blob: 1a3e0dd4afedc291186ecf4a1f3f5da1de3425a3 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "config.h"
#include "sync_manager.hpp"
#include <sys/inotify.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <phosphor-logging/lg2.hpp>
#include <filesystem>
namespace phosphor
namespace software
namespace manager
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
int Sync::processEntry(int mask, const fs::path& entryPath)
int status{};
pid_t pid = fork();
if (pid == 0)
fs::path dst(ALT_RWFS);
dst /= entryPath.relative_path();
// rsync needs an additional --delete argument to handle file deletions
// so need to differentiate between the different file events.
if (mask & IN_CLOSE_WRITE)
if (!(fs::exists(dst)))
if (fs::is_directory(entryPath))
// Source is a directory, create it at the destination.
// Source is a file, create the directory where this file
// resides at the destination.
execl("/usr/bin/rsync", "rsync", "-a", entryPath.c_str(),
dst.c_str(), nullptr);
// execl only returns on fail
error("Error ({ERRNO}) occurred during the rsync call on {PATH}",
"ERRNO", errno, "PATH", entryPath);
return -1;
else if (mask & IN_DELETE)
execl("/usr/bin/rsync", "rsync", "-a", "--delete",
entryPath.c_str(), dst.c_str(), nullptr);
// execl only returns on fail
"Error ({ERRNO}) occurred during the rsync delete call on {PATH}",
"ERRNO", errno, "PATH", entryPath);
return -1;
else if (pid > 0)
waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
error("Error ({ERRNO}) occurred during fork", "ERRNO", errno);
return -1;
return 0;
} // namespace manager
} // namespace software
} // namespace phosphor