECONFIG[unwind] = "--with-libunwind, --without-libunwind" |
| rm -rf ${D}${localstatedir}/run |
| RDEPENDS_${PN} = "softhsm" |