blob: e45cf4649fe4d656500c95867b3c51f6aa67ed87 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <chrono>
#include <functional>
#include <optional>
#include <sdeventplus/clock.hpp>
#include <sdeventplus/event.hpp>
#include <sdeventplus/source/time.hpp>
namespace sdeventplus
namespace utility
/** @class Timer<Id>
* @brief A simple, repeating timer around an sd_event time source
* @details Adds a timer to the SdEvent loop that runs a user defined callback
* at specified intervals. If no interval is provided to the timer,
* it can be used for oneshot actions. Besides running callbacks, the
* timer tracks whether or not it has expired since creation or since
* the last clearExpired() or restart(). The concept of expiration is
* orthogonal to the callback mechanism and can be ignored.
* See example/{heartbeat_timer,delayed_echo}.cpp for usage examples.
template <ClockId Id>
class Timer
/** @brief Type used to represent a time duration for the timer
* interval or time remaining.
using Duration = typename Clock<Id>::duration;
/** @brief Type of the user provided callback function when the
* timer elapses.
using Callback = std::function<void(Timer<Id>&)>;
Timer(const Timer& other) = delete;
Timer(Timer&& other);
Timer& operator=(const Timer& other) = delete;
Timer& operator=(Timer&& other);
virtual ~Timer() = default;
/** @brief Creates a new timer on the given event loop.
* This timer is created enabled by default if passed an interval.
* @param[in] event - The event we are attaching to
* @param[in] callback - The user provided callback run when elapsing
* This can be empty
* @param[in] interval - Optional amount of time in-between timer
* expirations. std::nullopt means the interval
* will be provided later.
* @param[in] accuracy - Optional amount of error tolerable in timer
* expiration. Defaults to 1ms.
* @throws SdEventError for underlying sd_event errors
Timer(const Event& event, Callback&& callback,
std::optional<Duration> interval = std::nullopt,
typename source::Time<Id>::Accuracy accuracy =
/** @brief Gets the associated Event object
* @return The Event
const Event& get_event() const;
/** @brief Has the timer expired since creation or reset of expiration
* state.
* @return True if expired, false otherwise
bool hasExpired() const;
/** @brief Is the timer currently running on the event loop.
* @throws SdEventError for underlying sd_event errors
* @return True if running, false otherwise
bool isEnabled() const;
/** @brief Gets interval between timer expirations
* The timer may not have a configured interval and is instead
* operating as a one-shot timer.
* @return The interval as an std::chrono::duration
std::optional<Duration> getInterval() const;
/** @brief Gets time left before the timer expirations
* @throws std::runtime_error if the timer is not enabled
* @throws SdEventError for underlying sd_event errors
* @return The remaining time as an std::chrono::duration
Duration getRemaining() const;
/** @brief Sets whether or not the timer is running on the event loop
* This does not alter the expiration time of the timer.
* @param[in] enabled - Should the timer be enabled or disabled
* @throws std::runtime_error If the timer has not been initialized
* @throws SdEventError for underlying sd_event errors
void setEnabled(bool enabled);
/** @brief Sets the amount of time left until the timer expires.
* This does not affect the interval used for subsequent runs.
* @param[in] remaining - The new amount of time left on the timer
* @throws SdEventError for underlying sd_event errors
void setRemaining(Duration remaining);
/** @brief Resets the amount of time left to the interval of the timer.
* @throws SdEventError for underlying sd_event errors
void resetRemaining();
/** @brief Sets the interval of the timer for future timer expirations.
* This does not alter the current expiration time of the timer.
* @param[in] interval - The new interval for the timer
void setInterval(std::optional<Duration> interval);
/** @brief Resets the expired status of the timer. */
void clearExpired();
/** @brief Restarts the timer as though it has been completely
* re-initialized. Expired status is reset, interval is updated,
* time remaining is set to the new interval, and the timer is
* enabled if the interval is populated.
* @param[in] interval - The new interval for the timer
* @throws SdEventError for underlying sd_event errors
void restart(std::optional<Duration> interval);
/** @brief Restarts the timer as though it has been completely
* re-initialized. Expired status is reset, interval is removed,
* time remaining is set to the new remaining, and the timer is
* enabled as a one shot.
* @param[in] interval - The new interval for the timer
* @throws SdEventError for underlying sd_event errors
void restartOnce(Duration remaining);
/** @brief Tracks the expiration status of the timer */
bool expired;
/** @brief Tracks whether or not the expiration timeout is valid */
bool initialized;
/** @brief User defined callback run on each expiration */
Callback callback;
/** @brief Clock used for updating the time source */
Clock<Id> clock;
/** @brief Interval between each timer expiration */
std::optional<Duration> interval;
/** @brief Underlying sd_event time source that backs the timer */
source::Time<Id> timeSource;
/** @brief Used as a helper to run our user defined callback on the
* timeSource
void internalCallback(source::Time<Id>&,
typename source::Time<Id>::TimePoint);
} // namespace utility
} // namespace sdeventplus