blob: 4d9b5540ad1152147d26d6680fbceae6da53e4fe [file] [log] [blame]
SUMMARY = "IBM's Software TPM 2.0 TSS"
DESCRIPTION = "This is a user space TSS for TPM 2.0. It implements the \
functionality equivalent to (but not API compatible with) the TCG TSS \
working group's ESAPI, SAPI, and TCTI API's (and perhaps more) but with a \
hopefully simpler interface. \
It comes with over 110 'TPM tools' samples that can be used for scripted \
apps, rapid prototyping, education, and debugging. \
It also comes with a web based TPM interface, suitable for a demo to an \
audience that is unfamiliar with TCG technology. It is also useful for \
basic TPM management."
SECTION = "securty/tpm"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=1e023f61454ac828b4aa1bc4293f7d5f"
DEPENDS = "openssl ibmswtpm2"
inherit autotools pkgconfig
SRCREV = "3e736f712ba53c8f06e66751f60fae428fd2e20f"
SRC_URI = " git://;nobranch=1 \
file:// \
EXTRA_OECONF = "--disable-tpm-1.2"
S = "${WORKDIR}/git"