blob: 7aaf2af5edd880489a95969893f93a8e764170ee [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright OpenEmbedded Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
# This library is intended to capture the JSON SPDX specification in a type
# safe manner. It is not intended to encode any particular OE specific
# behaviors, see the for that.
# The documented SPDX spec document doesn't cover the JSON syntax for
# particular configuration, which can make it hard to determine what the JSON
# syntax should be. I've found it is actually much simpler to read the official
# SPDX JSON schema which can be found here:
# in schemas/spdx-schema.json
import hashlib
import itertools
import json
# The following are the support classes that are used to implement SPDX object
class _Property(object):
A generic SPDX object property. The different types will derive from this
def __init__(self, *, default=None):
self.default = default
def setdefault(self, dest, name):
if self.default is not None:
dest.setdefault(name, self.default)
class _String(_Property):
A scalar string property for an SPDX object
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
def set_property(self, attrs, name):
def get_helper(obj):
return obj._spdx[name]
def set_helper(obj, value):
obj._spdx[name] = value
def del_helper(obj):
del obj._spdx[name]
attrs[name] = property(get_helper, set_helper, del_helper)
def init(self, source):
return source
class _Object(_Property):
A scalar SPDX object property of a SPDX object
def __init__(self, cls, **kwargs):
self.cls = cls
def set_property(self, attrs, name):
def get_helper(obj):
if not name in obj._spdx:
obj._spdx[name] = self.cls()
return obj._spdx[name]
def set_helper(obj, value):
obj._spdx[name] = value
def del_helper(obj):
del obj._spdx[name]
attrs[name] = property(get_helper, set_helper)
def init(self, source):
return self.cls(**source)
class _ListProperty(_Property):
A list of SPDX properties
def __init__(self, prop, **kwargs):
self.prop = prop
def set_property(self, attrs, name):
def get_helper(obj):
if not name in obj._spdx:
obj._spdx[name] = []
return obj._spdx[name]
def set_helper(obj, value):
obj._spdx[name] = list(value)
def del_helper(obj):
del obj._spdx[name]
attrs[name] = property(get_helper, set_helper, del_helper)
def init(self, source):
return [self.prop.init(o) for o in source]
class _StringList(_ListProperty):
A list of strings as a property for an SPDX object
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super().__init__(_String(), **kwargs)
class _ObjectList(_ListProperty):
A list of SPDX objects as a property for an SPDX object
def __init__(self, cls, **kwargs):
super().__init__(_Object(cls), **kwargs)
class MetaSPDXObject(type):
A metaclass that allows properties (anything derived from a _Property
class) to be defined for a SPDX object
def __new__(mcls, name, bases, attrs):
attrs["_properties"] = {}
for key in attrs.keys():
if isinstance(attrs[key], _Property):
prop = attrs[key]
attrs["_properties"][key] = prop
prop.set_property(attrs, key)
return super().__new__(mcls, name, bases, attrs)
class SPDXObject(metaclass=MetaSPDXObject):
The base SPDX object; all SPDX spec classes must derive from this class
def __init__(self, **d):
self._spdx = {}
for name, prop in self._properties.items():
prop.setdefault(self._spdx, name)
if name in d:
self._spdx[name] = prop.init(d[name])
def serializer(self):
return self._spdx
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name in self._properties or name == "_spdx":
super().__setattr__(name, value)
raise KeyError("%r is not a valid SPDX property" % name)
# These are the SPDX objects implemented from the spec. The *only* properties
# that can be added to these objects are ones directly specified in the SPDX
# spec, however you may add helper functions to make operations easier.
# Defaults should *only* be specified if the SPDX spec says there is a certain
# required value for a field (e.g. dataLicense), or if the field is mandatory
# and has some sane "this field is unknown" (e.g. "NOASSERTION")
class SPDXAnnotation(SPDXObject):
annotationDate = _String()
annotationType = _String()
annotator = _String()
comment = _String()
class SPDXChecksum(SPDXObject):
algorithm = _String()
checksumValue = _String()
class SPDXRelationship(SPDXObject):
spdxElementId = _String()
relatedSpdxElement = _String()
relationshipType = _String()
comment = _String()
annotations = _ObjectList(SPDXAnnotation)
class SPDXExternalReference(SPDXObject):
referenceCategory = _String()
referenceType = _String()
referenceLocator = _String()
class SPDXPackageVerificationCode(SPDXObject):
packageVerificationCodeValue = _String()
packageVerificationCodeExcludedFiles = _StringList()
class SPDXPackage(SPDXObject):
name = _String()
SPDXID = _String()
versionInfo = _String()
downloadLocation = _String(default="NOASSERTION")
supplier = _String(default="NOASSERTION")
homepage = _String()
licenseConcluded = _String(default="NOASSERTION")
licenseDeclared = _String(default="NOASSERTION")
summary = _String()
description = _String()
sourceInfo = _String()
copyrightText = _String(default="NOASSERTION")
licenseInfoFromFiles = _StringList(default=["NOASSERTION"])
externalRefs = _ObjectList(SPDXExternalReference)
packageVerificationCode = _Object(SPDXPackageVerificationCode)
hasFiles = _StringList()
packageFileName = _String()
annotations = _ObjectList(SPDXAnnotation)
checksums = _ObjectList(SPDXChecksum)
class SPDXFile(SPDXObject):
SPDXID = _String()
fileName = _String()
licenseConcluded = _String(default="NOASSERTION")
copyrightText = _String(default="NOASSERTION")
licenseInfoInFiles = _StringList(default=["NOASSERTION"])
checksums = _ObjectList(SPDXChecksum)
fileTypes = _StringList()
class SPDXCreationInfo(SPDXObject):
created = _String()
licenseListVersion = _String()
comment = _String()
creators = _StringList()
class SPDXExternalDocumentRef(SPDXObject):
externalDocumentId = _String()
spdxDocument = _String()
checksum = _Object(SPDXChecksum)
class SPDXExtractedLicensingInfo(SPDXObject):
name = _String()
comment = _String()
licenseId = _String()
extractedText = _String()
class SPDXDocument(SPDXObject):
spdxVersion = _String(default="SPDX-" + SPDX_VERSION)
dataLicense = _String(default="CC0-1.0")
SPDXID = _String(default="SPDXRef-DOCUMENT")
name = _String()
documentNamespace = _String()
creationInfo = _Object(SPDXCreationInfo)
packages = _ObjectList(SPDXPackage)
files = _ObjectList(SPDXFile)
relationships = _ObjectList(SPDXRelationship)
externalDocumentRefs = _ObjectList(SPDXExternalDocumentRef)
hasExtractedLicensingInfos = _ObjectList(SPDXExtractedLicensingInfo)
def __init__(self, **d):
def to_json(self, f, *, sort_keys=False, indent=None, separators=None):
class Encoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, o):
if isinstance(o, SPDXObject):
return o.serializer()
return super().default(o)
sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
for chunk in Encoder(
chunk = chunk.encode("utf-8")
return sha1.hexdigest()
def from_json(cls, f):
return cls(**json.load(f))
def add_relationship(self, _from, relationship, _to, *, comment=None, annotation=None):
if isinstance(_from, SPDXObject):
from_spdxid = _from.SPDXID
from_spdxid = _from
if isinstance(_to, SPDXObject):
to_spdxid = _to.SPDXID
to_spdxid = _to
r = SPDXRelationship(
if comment is not None:
r.comment = comment
if annotation is not None:
def find_by_spdxid(self, spdxid):
for o in itertools.chain(self.packages, self.files):
if o.SPDXID == spdxid:
return o
return None
def find_external_document_ref(self, namespace):
for r in self.externalDocumentRefs:
if r.spdxDocument == namespace:
return r
return None