blob: 61571596bcfa4f789c0f43e07c8d99ac19f44fac [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright OpenEmbedded Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# Handle Go Modules support
# When using Go Modules, the current working directory MUST be at or below
# the location of the 'go.mod' file when the go tool is used, and there is no
# way to tell it to look elsewhere. It will automatically look upwards for the
# file, but not downwards.
# To support this use case, we provide the `GO_WORKDIR` variable, which defaults
# to `GO_IMPORT` but allows for easy override.
# Copyright 2020 (C) O.S. Systems Software LTDA.
# The '-modcacherw' option ensures we have write access to the cached objects so
# we avoid errors during clean task as well as when removing the TMPDIR.
GOBUILDFLAGS:append = " -modcacherw"
inherit go
do_compile[dirs] += "${B}/src/${GO_WORKDIR}"