blob: f237191d5fd74cdc7179307ec8f4c8afcd63e03f [file] [log] [blame]
SUMMARY = "VA-API support to GStreamer"
DESCRIPTION = "gstreamer-vaapi consists of a collection of VA-API \
based plugins for GStreamer and helper libraries: `vaapidecode', \
`vaapiconvert', and `vaapisink'."
REALPN = "gstreamer-vaapi"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING.LIB;md5=4fbd65380cdd255951079008b364516c"
SRC_URI = "${REALPN}/${REALPN}-${PV}.tar.xz"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "8c7b2c74fda095d83dea67accde6a68ba9f608d97ed969fdcf278930f9b1c7c0"
S = "${WORKDIR}/${REALPN}-${PV}"
DEPENDS = "libva gstreamer1.0 gstreamer1.0-plugins-base gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad"
inherit meson pkgconfig features_check upstream-version-is-even
-Ddoc=disabled \
-Dexamples=disabled \
-Dtests=enabled \
PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-tests"
# OpenGL packageconfig factored out to make it easy for distros
# and BSP layers to pick either glx, egl, or no GL. By default,
# try detecting X11 first, and if found (with OpenGL), use GLX,
# otherwise try to check if EGL can be used.
PACKAGECONFIG_GL ?= "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'x11 opengl', 'glx', \
bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'opengl', 'egl', \
'', d), d)}"
PACKAGECONFIG ??= "drm encoders \
${@bb.utils.filter('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'wayland x11', d)}"
PACKAGECONFIG[drm] = "-Dwith_drm=yes,-Dwith_drm=no,udev libdrm"
PACKAGECONFIG[egl] = "-Dwith_egl=yes,-Dwith_egl=no,virtual/egl"
PACKAGECONFIG[encoders] = "-Dwith_encoders=yes,-Dwith_encoders=no"
PACKAGECONFIG[glx] = "-Dwith_glx=yes,-Dwith_glx=no,virtual/libgl"
PACKAGECONFIG[wayland] = "-Dwith_wayland=yes,-Dwith_wayland=no,wayland-native wayland wayland-protocols"
PACKAGECONFIG[x11] = "-Dwith_x11=yes,-Dwith_x11=no,virtual/libx11 libxrandr libxrender"
FILES_${PN} += "${libdir}/gstreamer-*/*.so"
FILES_${PN}-dbg += "${libdir}/gstreamer-*/.debug"
FILES_${PN}-dev += "${libdir}/gstreamer-*/*.a"
FILES_${PN}-tests = "${bindir}/*"