| SUMMARY = "VirGL virtual OpenGL renderer" |
| DESCRIPTION = "Virgil is a research project to investigate the possibility of \ |
| creating a virtual 3D GPU for use inside qemu virtual machines, that allows \ |
| the guest operating system to use the capabilities of the host GPU to \ |
| accelerate 3D rendering." |
| HOMEPAGE = "https://virgil3d.github.io/" |
| |
| LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=c81c08eeefd9418fca8f88309a76db10" |
| |
| DEPENDS = "libdrm libepoxy virtual/egl virtual/libgbm" |
| SRCREV = "9c9d55ecbe502e0d71ee99529709efcca69aac42" |
| SRC_URI = "git://gitlab.freedesktop.org/virgl/virglrenderer.git;branch=main;protocol=https \ |
| file://0001-meson.build-use-python3-directly-for-python.patch \ |
| file://0001-vtest-Fix-undefined-behavior-with-clang.patch \ |
| " |
| |
| S = "${WORKDIR}/git" |
| |
| inherit meson pkgconfig features_check |
| |
| PACKAGECONFIG ?= "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'vulkan', 'venus', '', d)}" |
| |
| PACKAGECONFIG[venus] = "-Dvenus=true,-Dvenus=false,vulkan-loader vulkan-headers" |
| PACKAGECONFIG[va] = "-Dvideo=true,-Dvideo=false,libva" |
| PACKAGECONFIG[render-server] = "-Drender-server=true,-Drender-server=false" |
| PACKAGECONFIG[drm-msm-experimental] = "-Ddrm-msm-experimental=true,-Ddrm-msm-experimental=false" |
| PACKAGECONFIG[minigbm_allocation] = "-Dminigbm_allocation=true,-Dminigbm_allocation=false" |
| PACKAGECONFIG[venus-validate] = "-Dvenus-validate=true,-Dvenus-validate=false" |
| PACKAGECONFIG[tests] = "-Dtests=true,-Dtests=false,libcheck" |
| |
| BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk" |
| |