blob: add6b9023a5735aa5e43c76ac4b50a15c44029db [file] [log] [blame]
#include <sdeventplus/internal/sdref.hpp>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
namespace sdeventplus
namespace internal
template <typename T>
SdRef<T>::SdRef(T* ref, Func take_ref, Func release_ref,
const SdEvent* sdevent) :
SdRef(take_ref(sdevent, ref), take_ref, release_ref, std::false_type(),
template <typename T>
SdRef<T>::SdRef(T* ref, Func take_ref, Func release_ref, std::false_type,
const SdEvent* sdevent) :
take_ref(take_ref), release_ref(release_ref), ref(ref)
template <typename T>
SdRef<T>::SdRef(const SdRef& other) :
SdRef(other.ref, other.take_ref, other.release_ref, other.sdevent)
template <typename T>
SdRef<T>& SdRef<T>::operator=(const SdRef& other)
if (this != &other)
// release_ref will be invalid if moved
if (release_ref)
release_ref(sdevent, ref);
sdevent = other.sdevent;
take_ref = other.take_ref;
release_ref = other.release_ref;
ref = take_ref(sdevent, other.ref);
return *this;
template <typename T>
SdRef<T>::SdRef(SdRef&& other) :
sdevent(std::move(other.sdevent)), take_ref(std::move(other.take_ref)),
release_ref(std::move(other.release_ref)), ref(std::move(other.ref))
other.ref = nullptr;
template <typename T>
SdRef<T>& SdRef<T>::operator=(SdRef&& other)
if (this != &other)
// release_ref will be invalid if move
if (release_ref)
release_ref(sdevent, ref);
sdevent = std::move(other.sdevent);
take_ref = std::move(other.take_ref);
release_ref = std::move(other.release_ref);
ref = std::move(other.ref);
other.ref = nullptr;
return *this;
template <typename T>
// release_ref will be invalid after a move
if (release_ref)
release_ref(sdevent, ref);
template <typename T>
SdRef<T>::operator bool() const
return ref != nullptr;
template <typename T>
T* SdRef<T>::get() const
return ref;
template class SdRef<sd_event>;
template class SdRef<sd_event_source>;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace sdeventplus