blob: a1659c5f628eedec5a8761d71f026c8bf2589229 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright OpenEmbedded Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# Common infrastructure for Python packages that use PEP-517 compliant packaging.
# This class will build a wheel in do_compile, and use pypa/installer to install
# it in do_install.
DEPENDS:append = " python3-build-native python3-installer-native"
# Where to execute the build process from
PEP517_SOURCE_PATH ?= "${S}"
# The directory where wheels will be written
PEP517_WHEEL_PATH ?= "${WORKDIR}/dist"
# Other options to pass to build
# The interpreter to use for installed scripts
PEP517_INSTALL_PYTHON = "python3"
PEP517_INSTALL_PYTHON:class-native = "nativepython3"
# pypa/installer option to control the bytecode compilation
INSTALL_WHEEL_COMPILE_BYTECODE ?= "--compile-bytecode=0"
# PEP517 doesn't have a specific configure step, so set an empty do_configure to avoid
# running base_do_configure.
python_pep517_do_configure () {
# When we have Python 3.11 we can parse pyproject.toml to determine the build
# API entry point directly
python_pep517_do_compile () {
nativepython3 -m build --no-isolation --wheel --outdir ${PEP517_WHEEL_PATH} ${PEP517_SOURCE_PATH} ${PEP517_BUILD_OPTS}
do_compile[cleandirs] += "${PEP517_WHEEL_PATH}"
python_pep517_do_install () {
COUNT=$(find ${PEP517_WHEEL_PATH} -name '*.whl' | wc -l)
if test $COUNT -eq 0; then
bbfatal No wheels found in ${PEP517_WHEEL_PATH}
elif test $COUNT -gt 1; then
bbfatal More than one wheel found in ${PEP517_WHEEL_PATH}, this should not happen
nativepython3 -m installer ${INSTALL_WHEEL_COMPILE_BYTECODE} --interpreter "${USRBINPATH}/env ${PEP517_INSTALL_PYTHON}" --destdir=${D} ${PEP517_WHEEL_PATH}/*.whl
# A manual do_install that just uses unzip for bootstrapping purposes. Callers should DEPEND on unzip-native.
python_pep517_do_bootstrap_install () {
EXPORT_FUNCTIONS do_configure do_compile do_install