blob: daa363b0dd657d9bc3a82a2773fcda472c6992e1 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright OpenEmbedded Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
## Purpose:
## This class is used to update the list of crates in SRC_URI
## by reading Cargo.lock in the source tree.
## See meta/recipes-devtools/python/python3-bcrypt_*.bb for an example
## To perform the update: bitbake -c update_crates recipe-name
addtask do_update_crates after do_patch
do_update_crates[depends] = "python3-native:do_populate_sysroot"
do_update_crates[nostamp] = "1"
do_update_crates[doc] = "Update the recipe by reading Cargo.lock and write in ${THISDIR}/${BPN}"
# The directory where to search for Cargo.lock files
do_update_crates() {
nativepython3 - <<EOF
def get_crates(f):
import tomllib
c_list = '# from %s' % os.path.relpath(f, '${CARGO_LOCK_SRC_DIR}')
c_list += '\nSRC_URI += " \\\'
crates = tomllib.load(open(f, 'rb'))
# Build a list with crates info that have in the source
crates_candidates = list(filter(lambda c: '' in c.get('source', ''), crates['package']))
if not crates_candidates:
raise ValueError("Unable to find any candidate crates that use")
# Build a list of crates name that have multiple version
crates_multiple_vers = []
tmp = []
for c in crates_candidates:
if c['name'] in tmp:
# Update crates uri and their checksum, to avoid name clashing on the checksum
# we need to rename crates of the same name but different version
cksum_list = ''
for c in crates_candidates:
if c['name'] in crates_multiple_vers:
rename = "%s-%s" % (c['name'], c['version'])
c_list += '\n crate://;name=%s \\\' % (c['name'], c['version'], rename)
rename = c['name']
c_list += '\n crate:// \\\' % (c['name'], c['version'])
if 'checksum' in c:
cksum_list += '\nSRC_URI[%s.sha256sum] = "%s"' % (rename, c['checksum'])
c_list += '\n"\n'
c_list += cksum_list
c_list += '\n'
return c_list
import os
crates = "# Autogenerated with 'bitbake -c update_crates ${PN}'\n\n"
found = False
for root, dirs, files in os.walk('${CARGO_LOCK_SRC_DIR}'):
for file in files:
if file == 'Cargo.lock':
crates += get_crates(os.path.join(root, file))
found = True
if not found:
raise ValueError("Unable to find Cargo.lock in ${CARGO_LOCK_SRC_DIR}")
open("${TARGET_FILE}", 'w').write(crates)
bbnote "Successfully update crates inside '${TARGET_FILE}'"