blob: 6cf26898f641fe2ae2ea6a4b0b4398d0d8a9b372 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <http_response.hpp>
inline void addSecurityHeaders(const crow::Request& req [[maybe_unused]],
crow::Response& res)
TODO(ed) these should really check content types. for example,
X-UA-Compatible header doesn't make sense when retrieving a JSON or
javascript file. It doesn't hurt anything, it's just ugly.
using bf = boost::beast::http::field;
res.addHeader(bf::strict_transport_security, "max-age=31536000; "
"includeSubdomains; "
res.addHeader(bf::x_frame_options, "DENY");
res.addHeader(bf::pragma, "no-cache");
res.addHeader(bf::cache_control, "no-Store,no-Cache");
res.addHeader("X-XSS-Protection", "1; "
res.addHeader("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff");
if (!bmcwebInsecureDisableXssPrevention)
res.addHeader("Content-Security-Policy", "default-src 'none'; "
"img-src 'self' data:; "
"font-src 'self'; "
"style-src 'self'; "
"script-src 'self'; "
"connect-src 'self' wss:; "
"form-action 'none'; "
"frame-ancestors 'none'; "
"plugin-types 'none'; "
"base-uri 'none' ");
// The KVM currently needs to load images from base64 encoded
// strings. img-src 'self' data: is used to allow that.
// y-data-not-working-for-base64-images-in-chrome-28
// If XSS is disabled, we need to allow loading from addresses other
// than self, as the BMC will be hosted elsewhere.
res.addHeader("Content-Security-Policy", "default-src 'none'; "
"img-src *; "
"font-src *; "
"style-src *; "
"script-src *; "
"connect-src *; "
"form-action *; "
"frame-ancestors *; "
"plugin-types *; "
"base-uri *");
const std::string_view origin = req.getHeaderValue("Origin");
res.addHeader(bf::access_control_allow_origin, origin);
res.addHeader(bf::access_control_allow_methods, "GET, "
"POST, "
"PUT, "
res.addHeader(bf::access_control_allow_credentials, "true");
res.addHeader(bf::access_control_allow_headers, "Origin, "
"Content-Type, "
"Accept, "
"Cookie, "