blob: 3a1befc29c506c2eb46ff4c0020b8965721d194a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright OpenEmbedded Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# Common variable and task for the binary package recipe.
# Basic principle:
# * The files have been unpacked to ${S} by base.bbclass
# * Skip do_configure and do_compile
# * Use do_install to install the files to ${D}
# Note:
# The "subdir" parameter in the SRC_URI is useful when the input package
# is rpm, ipk, deb and so on, for example:
# SRC_URI = ";subdir=foo-1.0"
# Then the files would be unpacked to ${WORKDIR}/foo-1.0, otherwise
# they would be in ${WORKDIR}.
# Skip the unwanted steps
do_configure[noexec] = "1"
do_compile[noexec] = "1"
# Install the files to ${D}
bin_package_do_install () {
# Do it carefully
[ -d "${S}" ] || exit 1
if [ -z "$(ls -A ${S})" ]; then
bbfatal bin_package has nothing to install. Be sure the SRC_URI unpacks into S.
cd ${S}
install -d ${D}${base_prefix}
tar --no-same-owner --exclude='./patches' --exclude='./.pc' -cpf - . \
| tar --no-same-owner -xpf - -C ${D}${base_prefix}
FILES:${PN} = "/"