blob: 800006fcf6bfe8c62639b0bb4ea22037f7ee6b3e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2022 Armin Kuster <>
# This class creates the initial aide database durning
# the build cycle allowing for that set being skipped during boot
# It has an additional benefit of having not being tamper with
# after build.
# To have the aide db created during build
# 1. Extend local.conf:
# INHERIT += "adie-init-db"
# These are the defaults as defined in aide-base.bbclass
# They can be overriden in your local.conf or other distro include
# To define where the share directory should be.
# STAGING_AIDE_DIR = "${TMPDIR}/work-shared/${MACHINE}/aida"
# To define which directories should be inclued in a scan
# To exclude directories and files from being scanned
# AIDE_SKIP_DIRS ?= "/lib/modules/.\*"
# To controll if a db init should happen at postint
# To cotroll if a db recan should be run at postinit
inherit aide-base
aide_init_db() {
for dir in ${AIDE_INCLUDE_DIRS}; do
echo "${IMAGE_ROOTFS}${dir} NORMAL" >> ${STAGING_AIDE_DIR}/aide.conf
for dir in ${AIDE_SKIP_DIRS}; do
echo "!${IMAGE_ROOTFS}${dir}" >> ${STAGING_AIDE_DIR}/aide.conf
${STAGING_AIDE_DIR}/bin/aide -c ${STAGING_AIDE_DIR}/aide.conf --init
gunzip ${STAGING_AIDE_DIR}/lib/aide.db.gz
# strip out native path
sed -i -e 's:${IMAGE_ROOTFS}::' ${STAGING_AIDE_DIR}/lib/aide.db
gzip -9 ${STAGING_AIDE_DIR}/lib/aide.db
cp -f ${STAGING_AIDE_DIR}/lib/aide.db.gz ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}${libdir}/aide
EXTRA_IMAGEDEPENDS:append = " aide-native"
ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND:append = " aide_init_db;"