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* Copyright © 2020 IBM Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
* @namespace pmbus_utils
* Contains utilities for sending PMBus commands over an I2C interface.
namespace phosphor::power::regulators::pmbus_utils
* PMBus command codes.
* The constant names are all uppercase to match the PMBus documentation.
* Only the commands that are currently used by this application are defined.
* See the PMBus documentation for all valid command codes.
const uint8_t VOUT_MODE{0x20u};
const uint8_t VOUT_COMMAND{0x21u};
* Data formats for output voltage.
* These formats are used for commanding and reading output voltage and related
* parameters.
enum class VoutDataFormat
* Linear scale that uses a two byte unsigned binary integer with a scaling
* factor.
* Format that supports transmitting VID codes.
* Direct format that uses an equation and device supplied coefficients.
* Half-precision floating point format that follows the IEEE-754 standard
* for representing magnitudes in 16 bits.
* Parse the one byte value of the VOUT_MODE command.
* VOUT_MODE contains a 'mode' field that indicates the data format used for
* output voltage values.
* VOUT_MODE also contains a 'parameter' field whose value is dependent on the
* data format:
* - Linear format: value is an exponent
* - VID format: value is a VID code
* - IEEE and Direct formats: value is not used
* @param voutModeValue one byte value of VOUT_MODE command
* @param format data format from the 'mode' field
* @param parameter parameter value from the 'parameter' field
void parseVoutMode(uint8_t voutModeValue, VoutDataFormat& format,
int8_t& parameter);
* Converts a volts value to the linear data format for output voltage.
* This data format consists of the following:
* - Two byte value
* - 16-bit unsigned mantissa value stored in the two bytes
* - 5-bit signed exponent value that is not stored in the two bytes
* The exponent value is typically obtained from the PMBus VOUT_MODE command
* or from the hardware device documentation (data sheet).
* Note that this format differs from the linear data format for values
* unrelated to output voltage.
* @param volts volts value to convert; must not be negative
* @param exponent 5-bit signed exponent used to convert value
* @return linear data format value
inline uint16_t convertToVoutLinear(double volts, int8_t exponent)
// Obtain mantissa using equation 'mantissa = volts / 2^exponent'
double mantissa = volts / std::pow(2.0, static_cast<double>(exponent));
// Return the mantissa value after converting to a rounded uint16_t
return static_cast<uint16_t>(std::lround(mantissa));
} // namespace phosphor::power::regulators::pmbus_utils